Some backstory: when you order an On Demand movie, our system doesn't actually charge you until the movie plays for longer than 5 minutes. That keeps people from getting charged for movies that don't start or those times where you realize you clicked the wrong movie 5 seconds in.
So this guy calls in and says he ordered a movie and didn't realize it was subtitled until it started playing. Lord knows reading is painful, but whatever, he said he only watched it for like 2 minutes so he's ok. Also I can check to see if anything is charged to someone's account, and it wasn't. So I try to explain this, but the guy is relentless about this movie. I tried again to explain and he's all "THIS BETTER NOT BE ON MY BILL" and I tell him (again) that it won't be, and if by some unforeseen circumstance it did show up he can just let us know and we'll remove it. He starts in with something about a totally unrelated issue he had months ago that he apparently had to make a follow up call again, so that starts a rant about how I better take it off his account right now because he's too important to have to keep calling. I tell him I can't take something off his account that isn't on there in the first place, and that must have short circuited his last brain cell because his response to that was to yell "YOU'RE WORTHLESS AS SHIT, YA KNOW THAT" to which I said
and have a nice day and ended the call.
I mean, how dare I refuse to remove something off the bill that doesn't exist, right?
So this guy calls in and says he ordered a movie and didn't realize it was subtitled until it started playing. Lord knows reading is painful, but whatever, he said he only watched it for like 2 minutes so he's ok. Also I can check to see if anything is charged to someone's account, and it wasn't. So I try to explain this, but the guy is relentless about this movie. I tried again to explain and he's all "THIS BETTER NOT BE ON MY BILL" and I tell him (again) that it won't be, and if by some unforeseen circumstance it did show up he can just let us know and we'll remove it. He starts in with something about a totally unrelated issue he had months ago that he apparently had to make a follow up call again, so that starts a rant about how I better take it off his account right now because he's too important to have to keep calling. I tell him I can't take something off his account that isn't on there in the first place, and that must have short circuited his last brain cell because his response to that was to yell "YOU'RE WORTHLESS AS SHIT, YA KNOW THAT" to which I said

I mean, how dare I refuse to remove something off the bill that doesn't exist, right?
