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I met....Uber-Bitch

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  • I met....Uber-Bitch

    I have never been so hurt by a customer in all my working time. At the moment the company is adding on a 5p donation on every bill that goes to a charity for starving children. Now, considering that its pretty difficult to get a meal for under £20 in this place, it should be no problem. Anyways, just so people know what the charge is about I let them know. So I take the bill to one person who refuses the charge. Outright refuses to pay it. 5p! Says that it shouldn't be called a donation because donations are meant to be voluntary. Fair enough, that is true, but how anyone can look at the photos provided of these hungry children while scoffing down ridiculous amounts of food they don't NEED and begrudge them 5p is beyond me. After I took the money off the bill I refused to go back and take her money because honestly, I didn't want to carry it round with me as it was so precious.

    Also had a person tonight that restored my faith in it all. She originally asked for it to be taken off, so I wandered away to get a manager. She called me back and said that it was fine, but she had originally seen it as £5, which I agree, is a steep amount. She later went on to say, "5p is nothing at all."

  • #2
    Isn't 5p the same idea as 5 cents? Ya know a nickel? or 5 pennies. IE: pocket lint!
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      Quoth NightWatch View Post
      Isn't 5p the same idea as 5 cents? Ya know a nickel? or 5 pennies. IE: pocket lint!
      Yes. Yes it is (similar).
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • #4
        Yep, barely a percentage of what these people pay for a meal.


        • #5
          She threw a wobbler over 5p? 5p, in a restaurant? That's just, bizarre.
          Which charity is the loot going to?
          Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.


          • #6
            World Hunger Relief I think the name of it is.


            • #7
              While I agree that 5p is not an amount I would quibble over I also do not think it's okay to just tack that on to people's bill without telling them, even if it is just 5p. IIRC a lot of the money that goes to those type of organizations gets gobbled up in "administrative fees".


              • #8
                True while I'll admit I would be suspious about amounts being added onto my bill without notice , I did assume there is some sort of notification in the builing to alert customers of the charity drive. Is this the case PizzaDrone or am I barking up the wrong tree?
                Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.


                • #9
                  We do have various things on the tables, informing people that we are "in league" with a charity so to speak, but there is no sign to say there'll be 5p added on. This is wrong, and is a matter I intend to bring up ASAP with management. I have told every customer I've encountered about the charge, to give them a chance to object. But most have accepted it, as its 5p and honestly, I guess they feel kind of guilted into it by the stuff on the tables.

                  I do sympathise that it shouldn't be added on automatically, or in that case not be named a "donation", as it defeats the object. Unfortunately, management seems to be against signage to warn people of things like that (or when we're out of stuff) and leaves it up to the staff.


                  • #10
                    PD, you rock for informing people. But your management sucks if they think they're not responsible for educating people on any money they're just tacking automatically onto a bill. I honestly would pay such a small donation, but I would highly resent not being asked first. I'd probably tell you too and ask you to forward that message to a manager (I'd be nice about it though, promise!)
                    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                    ...Beware the voice without a face...


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I know for lots of people its probably just the idea of consent, which I totally agree with. I think perhaps I'm going to have to start telling people before they order, not before their bill. Obviously, going to approach management about making a change. It could work better for everyone as there are higher donations able to be put into the system, so the charity may also end up with more.

                      It is unfair of them to leave it all to us, especially as often times we're so busy, we can't inform people as much as we should. I totally understand the thing about people having random charges on their bills, as I wouldn't like it much either, but if I was told and it was 5p, I'd be fine with it.


                      • #12
                        The customer wasn't sucky. Not one bit.

                        She's right: it isn't a donation because she isn't giving the money on her own free will. She's giving it because it's been added to her bill, WITHOUT her knowing it would be, and what's she supposed to do? Walk out on the check?

                        I personally wouldn't raise such a fuss, but I wouldn't patronize your establishment ever again. It doesn't matter to me that the amount of money is so small.

                        Unless and until your management starts disclosing this mandatory "disclosure" up front, you can expect to see more customers such as this one, and I can't say I blame them. It is good that you intend to tell your managers about this though.

                        Quoth PizzaDrone
                        Fair enough, that is true, but how anyone can look at the photos provided of these hungry children while scoffing down ridiculous amounts of food they don't NEED and begrudge them 5p is beyond me.
                        I don't think it is fair for you to be judging people based on this.

                        If I am going to donate to a charity or non-profit, it's because I'm familiar with that organization and their operations and I support their aims. Not because somebody waves a bunch of pictures or stories in front of my face as a guilt trip.
                        Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 09-29-2008, 12:48 AM.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          We need to set up camps for people like that, so they can meet people of their own temperment and have them ravage and destroy each other.


                          • #14
                            Now... Most people I know will pay 5p / 5 cents to donate to charity. However, simply tacking it on to the bill automatically... I don't even think that's legal.

                            Besides, there's other ways to do that without breaking any laws:
                            - A donation box at the register. (they do that at all the Tim Horton's here)
                            - Asking the patrons if they'd like to donate when handing them the bill
                            - Advertising that for "every X pound spent, the restaurant will donate Y amount to the charity" ... or for a specific meal item, that every time it's purchased they'll donate to that charity.

                            That way the patrons can donate as much as they'd like, or may even be tempted to buy more of a certain item, just to donate. However they won't be illegally forced into it. (and who knows maybe they'll end up getting more donated that way?)


                            • #15
                              5p = five pence yes?

                              So then one hundred pence would equal one pound?

                              I can understand why some customers would get pissy at a "forced" donation even if it was just a small amount.
                              "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

