1. Please do not treat me as if I have no knowledge of the 'better' products we stock. I can assure you that I have extensive knowledge of the wines, and Scotch, through personal knowledge and I do not need to be told I need to go get a man to serve you. The only man here has worked here less than a year, as opposed to my 3.
2. Yes I have to I.D you. It is law. You cannot be in my store without I.D if you look under 25. Yes I do have to I.D the entire group, especially when only one of you is buying about $100 worth of product, and the rest of you fit the 'wigger' and 'skank' stereotypes. Don't get mad when I have to refuse the sale, because one of you does not have I.D or is underage. It is your fault.
I mean, how hard is it to get your mate who is of age to buy it for you? If you don't come in I won't have to I.D you, meaning if it was just him I would sell it no probs, because I have no evidence that it is possibly going to underagers? And i take it personally when you try to fake I.D me. Cos if you get caught with that alcohol I supplied, and the cops ask you where it is from, I lose my job and alot of money.
3. I do not appreciate your inference that I am a bit of a loser for working on a Sunday, prep boy. Whilst your mummy and daddy pay for your study and living expenses, I am an adult, and thus will support myself. Unlike you, I study fulltime 4 days a week, and work 4 days a week. Guess who will have better life skills?
4. If you knock something over, please tell me. Please. Because if someone cuts themself on the broken bottle of beer you broke in the chiller, guess who is going to get (potenially) yelled at? Not you, as you will have driven away with your cheap Double Brown beer.
5. Also, please don't pee in beer stubbies, then, as I am walking outside to pick up siad stubbies left by your car, simply thinking you are litterbugs, turn in the car and laugh and point at me as I pick up warm bottles on a cold day. I do not appreciate the overspill on my hand - and I am too busy to spend the hours I want in the bathroom scrubbing my hands madly like I am on LSD.
I'm sure I have more, just really tired now.....
2. Yes I have to I.D you. It is law. You cannot be in my store without I.D if you look under 25. Yes I do have to I.D the entire group, especially when only one of you is buying about $100 worth of product, and the rest of you fit the 'wigger' and 'skank' stereotypes. Don't get mad when I have to refuse the sale, because one of you does not have I.D or is underage. It is your fault.
I mean, how hard is it to get your mate who is of age to buy it for you? If you don't come in I won't have to I.D you, meaning if it was just him I would sell it no probs, because I have no evidence that it is possibly going to underagers? And i take it personally when you try to fake I.D me. Cos if you get caught with that alcohol I supplied, and the cops ask you where it is from, I lose my job and alot of money.
3. I do not appreciate your inference that I am a bit of a loser for working on a Sunday, prep boy. Whilst your mummy and daddy pay for your study and living expenses, I am an adult, and thus will support myself. Unlike you, I study fulltime 4 days a week, and work 4 days a week. Guess who will have better life skills?

4. If you knock something over, please tell me. Please. Because if someone cuts themself on the broken bottle of beer you broke in the chiller, guess who is going to get (potenially) yelled at? Not you, as you will have driven away with your cheap Double Brown beer.
5. Also, please don't pee in beer stubbies, then, as I am walking outside to pick up siad stubbies left by your car, simply thinking you are litterbugs, turn in the car and laugh and point at me as I pick up warm bottles on a cold day. I do not appreciate the overspill on my hand - and I am too busy to spend the hours I want in the bathroom scrubbing my hands madly like I am on LSD.

I'm sure I have more, just really tired now.....