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  • nasty

    hey, i'm just registered today, i found this site trying to find other abused customer service peeps!
    the following happened to me today, so i wanted to get it off my chest...
    i work in a call centre for my local council, we deal with a lot of enquiries, like waste management, highways, parking etc. Everyone in the call centre has their own 'champion', which is an area that they specialise in. Mine is abandoned and untaxed vehicles. I got a message that a guys car had been taken because it was untaxed and he wanted to know how to get it back. I called him to let him know he needed to call the contractors and speak to them to arrange the release of it. He instantly started with a tirade of abuse, saying the council was ripping him off and its a pisstake and f'ing and blinding away. I explained to him that his car is untaxed and it is illegal to have an untaxed vehicle on the road, and offered to put him through to the contractors.
    He then proceeded to say 'i hope someone fucking rapes you and cuts your throat you cunt' at which point i hung up.
    what makes this guy believes this is the right thing to say to someone who is being perfectly polite and trying to help, when he is the one who broke the law? This really upset me, and I'm normally a very relaxed and laid back person who isnt easily upset. My manager found me crying in the toilets after she noticed I had been gone from my desk for a while. She was very understanding and they're going to ban the guy from calling us (luckily, all our calls are recorded). I dont understand why someone would purposely try and upset someone and ruin their day, for something that is nothing to do with them.
    Some people are complete and utter assholes, i hope they crush his car.

    thanks for reading

  • #2
    Quoth gumblina View Post
    hey, i'm just registered today, i found this site trying to find other abused customer service peeps!
    That's what we're here for! Welcome aboard - do I detect another Brit?

    He then proceeded to say 'i hope someone fucking rapes you and cuts your throat you cunt' at which point i hung up.
    Blood and sand...

    Interesting love life he must have. Glad you have a decent manager.

    Last edited by Rapscallion; 10-07-2006, 04:08 AM.


    • #3
      Quoth gumblina View Post
      Some people are complete and utter assholes, i hope they crush his car.
      Wouldn't that be a great scene?

      JERK: I'm here to pick up my car.
      CSR: Ah yes, and you are the gentleman who said, 'I hope someone fucking rapes you and cuts your throat you cunt' to our rep, aren't you?
      JERK: Yeah, so what? Gimme my car!
      CSR: Here it is! (brings over handtruck loaded with what's left of jerk's car, crushed into a cube)

      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        CSR: Here it is! (brings over handtruck loaded with what's left of jerk's car, crushed into a cube)

        LOL....I'm reminded of the scene in the beginning of National Lampoons Vacation, where the automobile dealer does this to Griswold's car.

        Yes, that guy (the SC) is a definite asshat, who hopefully Karma will catch up with some day.
        "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
        ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


        • #5
          imagining that scene cheered me up, that'd be great

          also, asshat is the best word ever, but as rapscallion is right (i'm british) i'd say arsehat, which just doesnt sound right!

          i have a million customer stories, and i havent even been there a year...most of them are just stupid old men, their key line is 'i pay my caaancil tax! (i work in east london). They believe that paying their council tax entitles them to every service under the sun, right now. gits


          • #6
            Quoth gumblina View Post
            He then proceeded to say 'i hope someone fucking rapes you and cuts your throat you cunt' at which point i hung up.
            There is only one acceptable situaton to say this kind of thing.

            I am going to guess that you and he were not on set filming a movie, tv show, or radio show, nor in the theater acting in a play.

            Outside of that type of fictional situation, such behavior is just completely unacceptable.

            And I'm American--I know a thing or two about being obnoxious, vulgar, and inappropriate!

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Damn. That guy desperately needs to meet the chipper.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth gumblina View Post
                also, asshat is the best word ever, but as rapscallion is right (i'm british) i'd say arsehat, which just doesnt sound right!
                It's been said that way in my head for months and sounds just fine to me.

                Greetings fellow council worker. Although, I don't have to deal with the public (thank god). I just do the computers. Coincidentally, we're commissioning a new calls database system right now for public complaints. I don't think I can convince anyone to add "Caller was an asshat" to the database resolutions. :P

                I think I'd probably take a risk on a call like that and say "Sir, do you have a daughter?" (Go on to sister, mother, etc if he says no), then "What would you think of someone who said that to your daughter?"

                He was a jerk. Ignore. Move on. Nothing to see here.


                • #9
                  Quoth gumblina View Post
                  'i pay my caaancil tax! (i work in east london).
                  Heh - our South London run is regularly labelled as "Sarf Lahndan, innit?"



                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    Heh - our South London run is regularly labelled as "Sarf Lahndan, innit?"

                    Is that anything like "Down Yonder?" perchance?
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      Nah, it's apples and pears, mate, innit me ol' china?



                      • #12
                        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                        Heh - our South London run is regularly labelled as "Sarf Lahndan, innit?"

                        Or is it, perhaps, like the "North 40"?
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Quoth XCashier View Post
                          Wouldn't that be a great scene?

                          JERK: I'm here to pick up my car.
                          CSR: Ah yes, and you are the gentleman who said, 'I hope someone fucking rapes you and cuts your throat you cunt' to our rep, aren't you?
                          JERK: Yeah, so what? Gimme my car!
                          CSR: Here it is! (brings over handtruck loaded with what's left of jerk's car, crushed into a cube)

                          From The Simpsons:

                          Homer is reading phone message memo to Mr. Burns.

                          Homer: You have 30 minutes to move your car or it will be crushed into a cube.

                          Homer: You have 15 minutes to move your car.

                          Homer: You have 10 minutes to move your car.

                          Homer: You have 5 minutes to move your car.

                          Homer: You have 30 minutes to move your cube.

                          Mr. Burns:
                          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                          • #14
                            I agree with One Fang. While what he said was pretty beyond the pale, he's a useless idiot, a jerk, and a failure as a human being. There's no reason to get upset that he was nasty to you. He doesn't matter. It wasn't personal. His nasty comments were nothing more than an impotent loser kicking an inanimate object (not that you are an inanimate's just that to him, you are. He cares nothing for others. ) Do not spend a moment caring what someone like him thinks. I can assure you that you spent far more time thinking about it than he did.

                            Don't give assholes that kind of power over you.


                            • #15
                              Wiser words were rarely spoken than what RK just said.

                              Too many people in this line of work have trouble separating "work" from "personal," both with customers and coworkers.

                              Hell, I used to have a manager I was friends with at one of my restaurants. At work, we would often clash, sometimes literally getting in each other's faces and yelling at each other. After work, we would go out, have some beer, shoot some pool, and chase some skirts. Many of our coworkers could not figure out the disparity between one and the other, but both he and I were able to separate what happened between Jester the waiter and S the manager from what happened between Jester the dude and S the dude.

                              No matter how many assholes I deal with on a given day, when I leave the job, I leave the job, and I leave all the problems behind, save for perhaps a retelling here on CS or elsewhere. But I don't let it affect me.

                              That is why I came up with my "Five Minute Rule" and later, the "Ten Minute Corallary to the Five Minute Rule." See, at this one job I had, after work a bunch of us would go over to the bar next door and down a few cold ones. But I found that my coworkers would only talk about work, rehashing all the hell that they had gone through that night, sometimes for hours. I finally got fed up with it, and came up with the above rules. The Five Minute Rule is this: once we are out of work, you have five minutes to vent, bitch, moan, kvetch, complain, and whine about what went on at work. After five minutes, shut up, or I am going elsewhere. The Ten Minute Corollary is for people I don't work with. Since I did not just go through the same hell they did, they get ten minutes to let it all out. After that....same thing.

                              I have found that the Five Minute Rule has served me well. I have also found that I don't socialize that much with too many people I have worked with over the years, because too many of them just seem to not be able to let it go. Since I would rather be around people with more to talk about than just work, especially if I work with them, I have found this a useful tool for weeding out those that can't seem to broaden their conversational horizons.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

