I swear we all could write a book on stupid people and closing time.
So once again we had the evening worker call in,
and I COULD NOT work past 4:30 or I wouldn't have a ride home. So I have to close the store early. Well I closed the door and put up a sign.I'm standing there in the dark counting money,hell a pet rock could tell that we are closed. And I hear BANG BANG on the glass door/window and violent shaking of the door handles.I mean he almoost broke the door/glass.
I had to stop counting and autually go tell this dumbass that we are closed to stop before he breaks the glass.And of course what does this poor excuse for an adults do? He rolled his eyes at me,cussed me and screamed in my face.He showed me whos the big man.He was over 6ft tall and I'm just 4 foot 11.
So I shake my head and go back to counting money...And I hear BANG BANG again.It was a different dumbass. This time I refused to go to the door. This always amazes me.I've had woman autually hold their infants and toddlers up to the door after banging on it,yes lady that baby/toddler is really cute,but I don't care. Because I would have to finish this deposit and then recount the money and then reopen the register.And then you probadly wouldn't even buy anything. What is wrong with these people? They are like grownup children that have never heard the word no. NO I won't reopen the store!!!!

So I shake my head and go back to counting money...And I hear BANG BANG again.It was a different dumbass. This time I refused to go to the door. This always amazes me.I've had woman autually hold their infants and toddlers up to the door after banging on it,yes lady that baby/toddler is really cute,but I don't care. Because I would have to finish this deposit and then recount the money and then reopen the register.And then you probadly wouldn't even buy anything. What is wrong with these people? They are like grownup children that have never heard the word no. NO I won't reopen the store!!!!