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    Heres my question,do you guys have customers that....

    When you are ringing someone up do you ever have people sticking money and credit cards inches from your face.They act like retarded monkeys,like they can't wait until you are done ringing up. I have a guy literally poking a credit card inches from my nose.I also had a girl knocking stuff out of my hands and trying to stick money in my hands.

    Also when you're trying to run the credit card they are jumping from foot to foot and trying to grab the credit/debit card from your hands.

    The worst are the huffers(I called them).The huff and puff when you run their credit cards,when they have to pull out money(because they have so much it takes them 5 mins or more to go through it,I'm not kidding),or when they have to wait for the card to go through.

    The ones that make my blood boil are the monkeys(my word)
    These are the unenvolued monkeys that grunt or moan at questions.You just guess what they want. I swear I'm waiting for one of them to throw poop one day.There are also they one worders.
    You know the ones.Say nothing and then scream RECEIPT as loud as they can.
    Last edited by candyshopgirl; 10-01-2008, 07:21 PM.

  • #2
    I have customers who will practically shove their money or card into my hands.
    Customers who toss their card at me (by accident or on purpose).
    Customers who swipe their cards 4 or 5 times in frustration if they even so much as suspect that their card didn't sacn, which makes my register go haywire.
    Customers who reach over and grab their receipt.
    I have heard of a few customers but have never had any myself who will reach into your register and try to get their own change. I was told by management to slam the drawer shut on their hand as hard as I could, and me, I don't mind breaking bones in this case
    I've had a few people complain (not in many years though) that I was slow. 1 time many years ago, I told a customer, "I'd like to see you get your butt back here and do it better than me, pal!"


    • #3
      One of my favorites is when I go up to the door with 4 large pizzas in one hand, 2 2litre pops in the other, and they shove their money at me and can't figure out why I don't take it.


      • #4
        I get customers who do the following:

        -Hand me their cards when the EFTPOS machine is right in front of them!
        -Swipe it BEFORE I'm done. (our system has a little funny function called preswipe which allows the customer to set up their EFTPOS to the point where they have to key in their pin, they can also do cash out) This is mainly on express and/or when I've hit the total button, which makes preswipe invalid from that point on.
        -Cannot figure out which way the card swipes.
        -Grumble at me when I tell them which way it actually goes.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
          When you are ringing someone up do you ever have people sticking money and credit cards inches from your face.They act like retarded monkeys,like they can't wait until you are done ringing up. I have a guy literally poking a credit card inches from my nose.I also had a girl knocking stuff out of my hands and trying to stick money in my hands.
          I've seen it happen. I also once saw a brilliant work of ownage in response. The clerk accepted the card, ran the transaction, and handed the card back. Then continued scanning items, as a new transaction. The customer was pissed when the clerk asked for the card a second time, to pay for the second transaction...

          Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
          Also when you're trying to run the credit card they are jumping from foot to foot and trying to grab the credit/debit card from your hands.
          Had this happen to me once while working the front desk at the shop (sometimes, my boss's preferences and fears aside, I'm the only one available). After a few grab attempts, I finally got so fed up with it, I let her grab it. Then voided the transaction and waited for her to hand it over again...

          Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
          You know the ones.Say nothing and then scream RECEIPT as loud as they can.
          Never had one of these crop up, but I know exactly what I'd do: SCREAM back "OK! HERE'S YOUR RECEIPT SIR/MA'AM!" After all, maybe they're hard of hearing and can't hear themselves talk...why risk being accused of mumbling?
          Last edited by Difdi; 10-02-2008, 02:47 AM.


          • #6
            What I hate is when you tell them the total, say $10.56, and they hand you a $20 and as you are getting their change from the register they demand a bag. One of these times I will stop and just give them a bag and shut the drawer and look at them. When they say I forgot to give them their change Ill say well I thought you didnt want it since when I was counting it out you told me you wanted a bag....


            • #7
              It's not just stores -- when I make a reservation I have to get a credit card from people, but a lot of the time I'll say, "Sure, we've got a room with a queen for those nights at (rate), would you like to book it now?"

              "My VISA number is -- "

              "Ma'am, wait a minute, please, I need to get your other information first."

              Information such as their name, address, and a phone number. You want a room, I need to know who you are!


              • #8
                Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                I get customers who do the following:

                -Hand me their cards when the EFTPOS machine is right in front of them!
                -Cannot figure out which way the card swipes.
                -Grumble at me when I tell them which way it actually goes.
                To be fair...

                1) I've been to a couple of merchants who apparently were required to swipe the card themselves on the card reader behind the till, DESPITE the fact the PIN pad in front of the customer had a reader of some sort to swipe with. Dunno what was going on in these instances, just saying...
                2) I sometimes don't swipe the correct direction/side. it happens *shrug*. Luckily there's only four possibilities and I can flip the card over rather quickly in my hand so I hope I'm not delaying things too much
                Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


                • #9
                  I have heard of a few customers but have never had any myself who will reach into your register and try to get their own change. I was told by management to slam the drawer shut on their hand as hard as I could, and me, I don't mind breaking bones in this case
                  I had a guy get real close, so I slammed the drawer. When I did a quarter came out and jammed the drawer shut. It shoudl have taken just a minute or two to get it out but in this case it took about 5.


                  • #10
                    @fireheart: Donno about where you are, but here, POS terminals vary wildly in appearance, interface, and swipe direction and some are poorly or not labelled at all as to which way the card goes. Some are fairly obvious by design, but others are so ambiguous as to confound even the most experienced shopper.

                    Gas station pay-at-pump terminals are the only ones to show any semblance of consistency, with only a few variations.
                    Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                    • #11
                      Happened at the gas station all the time. I'd be ringing someone up or printing out lotto tickets, and some idiot would grab a newspaper, budge in line, and try to shove their dollar in my face. One woman did it nearly every day, and after a few days of me ignoring her, one day she decided she'd just walk in, take a paper, and throw a dollar at my register and huff off.

                      Also, if it was "too busy" for someone to wait, people would pump an even number of gas, walk in, and just throw the money on the counter, or worse, the end of the counter, and I wouldn't notice it right away.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        Quoth blas87 View Post
                        Happened at the gas station all the time. I'd be ringing someone up or printing out lotto tickets, and some idiot would grab a newspaper, budge in line, and try to shove their dollar in my face. One woman did it nearly every day, and after a few days of me ignoring her, one day she decided she'd just walk in, take a paper, and throw a dollar at my register and huff off.
                        I think it would be funny to yell "Stop. Thief" and if she complains, tell ehr she didn't pay. If she tries to state she paid, let her know that she hasn't been rung out, so no she hasn't paid. Public embarassment works wonders.
                        Last edited by wanderingjoe72; 10-02-2008, 09:22 PM.
                        I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
                        -The Amazing E
                        Zonies social group now open!


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          Happened at the gas station all the time. I'd be ringing someone up or printing out lotto tickets, and some idiot would grab a newspaper, budge in line, and try to shove their dollar in my face.
                          That happens to me too, they don't understand that we need to scan the papers like any other product. My major peeve is when they shove the money in my face but will not set the product down on the counter. They act all annoyed because I can't magically scan what they are holding with my mind.
                          My Horror Blog



                          • #14
                            I feel ya.

                            Worst is when they start handing you discount cards, card cards, or money while still with another guy. They'll hold the piece of plastic up towards my face. Like wait your turn. I'm helping someone else right now. It doesn't speed up anything. It's always the same people. Just wait a minute. I find if you avoid eye contact with them or their hand it seems to help or at least I get a kick of them holding their money in my face for a minute before the give up and wait.


                            • #15
                              I didn't need to scan the barcodes of the papers, but they DID do a check of how many papers were sold, and those numbers needed to match what the register said. And how did I know what that dollar was for anyway if it was just laying there?
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

