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Stupid woman this morning

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  • Stupid woman this morning

    Thankfully I don't get too many of these, now I have no customers, yay.

    Obviously names have been changed SP = Sucky Patient.

    ring ring...
    SP: I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr Who, please.
    Me: Certainly, how soon do you need an appointment? It looks as though he has a cancellation Monday.
    SP: I need an appointment on a Friday.
    Me: I'm afraid Dr Who only has a clinic on Mondays and Wednesdays. *Looks through computer* Actually you're in luck, he's running an extra clinic 2 weeks Friday, would you like an appointment then?
    SP: I'm on holiday that date.
    Me: Well I can offer you an appointment on a Monday or Wednesday then.
    SP: I NEED one on a Friday, are you not listening?
    Me: I'm afraid he doesn't have a clinic Fridays, perhaps you could consider going private? I'll find his private secretaries number for you.
    SP: I'm not paying to go private, thats why I'm ringing you, now, what are you going to sort out for me?
    Me: Perhaps you could see Dr Seuss instead, he runs a clinic Fridays, he...
    SP: *interrupts* NO! I NEED TO SEE DR WHO! I explained that at the beginning! *starts tutting*
    Me: You will have to see him on a Monday or Wednesday then.
    SP: Look young lady, I WILL see him on a Friday and you WILL sort it for me!
    Me: *getting annoyed now* I've offered you an appointment on a Friday which you are unable to make. I've offered you several appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays which you are unable to make. I've offered you the chance to see him privately on a Friday. I've offered you an appointment with an equivalent doctor. I'm sorry but I don't see what else I can do for you.
    SP: Just make me a f***ing appointment with Dr f***ing Who on a f***ing Friday, is it so f***ing hard???

    I have to say I hung up on her at that point. What an idiot, this is the NHS, she's lucky she's getting offered an appointment at all ;p

  • #2
    Nice language for a lady...wait...I forgot what board I'm on.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      I have a mean streak. I'd make the appointment. When she showed up, I'd let her wait until she complained, then just shrug and say "Well I did tell you he doesn't come in on Fridays".


      • #4
        If she calls back, inform her that the Monday appointment has been filled already and she's just basically screwed now.


        • #5
          [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]LMAO you should have scheduled her.. .

          and when she came in and realized it was closed
          O WELL!!!
          It not your personality....

          Its your face.


          • #6
            Quoth One-Fang View Post
            I have a mean streak. I'd make the appointment. When she showed up, I'd let her wait until she complained, then just shrug and say "Well I did tell you he doesn't come in on Fridays".
            Now that's awesome. I might even pay to see that.
            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
            - Bill Watterson

            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
            - IPF

