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Short list o' suckies from Tuesday (Holy crap, not as long as usual!!)

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  • Short list o' suckies from Tuesday (Holy crap, not as long as usual!!)

    Mk, so I’ve actually not been allowed to deal with customers for the last few days, hence, no sucky customer stories. That changed yesterday. Hoo boy, I kinda wish I was still in exile to the back room…

    Anyhoo, all the following tales are suck from yesterday. I would’ve worked today, but I got called back to my doctor today. To all of those who sent me well wishes, THANK YOU! And my test results came back negative for cancer. There’s another problem in play that was causing all the problems, but the treatment is less expensive, and should, in theory, clear things up within a month or two. Now that that’s out of the way, onto the suck!!

    Please blink, you’re creeping me out here…
    Had a girl come in wanting to do a refund. Told her no dice because it’s WAY past the return deadline, and throughout the conversation, she just kept staring at me. Without blinking. Kinda looked like a fish, actually, but it was creeeeeepy. And got even creepier the ruder she became.

    SC: You mean there’s nothing you can do for me?
    Me: No, ma’am, I’m sorry, but your receipt states the refund deadline was the first of September. Today is the ninth. I can’t help you.
    SC: That’s ridiculous! I dropped the class, what am I supposed to do with the books!?
    Me: You could try selling them back.
    SC: Oh, right, so you can give me $2! No f*cking way!
    Me: I’m sorry ma’am, those are your only options. (going on at least two minutes here, with no blinking…)
    SC: <Snarls something else for another few minutes, but I’m too busy trying to see if she’s finally going to blink. But noooo, she just keeps glaring with those bulbous eyes…>
    Me: Ma’am, I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do about these books, now if you have another question I’d be happy to help you, but if not, I have to help the next customer in line.
    SC: And now you’re trying to push me away. Your customer service is insurmountable!
    Me: Er…I’m…sorry…? (I think that’s the first time I’ve been told that…)
    SC: <Storms out with the books, then comes back in without them. She ends up buying something else and going through my CW’s line. At which point she snarls out loud when told her total> That’s right, rip me off for more money! What a WONDERFUL company this is!
    CW: Er…have a nice day…?

    And SC exits stage left.

    CW: Dude…did she ever blink for you??
    Me: glub glub, Mr. Limpet...

    Can I get an amen from the congregation??
    Dear Mr. Hobo preacher in the parking lot.

    Telling my customers you’re working for a nonprofit organization helping drug addicts is commendable. Really. Asking for donations also understandable, since it’s nonprofit. However, demanding money from college students is uncool. Now, on top of that, when asked if you literature and all you can provide is ONE laminated card that no one is allowed to read through or take with them to possible donate in the future, reeks of scam. And when called on the scam, ranting that everyone is going to hell and jumping up and down while waving a bible isn’t going to endear you to everyone. Coming into the store to do the same is only going to earn my ire and a phone call to my favorite cop.

    Don’t worry, the police will listen to your spiel. And they’ll cheerfully donate their time to voluntarily escort you to your car. Have fun. And good luck with everything. I truly mean that.

    So sorry my injury impedes your shopping…
    I think I’ve mentioned before I’m something of a klutz, and manage to injure myself in interesting ways.

    So, this woman comes in and wants to see what a flag looks like that we sell. I point her to the display as I’m breaking down boxes from an order I’d just unloaded. Now, these boxes had apparently these industrial strength staples and I caught my thumb on the edge of one and tore the skin pretty badly. It started bleeding.

    So, I tell the SC I’ll be back, gotta go clean up and she throws a FIT

    SC: NONONONONO!! You’re HELPING ME! You HAVE TO HELP ME. It’s good customer service!!!
    Me: Ma’am, I’m bleeding! I have to go clean up. <I walk away at this point and she follows me! Still ranting about my HAVING to help her>

    One of my CWs intervened, and when I went for the first aid kit, I could STILL hear her ranting. Blegh.

    …Didn’t need to see that…
    Had a woman come into the store with a male friend. Now, she’s on our watch list of people. As in suspicious, but no grounds to ban her or have her leave/call cops. Just when she’s in the store, people have to keep an eye out. So, when the two immediately head over to me and have me help the guy while she slinks off, a CW comes over and helps him so I can follow her nonchalantly. As in, pretend to shelve books while following her. She strikes up a conversation and pulls random books, then proclaims she doesn’t have money to pay for them, and can we hold them for her? I say yes, until Friday, and then she starts babbling.

    SC: See, I had books on hold before but couldn’t come get ‘em.
    Me: Well, we’ll hold these until Friday and—
    SC: <Talks over me> an’ then I decided to come back and put them on hold again since I couldn’t come get ‘em last time cuz I had abdominal surgery! (And she LIFTS UP HER SHIRT TO HER NECK TO SHOW ME!) See?
    Me: Oh gods, put it away, put it away!!

    And she just…ambles off afterwards, picking up her partner, druggie boy, and they exit.

    Seriously, WTH?? Didn’t need that seared into my brain. Please…brain bleach…by all that’s holy… It buuuuuuuuurns!!

    And those are the main instances of suck. I only worked 4 hours yesterday. So, yes, that’s done. And I go back tomorrow. Woo hoo…

  • #2
    I love your stories...really I do.

    As for fish lady, I've seen people like that...they are so fricken spooky to have staring at you cause it starts to feel like they are staring through you. Haven't any of these people heard about selling them online? You might loose some of your money (sometimes half from the college kids I have talked to) but at least you get something. I know that doesn't help you guys out when it comes to selling used um....nevermind.

    Scar lady...EWWWWWW

    Flag Lady... I had a lady like that, chassed me down to mail out one of those magazine cards. That couldn't have waited till tomorrow?


    • #3
      Lupo, I have to wonder -- what is it about you that makes other women want to show you their boobs?

      And what's this about going to the doctor? I must've missed the post where you mentioned that. Oh well, glad it turned out okay.
      Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


      • #4
        Your customer service is insurmountable?

        That's quite a compliment!


        • #5
          Quoth Aethian View Post
          I love your stories...really I do.

          As for fish lady, I've seen people like that...they are so fricken spooky to have staring at you cause it starts to feel like they are staring through you.
          I know!! That's why it's so creepy, it's like she's trying to read my soul...

          I'm glad at least that my stories are here to entertain!

          btw, how are you feeling after your run in with stupidity?

          Quoth otakuneko View Post
          Lupo, I have to wonder -- what is it about you that makes other women want to show you their boobs?

          And what's this about going to the doctor? I must've missed the post where you mentioned that. Oh well, glad it turned out okay.
          I'm just that lucky, I guess. I mean, something about me must scream "FLASH ME!"

          Re: doctor. Had to go in to get tested for cancer last week. Got my test results today and that's what the post was about.

          Quoth Lachrymose View Post
          Your customer service is insurmountable?

          That's quite a compliment!
          I guess it is. At least, I choose to take it that way! I think she was trying to impress me with her large vocabulary. Mebbe she needs a word a day calendar for Christmas...
          Last edited by lupo pazzesco; 09-11-2008, 01:18 AM.


          • #6
            Provided by the good folks at

            in·sur·mount·a·ble – adjective incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable: an insurmountable obstacle.

            So, in fact you are AWESOME!!!

            Im glad your results were negative.


            • #7
              Congrats on the negative results and I hope the real problem passes quickly.

              Yeah, I had a fish-eyed lady today, by the end I had piratically curled in on my self in an attempt to get away from those eyes. Always watching... staring...

              Also, *lifts up shirt* FLASH!
              "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan


              • #8
                Glad it wasn't cancer. Hope you're feeling much better soon. And although I love your posts, hope the SCs take it easy on you.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Amina516 View Post
                  Provided by the good folks at

                  in·sur·mount·a·ble – adjective incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable: an insurmountable obstacle.

                  So, in fact you are AWESOME!!!

                  Im glad your results were negative.
                  Well, yes, but it's already an established fact that I'm awesome.

                  Quoth KMMCurly View Post
                  Congrats on the negative results and I hope the real problem passes quickly.

                  Yeah, I had a fish-eyed lady today, by the end I had piratically curled in on my self in an attempt to get away from those eyes. Always watching... staring...

                  Also, *lifts up shirt* FLASH!
                  Gyah!! Put it away, put it away!!!

                  Gee, thanks fer the luv.

                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  Glad it wasn't cancer. Hope you're feeling much better soon. And although I love your posts, hope the SCs take it easy on you.
                  Aw, thanks! I'm kind of hoping I'm banished to the back room some more. yes, it sucks cleaning up my boss' paperwork and trying to get a filing system for her that works, but it means no customers for an indeterminate amount of time. Kind of a mini vacation.


                  • #10
                    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                    SC: And now you’re trying to push me away. Your customer service is insurmountable!
                    Obligatory Princess Bride quote: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

                    Lupo, glad your cancer test was negative. Sorry you are back dealing with SCs.
                    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                    • #11
                      Quoth KMMCurly View Post
                      Congrats on the negative results and I hope the real problem passes quickly.

                      Yeah, I had a fish-eyed lady today, by the end I had piratically curled in on my self in an attempt to get away from those eyes. Always watching... staring...

                      Also, *lifts up shirt* FLASH!
                      As so many have pointed out before, this thread is "useless without pictures."
                      "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
                      -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'


                      • #12
                        I know lots of ways to set up filling . . .if you need some ideas or someone to bounce ideas off of feel free to pm me.
                        I am really good at helping others set up systems that work for them. I am also really good at helping others set up budgets that actually work. I just have problems sticking with things myself.


                        • #13
                          I absolutely love fish starers! Partially because it makes me chuckle when someone tries it on me, and partially because I give my employees the same look when they ask for a day off just to mess with them
                          "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
                          "What IS fun to fight through?"
                          "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Emrld View Post
                            I know lots of ways to set up filling . . .if you need some ideas or someone to bounce ideas off of feel free to pm me.
                            I am really good at helping others set up systems that work for them. I am also really good at helping others set up budgets that actually work. I just have problems sticking with things myself.
                            Oh, I'm great at it myself, being somewhat OCD myself. That's why I was chosen to do it. The problem is, said boss LEAKS paperwork. I mean, it's EVERYWHERE she goes. I'm going through some of the piles yesterday, trying to get them sorted into invoices, returns, etc, and I'm finding her personal car insurance forms, copies of emails, store schedules from March, contact info from vendors and random menus from wing places around here. Seriously.

                            Our store manager saw I have color coded files for my classes, color coded tabs for types of notes, etc, and asked if I'd be willing to work with the financials filing, i.e. matching up invoices with packing lists and POs, credit requests with credit memos, and filing it all in a cohesive system in 2 file cabinets. I said sure. Woe is me! First I had to clean out the filie cabinets, which are only supposed to contain paperwork from the last fiscal year, i.e. April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. I found stuff from April 2006 or December 2005! I wept...

                            Quoth KhirasHY View Post
                            I absolutely love fish starers! Partially because it makes me chuckle when someone tries it on me, and partially because I give my employees the same look when they ask for a day off just to mess with them
                   starers try to eat your soul!! Why do you want to eat their souls...?


                            • #15
                              Ahh, Lupo, I would hate to enjoy another's suffering, but those were some great stories! I am so going to have to tell someone that something they do is insurmountable!

                              *flashes Lupo and runs away giggling*
                              "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper

