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Evil bacon lady

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  • Evil bacon lady

    Now this isn't so brutal as a lot of what I read but I get a good laugh out of it.
    I was working in the Deli portion (Now where I spend most of my time since meat cutters are being outsourced) and a lady comes and asks for our fresh Deli sliced bacon. She wanted a pound. The store manager was doing his inspection of the area and was satisfied. I throw some bacon in a bag and put it on the scale and it was 1/4 of a pound heavy. This is thick sliced bacon, it's easy to overshoot. She gets angry "Can't you do simple math? I should NOT have to pay for that! But I will take the high road and I'll pay for it."
    "If you like I'd be glad to take some out for you."
    "No, just give it to me!"
    I fork over the bacon and she gets on her way. In front of the deli is a large oval cooler called "The Cheese Island" where she began walking around it talking to herself. At one point she stops and yells at me about what an asshole I am and then starts walking around the island talking to herself more. I comment somewhat silently to a co worker about what a bitch she is. She stops and her face turning purple she screams so loud that the produce manager came running from the other end of the store. Veins popping out of her forehead and neck "I WANT YOUR NAME!! I WANT YOUR NAME!! I AM SO HURT BY YOU!! I WANT TO SEE A MANAGER!!" and she threw the bag of bacon at me, hitting me in the chest. So I KNOW if I said something I'd say something to get me fired. So I took my name badge off and handed it to her.
    "I assume you know how to READ!" I said silently so only she could hear it.
    She goes running to the front desk to yell at management... not realizing the guy with a tie who was trying to calm her down WAS the manager.
    Along the way she yells at the produce manager, a checker, and another produce clerk. I didn't get into any trouble, I have a damn near perfect reputation for helping my customers. Boss knew what happened and told me to take a break so I could stop laughing.
    The funny thing is, she came in the next day, all sweet and friendly like every other day. I see prescription bags in the cart with her. I'm betting she's got some sort of mental stability disorder, it's like nothing ever happened. Yet... she doesn't buy bacon any more.
    Nothing serious, just mildly entertaining.
    Big Evil has spoken.
    "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
    "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"

  • #2
    WOW! Just, wow! I am leaning towards some kind of mental health problem. She probably just dropped off the prescription and had yet to have them filled. The next day, after a few a mother's little helpers, she was sweet as pie!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Possibly a mental disorder.
      Also, something a lot of people don't consider, she could be diabetic.

      When their sugar levels are out of whack, diabetics can seem almost intoxicated, getting confused, and really irritable or belligerent.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        With those prescription bags in there, I'm gonna go with mental disorder too. If she had acted embarress, or in a similar fashion to the first time you'd seen her, I would go with just plain jack@$$. But to pretend it never happened, she probably either doesn't remember, or knows she does things like that off her meds, and is too embarressed to explain to people why she behaved that way.

        I kinda feel sorry for her, but then I have to question why she was off the meds long enough for that kind of episode to occur.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          I know I always take my mediction before I go to the store!

          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


          • #6
            Quoth Bigevilogre View Post
            a lady comes and asks for our fresh Deli sliced bacon. She wanted a pound. The store manager was doing his inspection of the area and was satisfied. I throw some bacon in a bag and put it on the scale and it was 1/4 of a pound heavy. This is thick sliced bacon, it's easy to overshoot. She gets angry "Can't you do simple math? I should NOT have to pay for that! But I will take the high road and I'll pay for it."
            Okay, maybe it's me, but when I ask for a certain weight of an item at a store, if they go over, I either (a) say, "No problem, that's close enough to what I need, I don't mind a little extra," etc. or (b) say "Um, that's a little heavy, would you mind taking some off? Thanks." And you know what? They either hand me the item with the extra that I don't mind (which is usually the case with fish!) or they take the extra off. No muss, no fuss, no need for drama or histrionics.

            Now, this lady obviously had some problems, but I have seen people get snippy about this when I was out and about at the store, and I just don't get it. It's not that big a deal. And when I act like it's not that big a deal, the deli/fish/whoever people act relieved and pleasantly surprised, which tells me that my reaction is apparently in the minority. And that is a damn shame.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              I agree. She's been perfectly fine ever since. Still, we always worry about another outburst. If she does, we're sending her to our favorite elderly Brazilian lady cashier. Amparo (I think that's how it's spelled)

              Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
              WOW! Just, wow! I am leaning towards some kind of mental health problem. She probably just dropped off the prescription and had yet to have them filled. The next day, after a few a mother's little helpers, she was sweet as pie!
              "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
              "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"


              • #8
                Hmmm, I didn't think of that. I'll bring that up when I go in next time.

                Quoth Ree View Post
                Possibly a mental disorder.
                Also, something a lot of people don't consider, she could be diabetic.

                When their sugar levels are out of whack, diabetics can seem almost intoxicated, getting confused, and really irritable or belligerent.
                "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
                "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"


                • #9
                  Same here. I need it to keep from stabbing myself in the heart or throwing myself into the hamburger grinder on the job.

                  Quoth batmoody View Post
                  I know I always take my mediction before I go to the store!
                  "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
                  "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"


                  • #10
                    No doubt. Most of my customers know that it's very difficult to get it right on. I have gotten to the point I can tell within 1/10th of a pound and that's good enough for most of them. I never have a problem trying to get it closer, most of my customers are good folks and can actually think. Now, I'm trying to get the manager of the video rental department... he has at LEAST three or four stories per day.

                    [QUOTE=Jester;37298]Okay, maybe it's me, but when I ask for a certain weight of an item at a store, if they go over, I either (a) say, "No problem, that's close enough to what I need, I don't mind a little extra," etc. or (b) say "Um, that's a little heavy, would you mind taking some off? Thanks." And you know what? They either hand me the item with the extra that I don't mind (which is usually the case with fish!) or they take the extra off. No muss, no fuss, no need for drama or histrionics.QUOTE]
                    "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
                    "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bigevilogre View Post
                      Possibly a mental disorder.
                      Also, something a lot of people don't consider, she could be diabetic.

                      When their sugar levels are out of whack, diabetics can seem almost intoxicated, getting confused, and really irritable or belligerent.
                      I'd agree with that, I'm diabetic. When my sugar is too high, I feel drunk. When it's too low, I'm very irritable.
                      "Some people are just brainless." -Words of my beloved late grandma.

