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No Reciept = No Credit Card Refund!!

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  • No Reciept = No Credit Card Refund!!

    So the mall suffered a freak Power Outage, which effectively nuked the 20 yr old Computers. Lucky us, the registers still work. Joy.

    Anyway, a woman comes in and wants to return stuff. No problem.

    Oh wait, problem: She has the receipt for all but two items. SURPRISE: it's for two $25 Travel books, the expensive ones of the lot of returns.

    Problem is compounded by two facts: She's going to Italy TOMORROW, and SHE HAS A BAD ANKLE!! So she waited until the last minute to return items, and she's crippled, only one of which is physical, and going halfway around the world. Swell.

    So she's moaning and bitching because the other store told her that she can return them with no hassle (Right......) and that she can't return them from tomorrow on, and she wants it put onto her Credit Card as she spent alot of money on them. I hold my ground telling her that she either get's store credit, or she goes back home, finds the receipt, and comes back. She relents and goes for Store Credit, trying to admonish herself that she's a "stupid cunt" (No joke, she actually said that).

    Then I find a horrible shock: The register's are still on, but they are quite limited in what they can and cannot do. I can do Cash/CC returns, but not Store Credit. So I apologize, and recommend that she goes over to the other store. Lady won't hear it. She hates the other store, and can't because of her ankle (and she's going on a trip? WTF?)

    So another Co-Worker comes up with a clever idea: Writes a note "excusing" the refund so the lady can come back after her trip (which she won't end after October 15th) and return them without penalty. I make him write it just to punish him for coming up with the idea.

    As she leaves, I turn to my co-irker and he replies back "Hey, I drew it out as long as possible. The longer it takes....." I nearly throttle him before he finishes the sentence.

  • #2
    Are you serious? Did I read this correctly? This woman is about to leave for a trip to Italy and she's worried about $50??!! Wait, my response is human...

    I also hear you about her injured ankle. If she wanted to elicit sympathy from nowhere, she shouldn't have mentioned her pending international journey. "I'm about to leave the country for fun, but I have to clear up this unimportant matter of around a hundred dollars before I do so." Strange? No, not so much. Cheap? Yes.

    I bet her sugar daddy was paying and she was looking for emergency spending cash.


    • #3
      Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
      he goes over to the other store. Lady won't hear it. She hates the other store, and can't because of her ankle (and she's going on a trip? WTF?)
      I can actually explain that.

      You learn to pace yourself on your injured limb. You choose your activities and times and hope nothing too untoward happens (like a mis-step that twists something or delays) so you can get stuff done. She may *not* have had teh stamina to add another item on her list. Doubly so if there's a mall involved.

      Now, if I had a trip to Italy and had a joint issue that did not require Serious Medical Attention, I think I would still go. I'd be sorry I would not be able to do everything, but miss a trip to Italy? No way.

      Of course, I tried to continued with a job half a continent away at a Girl Scout camp 2 days after knee surgery, so my judgment might be questionable.


      • #4
        Don't ya just love CW that come up with "brilliant" solutions?

        I've travelled internationally with a broken leg. Even crutched around a Mayan ruin. By the time I broke my leg, my trip was already into expensive penaltys to cancel (50%) so I was going no matter what.


        • #5
          yeah... i can understand not wanting to cancel on a trip if you've been planning it for a long time.

          and i've seen italy... it's worth going over to, even if you have a bad ankle.


          • #6
            Quoth auntiem View Post
            I've travelled internationally with a broken leg. Even crutched around a Mayan ruin. By the time I broke my leg, my trip was already into expensive penaltys to cancel (50%) so I was going no matter what.
            I did the same thing a couple years ago. We had a South American cruise booked and were all excited to go, and I broke my leg and ankle a week and a half before leaving.

            They took off the temporary thing they put on after my surgery (I broke the fibula badly enough that they had to put a plate on it, and of course, a couple of screws in my ankle) and put on a real cast the day before we actually left Denver.

            I did make it out to see one Myan ruin. From a short distance because by the time we (me and Dad) got that far, we were both too tired to go any further...

            I fully intend to, one day take that trip again.

            Eric the Grey
            In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


            • #7
              I dunno -- cow-irker's idea may be genius in disguise. It got the bitch out of there, and she'll likely forget all about the refund by the time she gets back. You may never see her again.
              Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


              • #8
                It's amazing how when you refuse to bend the rules for someone, they suddenly go from a healthy and hearty normal person on a lunch break to a violently ill cripple who has 4 minutes left to live, isn't it?
                - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                • #9
                  I swear Fetui watches this board. Look at Sunday's Strip:


