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sorry, reeeeeaaaallly long :(

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  • sorry, reeeeeaaaallly long :(

    This story starts a few months ago, when we have some hamsters in, we have a customer (it has to be said we weren't too keen on her from the get go)
    any way, she askes how old our hammies were and I (it is usually me and 'sonia' working) told her they were about 9 wks old.
    She asks how old they were when we got them in, and i tell her about 5 weeks.
    fair enough, she says, she'll have one at 5 weeks, nothing over 6 weeks tho as it'll be dead soon (????)
    They are all the same age, we get them from a breeding centre.
    Sc-but i want a baby one
    Me- they are still babies they live between 18 months and 3yrs (one person claimed theirs was 7 but i think they either had a guinea pig or a lot of hammies looking alike)
    no, she is not a happy bunny, she wants a baby one, and gives me her phone number so I can phone her when I get the baby hamsters in.
    And she comes in 2 or3 times a week
    AAand phones us up on the days she can't make it in.
    we sell the ancient decrepit (sorry sarcasm) hamsters, (grand old age of 12 weeks) order in and duly receive 20 more (our max capacity and min order from the centre)
    sc comes in loudy moaning about us Finally having baby hamsters for sale. It is 4.30, she wants a cage, food and to be told Everything Anyone Needs To Know about hamsters (which is cool,cos I like people to be interested in whoever they are buying from me, but I had to wonder why she couldn't have done most or all of this during her previous visits) By this time its 5.15 and she is happy with everything she has chosen, tells me she is going to Asda, and will come back for her stuff. I tell her we close at 5.30, and we can keep everything back till the next day if she wants. Oh no, she's been waiting long enough for this hamster, she will be back when she is finished shopping, to collect it. Any way, she sends her daughter in 1 min b4 closing.
    happy ending right? HAH! no, cos that would be toooooo easy

    Last Monday (my day off so Sonia and, oh lets call her Rachel are working)
    in comes Mrs P (you gotta sign for an animal so we know her name)
    Her- the bottle I got with my hamster cage is leaking
    rachel- oh, i'l get sonia (Rachels new)
    sonia- ok, do you have it with you?(people often think the bottles leak, but most times they need to tighten it after fillling it)
    Her- no
    Sonia- well if you bring it in we can have a look, change it if needed

    Now its Thursday, its me rachel and sonia (who is on her lunch break)
    In comes Mrs P armed with empty bottle and huge chip on shoulder, goes straight to rachel, who brings her to me.
    I have been told to expect this, so i am smiley and(i hoped at the time) sympathetic (that was a waste of energy as i found out later)
    anyway, i take the bottle, and fill it with water to see what the problem is........there isn't one. it 's not leaking at all
    I take it to show Mrs P (or as sonia later recorded in the log 'that bitch with the baby hamster!)
    'It is leaking' she assured me, playing with the ball bearing and watches the water come out
    'it's supposed to do that so the animal can get a drink, but when it stops licking the ball bearing, it stops the water spilling out *demonstrates*
    its leaky and i want a new one was all she said
    I suggested, had the hamster maybe pushed the bedding against the nozzle, as that would explain it
    'No the bottle is leaking'
    'well i could replace it but to be honest it won't make any difference as this one is fine'
    she of course homes in on *replacment* as thats what she wanted. of course i also have to demonstrate that the new one won't leak so in all i am with her for 15 mins!
    any way, as she is leaving, she shouts that if this one leaks too, she will be bringing the whole cage back for a refund (and if i had known then that she meant it, i would have involved h/o now!) I tell her that we could not refund the cage as it has been used and cannot therefore be re sold, and also the (non excistent) fault is not with the cage.
    thats the back story, to anyone still reading, thanx for staying
    She came in yesterday! with cage! at 4.30 (and was there for 20 odd mins )
    She slammed the cage on the desk and demanded a full refund
    sonia took our cordless phone into our office to call h/o.( we bought the cordless phone for privacy as our store phone is on the desk)
    I explained what sonia was doing and took a moment to exlplain also the policy of not refunding the cage,
    she waved the receipt in my face and told me that as the bottle had been sold as part of the package, and the bottle was faulty, she WAS entitled
    to a full refund.I try again to tell her that we cannot take the cage back, and she tells me that;-
    she has spent all weekend going round Glasgow, and everyone said she was entitled
    that if i dont give her the refund she is going to sue
    Which means i will get all her legal fees to pay
    I am getting the vet bills to as the hamster now has a cold

    sonia comes back, and tells Mrs P that (as i had already supposed) that we cannot take the cage back, only replace the bottle again, or she could take h/o address and make a written complaint.
    This of course is not good enough and she demands a refund
    we tell her again head office will not allow this
    She tells me that if this had been a mobile phone package, and one part didn't work, she would be entitled to a brand new phone! (and grinned smuggly at me) well ididnt really answer as i dont really know about mobile phones or what they had to do with this(!)
    sonia offers again to change the bottle even tho niether of us can see a problem(yup, it came back with water in it an sonia has been watchin it not drip)
    Mrs P now launches into a tirade about wanting to give small stores a chance rather than goin to our large competitor and how we had had the chance to make things right
    but my attitude stank on thursday, and i told her it was all her fault it was leaking (w.t.f.?) and now she wanted a full refund
    S- we can't give you a refund, only chage the bottle again
    Her- do you want my hamster to die?
    Me&S ???? of course not!
    Her- then give me a refund!
    Me- we can't! head office have said we can only change the bottle, and give you their address to write a complaint
    Her- who is in charge here
    Me- Me
    Her- I want to speak to the manager
    Me - thats me
    Her- give me a refund!
    Me (oh god! how many more times) We cannot refund the cage, we can only change the bottle, head office have said you can make a written complaint
    Her- and what am i supposed to do with the hamster in the mean time? (it wasn't in the cage so don't know what she's already doing with it)
    And why are head office involved, i am your customer, my contract is with you?
    in fact i'll phone them(remember our non cordless phone) you dial and i'll speak to them
    Me- we really cant let you do that, we can give you their address though
    Her- give me their phone number
    Me- we're not alowed to do that (i agree tho, its a stoopid rule)
    anyway, behind our till(which we are using for other customers being served during this time) we have haed office phone no. fac no. and most of our other stores number as everyone seems to call us to get their local shops phone no. Mrs P has leaned over and got the number, and thinks she is using my phone to call h/o
    Me- sorry, you can't do that
    Her- why not?
    Me- its company policy, its for buisiness usage only (oh i can see where thats going)
    Her-(smugly again) well this is buisiness
    Me- its not a public phone
    Her- I am not the public! I am a customer!
    Me- you are not using my phone

    she glares, i have run out of things to say and sonia is off helping someone

    we have another chorus of 'Give me a refund!/I cant'
    Her- I am not leaving without my refund, i can stay here all night
    Me- (oh no your bloody not) I Cant Give You A Refund (and personally i hope she doesn't get one as i'd hate to have gone thro all this for nothing)

    she grabbed the cage and stomped out, i call h/o and get 'A', who thought it was hilarious and didn't mind that the woman had 'stolen' the phone no.

    Then today i was phoned by 'N' at h/o, giving me an ear-chewing for not checking the water bottle.(W.T.F.!) Mrs P is coming back in with it!!!! *sound of me crying*

    *sound of sonia running away*
    "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike

  • #2
    If the hamster wasn't in the cage, I'm pretty sure she had it shoved up her

    Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


    • #3
      Quoth tintaglia View Post
      Her- do you want my hamster to die?
      Me&S ???? of course not!
      Her- then give me a refund!
      Ohkay, lady. Let's stay calm and think about this for a second here. The hamster doesn't have to get hurt, ok? Alright? So just put down the gun and back away from the animal.

      Sniper (over radio) - I've got a shot!
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


      • #4
        Why the hell is she bringing the water bottle back again? That's still not going to make you refund the cage.

        Do keep us updated.


        • #5
          Holy crap, that woman needs to be banned out of complete stupidity!


          • #6
            I feel for you and for Rachel.
            I feel for Mrs. P, but this feeling is from The Dark Side.

            But I really, really pity the poor hamster. You can almost hear it thinking about committing sideways as soon as it gets its chance. Can you blame it?

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth CanadaGirl View Post
              Holy crap, that woman needs to be banned out of complete stupidity!
              And take 'N' with her!

              Sheesh! all I would have said to N was I explained the entire thing to A, so if you guaranteed a refund to her, I am going to have your name all over this so it will be your ass on the line.

              No sense losing your job because someone behind a desk is a moron.
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                Quoth tintaglia View Post
                S- we can't give you a refund, only chage the bottle again
                Her- do you want my hamster to die?
                Me&S ???? of course not!
                Her- then give me a refund!
                Good Lord woman, don't hurt the hamster!
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                • #9
                  What goes in must come out

                  SC might have thought the water bottle was leaking when she noticed the bedding in the cage getting a bit moist...not realising it was just leaking through the hamster!


                  • #10
                    I wonder how the poor thirsty, occasionally homeless baby hamster is doing.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      So we get a visit from our area manager on Thursday, and she asks hows things, me and s look at each other and go Well.., and tell the hamster saga.
                      Our supportive A.m tells us,(when she finished laughing!) you really do get them! (we have lots of stories)
                      She assured she can't see Mrs P getting a refund and not to worry.
                      The owner of the company (it's a family buisiness) called yesterday, having just received the letter from Mrs P and she wanted to check on some of the points made.
                      S took the call, and made sure to mention the bottle had been changed, the leaflet sold with the cage mentions that the bottle may drip for a day or so, and temperature changes can affect this too (all of which i had said to the customer when she came back with the bottle the first time, which she interpreted as me telling her it was her own fault)
                      Today, the owner calls again as she needs the customers name for the written reply, and she can't make it out. S gives her the name, and J reads us the letter that is being sent. Basically, as there is no fault with the cage, the staff will be happy to change the bottle for her, and show her how to atach the bottle to the cage properly,and they(head office) will pass her comments about the cage not being fit for the purpose it was built for to the manufacurers, though it is a comment they feel they have to disagree with as it is the highest rated cage in the company.(dunno if thats our company of the manufacturers tho )
                      Sooooo glad she not getting her refund, as she was smug enough the last time she was in, and one of our regulars commented that she really was quite unpleasant (this girl witnessed about half of the 'argument' about the refund last week)
                      just have to wait and see if she will come back in.
                      Me and S think that the woman has either bought a cheaper cage, or been given one someones old one and thats why she is so determined to get her money back.
                      "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                      • #12
                        Quoth ringflinger View Post
                        SC might have thought the water bottle was leaking when she noticed the bedding in the cage getting a bit moist...not realising it was just leaking through the hamster!
                        [Technician] We'll, here's your problem Ma'm , it's leakin' through the hamster! [/Technician]
                        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                        • #13
                          So nothing happened for a couple of weeks and we think finally, She has realised theres nothing wrong with the cage or bottle, time to get on with her life.
                          Imagine our shock this morning when we get a letter from the council, advising us that this woman has made a complaint about us (and i was more annoyed that the letter started 'dear Sir' grrr) it took two reads before i clicked who had complained.
                          We are not actually told what the complaint is, and the letter came from the 'environmental regulator' which, i think, is the department we get lisence checked by, but i don't know what She could have complained about to get them involved. Any way, we gave it to h/o to deal with, and they can't believe this is all still dragging on.
                          It wouldn't really surprise me if she does get a lawyer involved next. *sigh*
                          "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                          • #14
                            Ah, psycho pet shop customers. Don't miss it one bit.
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #15
                              And the hits just keep on coming!
                              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

