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Prank phone call-Long!

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  • Prank phone call-Long!

    i have never been pranked phone called. ever. i don't know how i got away with never getting at least one. today....i received my first. and oh boy......yeah.....just read on.....

    Me: well.... me, i guess.
    PC-prank caller.

    just a tiny bit of info. the caller had a raspy voice, and i couldn't tell if it was her real voice, or disguising her voice. i also had to have her repeat alot cause i couldn't understand her.

    i got a page for a cosmetics call. i pick up the phone, and get this....

    PC-do you sell lipstick?
    Me- yes we do.
    PC- what kind?
    Me- lots of kinds. is there a particular one your looking for?
    PC- yeah. do you looking for,um, do you have cover girl?
    Me- yes we do.
    PC- ok, im looking for flavored lipstick. do you have caramel flavored?
    Me- no, we don't. we have a chocolate flavored lipgloss though.
    PC- oooh! that sounds nice! do you have caramel flavored?
    Me- no.....we don't. we only have chocolate.
    at this point, im wondering if she just didn't understand what i was saying. i didn't tihnk it was a prank yet.

    PC- ok. do you have cherry? what about cherry?
    Me- no. just chocolate.
    Pc- are you a lesbian?
    Me- no.
    PC- would you kiss me?
    Me- no!
    PC- sorry. i got a little off track here. im sorry. do you have caramel?
    PC- you see, im a BIG woman. a Big woman. i need my lips to be...(at this point, i couldn't understand what she said.)
    Me- im sorry, i didnt hear that.
    now im starting to think PRANK!
    PC- you don't understand. im a BIG woman. i want my lips volumptous! im a big woman you see! do you have carmel flavored? how about skin flavored?
    Me- no. we only have chocolate. nothing else.
    at this point, i should have just ended the phone call.

    PC- ok. do you have condoms?
    Me- yes we do.
    PC-what sizes?
    Me- they are assorted.
    PC- but what sizes are they?
    Me- we have extra large and and regular...
    PC- do you have extra thin?
    Me- yes.
    Pc- do you have flavored?
    Me- yes.
    PC- what flavors? do you have caramel? cherry? boob flavors? what flavors? (yes, she said boob flavors)
    Me- they are assorted....
    PC- what flavors?
    at this point, i decided to kinda play along, to a certain extent.

    Me- i think we have cherry, and a few others. we also have flavored lubricant.
    Pc -REALLY? awesome! do you have dildos?
    Me-, no, that is something you need to get at a certain type of store.
    PC- do you have a dildo? do you use dildos?
    this one kinda struck me as a little too far

    Me- if you do you not stop with the unappropriate questions, im going to have to terminate the call now.
    PC- im sorry. im sorry. i won't do that again. im going to come in and get chocolate flavored lipgloss. and condoms. and lubricant. how much is that?
    Me- im not sure. i have to ring them in to see how much it all comes to with tax. im not allowed to do that until the products are actually being purchased.
    PC- well, you see. i need to know. im not wealthy.
    Me- ok....the lipgloss is $5.99 plus tax, so i tihnk that will be about $6.30....the condoms have different prices, and i don't know which ones you want.
    PC- i need to know. you see, im not wealthy. i live in a box! i stole this phone,and only have a few minutes before it runs out! i have my uncles credit card and want to buy this stuff!
    Me- well, it shouldn't come to anymore than $30.
    PC- well i need to know!
    at this point, im getting very fed up with it. so im trying to get off the phone without hanging up on her, cause i hate doing that.

    Me-ma'am, is there anything else i can help you with? i have customers in the store i have to attend to.
    Pc- i have one more question! what kind of candy do you have?
    Me- alot. we have a whole aisle for it.
    PC- can you read me all the names?
    Me, deciding to pass her off to somebody else- no, but im sure CVS* could!
    PC- really? can you transfer me to CVS?
    Me, in a VERY cherry voice,-Sure! just hold on one moment please!

    and i hung up......

    there were many points where i should have just hung up. but i was waiting for that one moment where she gives me the perfect escape.

    yes, this is true. i didn't exaggerate. it was a long freaking phone call.....

    *in case you don't know, i work for one of CVS's biggest competitors
    Last edited by Ljt09863; 09-14-2008, 05:18 AM. Reason: added CVS competitior info

  • #2
    Boob flavored???
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth Becks View Post
      Boob flavored???
      Mmmmm, boobs.. Ahem!

      Boob flavor tends to change, depending on what you drizzle, or sprinkle on them.

      Eric the Grey
      In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


      • #4
        Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
        Mmmmm, boobs.. Ahem!

        Boob flavor tends to change, depending on what you drizzle, or sprinkle on them.

        Eric the Grey
        If you want boob flavours....*lifts up shirt* FLASH!
        And since when does boob flavour change?
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          You silly person, you're supposed to flash Lupo!
          Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


          • #6

            That is all.
            Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


            • #7
              Everyone's skin tastes slightly different, so that's how come it changes...
              Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


              • #8
                I got boobies for my birthday once - they tasted like birthday cake. The nipples tasted like smarties.
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #9
                  Quoth otakuneko View Post
                  You silly person, you're supposed to flash Lupo!
                  Whoops my mistake....but hey, everyone was talking about boobie I thought I'd give everyone a chance to find out what boobs taste like
                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • #10
                    Get the gummy boobs from Spencer's They come in lime, lemon, orange, and cherry.

                    Or so my ex says.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
                      *in case you don't know, i work for one of CVS's biggest competitors
                      I work at Walgreens and we don't have boob-flavored stuff... maybe Rite Aid?
                      I work at Walgreens.

                      (I'm just tired of mentioning it every time I want to relate to a story. )


                      • #12
                        Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
                        do you have carmel flavored? how about skin flavored?
                        I'm sorry, am I speaking to Ed Gein, perhaps? Or John Wayne Gaycey? Skin flavored? Really? You want to taste chicken on your lips all day long? Buy a bucket of KFC and gnaw on it all day long, reapply as necessary.
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth IEatCustomers4Breakfast View Post
                          I work at Walgreens and we don't have boob-flavored stuff... maybe Rite Aid?
                          im at Walgreens as well. im not even sure what skin flavored stuff tastes like...other than skin...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Ljt09863 View Post

                            *in case you don't know, i work for one of CVS's biggest competitors
                            Would you happen to be a fellow Rank-Aid employee by any chance?


                            • #15
                              As a former CVS drone, I now know why I got so many calls for boob flavored condoms. They all got "transferred" from Walgreens.

                              Olive juice you too.

