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A question for all the ladies

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  • A question for all the ladies

    Okay this is a question for the ladies. Do you notice(depending on your age) that it seems to be the middle aged,soccer mom,and rich old bitches that treat you badly. I never seem to have too many problems with men/boys,other then they flirt. I work at a university and believe it or not that I don't have problems with college girls. Its always the metioned above women. I don't know if they think I'm really younger(I'm 29) then I am. I've been told that I look like I'm maybe 17-18 years old.So what your thoughts?

  • #2
    I look young, and some customers have made condescending comments, thinking I'm younger then I actually am. But I don't they have ever been made by a lady in particular. Sure some ladies are real bitches, but I think some people just suck in general.


    • #3
      Given the nature of my job, I get A LOT of that type of woman.

      The suck comes about 50/50. They're either the absolute nicest people or they wish to kill me with their eyes.
      Would you like a Stummies?


      • #4
        I get the suckage from both genders of all age groups. Although moreso with the under 30 crowd since the world revolves around them and only them. *eyeroll*
        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


        • #5
          I haven't noticed a gender disparity in the awful ones; enough money just turns some people into jerks, I guess. The older they are, it seems, the higher the percentage of jerky ones overall. The combination of being a cranky retiree and having craploads of money can be just lethal as far as treating people like me as human beings for a noticeable percentage.


          • #6
            honestly, there is no age that I get the 'negative' treatment. I work in a relatively friendly area that is pretty wealthy, though there are plenty of blue-collar types as well. Everyone seems to treat me fairly well.

            Heck, I get hit on by the teenagers and college guys because they think I am their age. Even a new guy we hired (who's 19) started to flirt with me and he asked me about what school I go to, etc. He was shocked when I told him I graduated high school nearly a decade ago.

            and I will be 28 in less than a month...
            "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


            • #7
              Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
              I get the suckage from both genders of all age groups.
              Although it seems like the 40+ people are the worst because their life is ruined by having to listen to some young whippersnapper talk to them about all this newfangled technology crap.


              • #8
                there's suck from both genders, though I have noticed most of the suck I've encountered was from the 40+ crowd, pry because I'm 18. But, most of my sucky encounters have, I guess involved middle aged women.

                A product won't scan, so as I try getting it to work, I try to make a little light hearted humor about it not scanning and the lady says in a snide and condescending tone, "If it's sooo much trouble, then I don't want it!" I thought, need to be so bitchy about it.

                Another time we had this deal where you buy three greeting cards and you get a free candle. Well, the candle wasn't scanning for some. the following ensued.

                SC:Ohthat'sfree! It'sfreewiththecards!
                Me:I know, ma'am, but I need to scan it-
                Me: (getting annoyed by her interupting me) Yes. Ma'am, I know that. B-
                SC: It'sfree!
                Me: (getting pretty ticked off because this lady is now talking ni a tone that indicates she thinks I'm an idiot. I heaved a sigh and tried again to explain) I know ma'am, but I have to scan it-
                SC: No. You. Don't! It's FREE with those cards! Don't give me an attitude! It's FREE!

                At this point I roll my eyes, which pry wasn't the wisest thing to do, but the lady was refusing to let me finish a sentence and then yelled at me for having an attitude.

                I called a manager to have him deal with it. What was I trying to say? "I have to scan it so our database knows that the item has left the store, otherwise it'll show we're short one and you'll have technically stolen it."

                sorry for the hijack.
                We Pick Up the Pieces


                • #9
                  Suckitude tends to spread itself across genders and incomes, but what's interesting is that the profile of the SCs tends to vary by job, in my personal experience and witness thus far.

                  Example: A friend of mine works at a computer and electronics store. Their suckiest customers are usually spoiled brats who drag Daddy in to buy them the latest phone or game system, and the elderly people who hiss and spit at them for not making the technology easier.

                  At a theme park I used to draw caricatures at, our suckiest customers were the huge groups who would stop by our stall and want to know why our prices were so high, (they weren't) and if they could get more of their children jammed into one drawing so as to pay for less. Then they'd snap at us for telling them we charge for the number of people we have to draw, not the number of sheets of paper used.
                  "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                  • #10
                    I think it depends on where you are and what business it is. Personally, I see suck everywhere but the two largest groups for me are the barely legal girls and snowboarders.

                    Older women, sometimes will suck (I'm 40, for reference) and give the attitude that they know best. Older men are usually the best behaved. The very old will sometimes come in with an EW attitude.

                    Young, barely able to drive without an adult, girls though always tend to have bitchy attitudes regardless and I've had this impression of them for over 20 years. And snowboarders are the absolute worst. No offense to anyone who snowboards, it's usually the barely legal age as well but they are the ones I've caught shoplifting the most, coming in drunk and stoned, rude and obnoxious, foul language, verbally abusive, completely lacking in respect for anyone but themselves, etc. I absolutely dread winter because of them and they're the main reason for the surveillance system.

                    Another group that sucks are locals in my parents age bracket. It's a family business but my husband and myself are the two who have worked it the most, made the decisions and shoulder 90% of anything regarding the business for the last 15 years including finances. And people still treat us like we were given jobs by our parents. That has to be the most infuriating thing ever. If it weren't for us, neither set of parents could have handled it and one set we brought in after opening. This group just can't see that two "kids" (I was late 20's when we started and my husband is a few years younger) could possibly be the main responsibility here.

                    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                    • #11
                      The really old people at my store tend to be extremely nice. They're usually buying for their children or grandchildren though, and seem to know the nicer they are, the more accurately I can help them.

                      Like I said, the soccor moms tend to be 50/50, and besides the occasional popped collar Madden douche (not saying all of our sports-game customers suck, but the flashy pretty boy type tend to) most of the college boys are more than happy to see a girl behind the counter and appreciate my cynicism (which I will only use around them). Most of the young kids we get are little terrors, though one time I caught this one kid around 10-11 trying to help me straighten up our PC section. He got a free T-shirt, and when his mom came in I let her know how helpful he was...she looked very proud.

                      I think it really does vary from job to job, since the main customer base varies.
                      Would you like a Stummies?


                      • #12
                        Quoth SuperB View Post
                        Older women, sometimes will suck
                        Well you know, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

                        Sorry...just couldn't resist that one.
                        Last edited by Lone Wolf; 09-07-2008, 11:02 PM.
                        "In nature, stupidity is a capital crime; judgement is absolutely impartial, there is no process for an appeal, and the sentence is carried out immediately." -- Anon


                        • #13
                          In my job it's typically elderly men who are the worst. They'll call to tell us they are watching strangers outside acting suspicious. At the end of the call I'll tell them "we'll send an officer to check it out" and they flip and start ranting about how cops are so lazy and never do anything for people.

                          Then there are the young 20-somethings who call in and demand "Send an officer to my house now!! Someone is dying!! *click*" Huh... no can do kemo sabe, you called from a cell phone and left no address. (Yes we try to call them back, but then the cell is usually disconnected, or they just don't answer)

                          I think Middle aged women are mostly decent towards us because they assume that all the dispatchers in the office are roughly their same age.
                          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                          ...Beware the voice without a face...


                          • #14
                            On my end, it could be from senior citizens,teens, and moms.

                            I get the seniors telling me how to do my job, just because I am so much younger than they are. The teens are laughing at me because I am working at a fast food place. Mom just get irritated very easily and everything has to be "just right for their wittle pweciouses." The toy has to be right and everything.

                            Although, seniors can be the sweetest people ever, especially the ladies. The elderly men can be very amusing. One time, when I got off of work with my much needed cup of coffee, an elderly couple who comes in everyday for coffee, asked me to sit with them and chatted with me about my schooling,after school functions, and what I plan on doing for college.
                            "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                            I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                            • #15
                              Plaidman is not a man. Otherwise I'd be called Plaidwoman. But Plaidman gets lots of insults. Mostly on my eyes. People shun me because of my eyes. But the customers Plaidman likes are nice.

                              Also: Plaidman is mostly nice. Til your jackassy to him first. Then I kill in my head.
                              Military Spouse Support.
                              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

