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More cashier tales

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  • More cashier tales

    I was bagging the other day when the woman marches almost to my side, leans way over into my space, and begins taking everything out and re-arranging it inside the bag. She pulls one item out, thrusts it at me, and said simply, "Put this in another bag." The husband looked pretty embarrassed. If you're going to act that way, I'll throw you a bag and you can bag your own shit next time. Or better yet, I'll let you cashier for a day. Do NOT try and tell me how to do my job. Seriously.

    So this was a child sucky customer. A little girl, maybe 7 years old, was riding in a cart with her sister, pushed by her mother. They pass a severly overweight old man with oxygen tubes in his nose and a long beard. I then hear the girl *YELL* out: "LOOK AT THAT GUY! LOOK AT THAT GUY! LOOK AT THAT GUY! HE'S SOOOO WIERD!!!" Everyone in the vicinity heard, including, I'm sure, the man who they had only just passed. The mom didn't even seem all that mad. She shushed her some, but didn't seem upset, a little embarrassed. Then she went right back to normal as though her daughter had done nothing.

    There is a mother and a little girl who go through my lane all the time, and the girl is always acting up. The other day she picked her trash out of the cart and THREW it in my face. I just gave a little laugh, but I was not very pleased, considering that the mother pretty much just sighed and tsk tsked. Try disciplining your kid, honey. Don't let her grow up with the attitude that cashiers are non-human entities.

    And just a reminder for everyone: when you come up to the register at five minutes after close with an overflowing cart and proceed to not only curse like a sailor in front of strangers and then hold everything up and go, "Hmmm do I want this? Don't you think it would be stupid to get it?" No, but what IS stupid is puting stuff in your cart that you do nto intend to buy. Espescially at closing time. People think this shit is funny, but it's not. You don't see us laughing. And to the guy who strolled in at 9:58 and gave me a shit-eating grin when I looked in disbelief, screw you.

    Oh, and here's a real gem. This lady who sometimes comes in just before close with about a hundred kids to give them lessons on how to steal (very strongly suspected by security, not yet proven) and "watch the cashier grind her teeth at 10:15 while you hand back stuff and do three seperate transactions". One time she was in softlines and she hand a handful of outfits. She approached a team member, literally DROPPED the clothes ON THE FLOOR AT HER FEET and said, "I don't want this stuff." Now I'm not a confrontational person, but if this had been done in front of me, if someone had basically slapped my face like that, I WOULD have spoken up. One time, she was at the service desk throwing a hairy fit because she was overcharged one cent. This woman needs to go back to whatever hell she came from and stop playing her outrageous games. WHY she hasn't been banned, I cannot fathom.

  • #2
    I can't stand last second customers who think they have all the time in the world, and especially the last one who threw the clothing down. I've called customers on bad behavior a few times in my years in retail, and that's one of those instances where I would definitely say something.
    Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


    • #3
      Oh I feel you. We had two such customers last night. Even after two announcements over the PA that we were closing in less than five minutes they still took their liesurely time shopping.

      My brothers, my little sister and I would never have gotten away with treating a cashier or anyone else like that. It grinds me to no end when I see other kids behaving rudely but the one who through stuff at you would have sent me over the edge.


      • #4
        Quoth Despina83 View Post
        One time she was in softlines and she hand a handful of outfits. She approached a team member, literally DROPPED the clothes ON THE FLOOR AT HER FEET and said, "I don't want this stuff."
        I know we don't condone violence here, but can we please make an exception??
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          It irritated me to no end when people came in right before closing but there isn't much you can do about it. EH. I did take personal enjoyment in the people who took their sweet time and decided to do their weekly shopping 5 minutes after close...The store I worked for had a system that shut off the registers 15 minutes after close and no transactions could be made until the following morning at open. They would even shut down in the middle of transactions.

          Sorry, can't help you, our register shut down at 12:15.

