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No body helped me....

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  • No body helped me....

    The "lady" in question came to the counter and handed me her claim ticket for her film. Digital order. So ring her up and set her pictures on the counter, She snarls at me, "Can I look at them first?" I thought this was odd because on digital orders the customers order the pics and send them to be processed. They come out looking exactly like they did on the screen. we calibrate the screens daily so that works properly.

    I say certainly and then repeat her total after handing her pictures to her so she could look them over.

    She looks threw them and says to her boyfriend in a snotty tone, "These are all too dark no one helped me and they are all fucked up."

    He asks, "How can we get these pictures lighter." I tell he he can re-do them on the kiosk that they were originally ordered on and lighten any he feels were to dark, but the screen previews the pictures before you order them so there would be no credit for the order that they had already done, that I would help them if they needed it.
    the "lady" rants that her order should be free because no one helped her and it was her first time using the machine.

    I replied, "We help everyone who asks, did you request assistance?"

    "No but I had never used the machine before, so someone should have helped me."

    Then she told her bf "these people are so useless."

    Yeah like that is going to get you helped.

    I repeat her total and she hands me the money and I offer again to help her remake the picture as now she is ranting she wanted one of them put on a cake for her child's birthday but all she can do is talk shit about me and my coworkers to her bf.

    So I walk away and run right into my boss. She asks what is up.

    "The lady at the counter is upset because no one helped her at the kiosk but she did not ask for help."

    Then the customer pipes up.

    "Hello, I'm standing right here, you could at least wait till I left to talk shit about me"
    okay so the brain to mouth filter failed

    I turned and said.
    "I am waiting."

    my boss covered and said we were talking about something else.

    But seriously, I was not talking sh*t, I was stating the facts. She talked all kinds of trash because she was too stupid to ask some to help her and just hit yes yes yes on a machine without reading.

  • #2
    as now she is ranting she wanted one of them put on a cake for her child's birthday but all she can do is talk shit about me and my coworkers to her bf.
    ... so it's ok for her to do it but if you do it, then it's a big no-no.


    • #3
      Quoth Aislin View Post
      I replied, "We help everyone who asks, did you request assistance?"

      "No but I had never used the machine before, so someone should have helped me."
      Oh, but didn't you know? You're supposed to be a mind reader, and know exactly when the almighty customer needs help. They should not have to ask! What's the matter with you???? *ducks*
      "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
      ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


      • #4
        I failed psychic school. I was told it was an elective, and so I didn't study.

        Not like the teacher didn't see it coming.


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          ... so it's ok for her to do it but if you do it, then it's a big no-no.

          Well, yeah.

          Even I, antisocial jerk that I am, know I'm supposed to wait until the customer is gone before talkin shit about them. Course, after they're gone it's open season.
          Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


          • #6
            Yeah but it's not like Aislin even was talking shit about her. Just stating the facts. I mean "too stupid to ask someone to help her" was talking shit, but that's here, and that's okay here.


            • #7
              I remember one time my husband and I used one of those machines ... we were completely clueless and no one magically came out and helped us ... we got the photos printed and the lady simply handed them to us, but never rang us up (although, I don't think they had a till at the time) or even put them in the envelopes to be rung up by someone else ...

              We finished our shopping and went to be rung up and the cashier was like ... "uhh, you're suppose to have envelopes with these" (apparently they must have a UPC code or instructions or whatnot). We had to tromp back across the store to get the envelope and the lady behind the counter was quite rude to us when handing them over as well (she said something, I can't remember what, but we remember she had a bit of an attitude like we were interrupting her work ...). We could have originally just walked right out of the store without paying for them and no one would have been the wiser ....

              I'm not playing devil's advocate here ... the machine itself was quite easy to use and the results were beautiful (they were wedding photos) ...
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                Sounds to me like the woman was looking for free stuff and a fight.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  I turned and said.
                  "I am waiting."
                  That was too funny. I 'd.

                  People suck. "Um, DUH, you're supposed to know i am stupid!"
                  Then, "How dare you assume I am stupid?!?!"

                  "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                    I remember one time my husband and I used one of those machines ... we were completely clueless and no one magically came out and helped us ... we got the photos printed and the lady simply handed them to us, but never rang us up (although, I don't think they had a till at the time) or even put them in the envelopes to be rung up by someone else ...

                    We finished our shopping and went to be rung up and the cashier was like ... "uhh, you're suppose to have envelopes with these" (apparently they must have a UPC code or instructions or whatnot). We had to tromp back across the store to get the envelope and the lady behind the counter was quite rude to us when handing them over as well (she said something, I can't remember what, but we remember she had a bit of an attitude like we were interrupting her work ...). We could have originally just walked right out of the store without paying for them and no one would have been the wiser ....

                    I'm not playing devil's advocate here ... the machine itself was quite easy to use and the results were beautiful (they were wedding photos) ...
                    I know the machine you were using, those ones are great and the lady behind the counter should have made you an envelope and priced it, we do it all day long. Sorry one of my fellow lab rats at some other lab was full of suck.

                    Most folks just flag us down if they need help but 80% of the time they figure everything out and end up with lovely pictures, after all the instruction are there in 47 different languages for everyone to use.

