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My First Post

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  • My First Post

    Hello Customers Suck! I have been reading this forum for some time now and am very excited to begin posting my own horror stories.

    First a little background. I work for an Airline, hate me if you must I understand, but honestly it's a good job for the most part.

    I do get a LOT of SC's though. I try to be understanding and sometimes I can give them the benefit of the doubt. Your flight was canceled and you sat in the airport for 6 hours and no one helped you? Ok, yell and scream at me that's ok, I will let you and then I'll even give you free stuff you deserve it. You didn't get to the flight on time because you couldn't leave your house and extra half hour early and it left without you? No no. You get nothing.

    But to get my threads started I'll begin with one of my favorites.

    Cast of Characters:
    Me: but of course
    SC: complete moron who knows nothing

    Me: Thank you for calling Airline, this is Sapphire how can I help you?
    SC: Yeah, um, uh, I can't remember my flight information.
    Me: Ok, let's try and look it up. Do you have your confirmation code? (not likely but worth asking)
    SC: No.
    Me: Ok, do you have a ticket number or flight number? (again maybe asking too much)
    SC: No. I have my last name.
    Me: I need more information than that. (I have grown used to people assuming I can find their reservation from the millions of other "Smith's" traveling in our system so I over look this) Can you tell me where you are traveling fom and to and on what date?
    SC: No. I have my last name.
    Me: ....I'm sorry that's not enough information to find your reservation. I need to atleast know where you are traveling from and what date.
    SC: *silence*
    Me: *silence*
    SC: Are you still there?
    Me: Yes, was there something else I could help you with today?
    SC: Yeah you can find my reservaiton, I told you I have my last name!
    Me: And I apologize but that is not enough information to find your reservation.
    SC: Well fine then thanks for nothing! *click*

    I understand that some people lose their information, but is it just me or does it seem a little odd that they had NO information. They couldn't even tell me where they were traveling FROM! You don't know where you're traveling from? No no. We're done now.

    This is one of many repeat situations I have at work and one of the more tame situations. It's one of my favorites because I end up being the bad guy for not being able to magically find their information with nothing. I'm not a magician as much as my childhood dream to become one may have been.

    Well, I hope you all enjoy this story. I have many more interesting stories I'll post later. Unil then

  • #2
    Hello and welcome. Sounds like you have an interesting job. I'm hoping to see more soon.

    Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


    • #3
      I am looking forward to hearing more stories!
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        You mean if my name is Jane Smith I can't call an airline with thousands of other Janes flying and have you look up the info that I should have had in the first place??? The HORROR!
        "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


        • #5
          Yeah I certainly try to be nice to airline folks. Way I see it is that more then likely they have parachutes and can jump while the rest of us are screwed.

          Thankfully I only ever had 1 problem. We lost our tickets and had to get new ones and such. Our fault entirely. But we lived. The sucky part came in our 8pm flight (with the new tickets) being delayed 3 hours....while we were flying with a baby that's nite nite time is 9...

          Yeah that was fun...and we still had a 3 hour drive to our hotel (that was overbooked) left.

          Considering the idiots I've seen in airports though, I'm sure we'll have more horror stories soon.
          "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


          • #6
            Might have been an ex-husband looking to see where his cheating wife was going with her new lover, which explains why he could only give a name...I gotta stop watching soap operas.

            Olive juice you too.


            • #7
              Welcome, Saphire! Your tears sustain us, so do tell us more stories.

              And I totally agree with BrassCowboy, that was so totally someone trying to get info about someone they shouldn't have had.
              Interesting Fodder:


              • #8
                Quoth BrassCowboy View Post
                Might have been an ex-husband looking to see where his cheating wife was going with her new lover, which explains why he could only give a name...I gotta stop watching soap operas.
                Yeah i was thinking it was probably similar to that, someone trying to find info on someone else covertly.


                • #9
                  Quoth bloodrose View Post
                  Your tears sustain us, so do tell us more stories.
                  Is it wrong that my first thought after reading that was the episode of South Park where Cartman kills the kid's parents and feeds them to him in chili? And Cartman starts licking the kid's face, saying, "Mmm, yes, your tears are delicious!"
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth cawaker View Post
                    Yeah i was thinking it was probably similar to that, someone trying to find info on someone else covertly.

                    Count me in too - I'm thinking ex or stalker. If was the "real" person couldn't they just check their credit card statement - 9 times out of 10 the ticket number or record locator is listed.

                    I'm an agent so we can find someone's rez by last name only, but they would need at least one other piece of info (date or destination) if there is more than one person with that name. But noway would I scroll thru thousands of Joe Smiths.

                    Airline reservations are my least favorite part of my job - some people shouldn't leave their homes let alone their state or country *gah! I just got interupted with another one - seriously you called me is it that hard to grab a calender before you call and be sober?* anyways - I'm sure I get just the tiniest fraction of the lovlies that you do so my deepest sympathies.


                    • #11
                      Bonus points to the above when they can't spell their own name.

                      That happened to me Sunday with a traveler.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        Quoth Juwl View Post
                        Is it wrong that my first thought after reading that was the episode of South Park where Cartman kills the kid's parents and feeds them to him in chili? And Cartman starts licking the kid's face, saying, "Mmm, yes, your tears are delicious!"
                        Best friggin episode ever, and my favorite South Park episode ever. Thanks you bring so much joy to my brain....
                        I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                        "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                        • #13
                          Welcome to the refuge of the everyday hero/ines!

                          Great story; keep 'em coming!!!
                          "It's not me that you hate; it's those nasty truths I serve up. Hey, man, I'm just honesty's vessel!" --Me


                          • #14
                            and i'm thinking ... if that person couldn't even remember WHERE the flight was going to?... maybe it wasn't the ticket-holder anyway but some stalker or person with evil ideas trying to figure out where the ticket-holder was going to.

                            and besides... the person only had the last name? no first? that adds on suspicion for me at least


                            • #15
                              Quoth cawaker View Post
                              Yeah i was thinking it was probably similar to that, someone trying to find info on someone else covertly.
                              There's a way to find out somebody else's info on the sly easily...that is if they have a computer and they're inept with computers....
                              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

