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The little old lady beaters.

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  • The little old lady beaters.

    per request, another story from my days as a front desk girl at a hotel-casino.

    One afternoon on a really busy day. We are slammed. I mean really slammed. People lined up all the way back to the elevators, waiting to check in, the bellboys are pulling their hair out. Guest services is running rampant trying to keep up with everything. I check in this couple. Now, when you check into the hotel, if you wanted you could leave your credit card 'open'---in other words, we wouldn't charge it yet, we'd just make sure there's money available on it, so you could charge meals and other stuff to it during your stay. To check the credit card, we'd run it through our credit card machine, and it would come up one of three ways: Good to go, cannot accept, or call center. Call center means you need to call the main credit card call center to find out what's going on. Nine times out of ten when you call, they just want a new billing addy from the customer or something, so we were kind of annoyed with 'call center'. Well this couple's card came up 'call center'. We were so slammed that I disregarded it. Now we did this sometimes---like I said, pretty much every time we'd called the center, it was something minor that we have nothing to do with. So I disregarded it. (I got in a bit of trouble for this later.)

    Check the couple in, give them their room. Well, luckily, when I ran that card through it alerted the credit card company. Because later that evening, cops showed up from Elko, looking for this couple. Detectives come up to the front desk and have me page the name the card is under. Nothing. So then they have me page their real names. The lady kinda slinks up to the counter, with a funny look on her face, realizes the guys in the suits are detectives, drops her big tub of quarters, and proceeds to have a shrieking fit ten feet from us. The cops have to restrain her. Guy won't come up to desk. So the detectives fan out, searching for him. They spot him, and he drops his tub o' quarters and runs. They give chase. He's knocking people outta the way, leaping over chairs, the whole bit. the cops have pulled out their guns and are chasing him through the casino, yelling at him to freeze, while people are diving under tables, shrieking, and there's general pandemonium going on.

    So then he tries to run out the big glass doors of the main entrance. Don't know what he was thinking, but he came at them so hard he bounced off of them. Slammed into the glass face first, breaking his nose and streaking blood down the glass, and knocking himself out cold. He falls to the floor in a heap.

    Later we found out, the d*ckwad had broken into some little old ladies home, beat her, and terrorized her for a while before taking off with her purse, and she had lain there all night injured before she was found. He then took his gf with him to go party at the casino with her credit card.


    I hope he made friends with lots of real lonely guys while he was in jail.
    Last edited by ThePhoneGoddess; 10-08-2006, 12:21 PM.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    That's terrible. It figures, the one time you disregard a policy is the one time that it's something as bad as this. Murphy's law.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Well, on the bright side, had you actually called, the thief would have assumed somthing was up when you mentioned you'd have to call it in and bolted, instead, he got comfortable while the cops came for him.
      - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


      • #4
        Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. He was happily enjoying the benefits of his bad deed when it bit him in the ass!
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Well, friendofjimmyk had my first thought, right down to Murphy's Law, and Argabarga had my second thought!

          TPG, what kind of trouble did you get in over this? Because, even though you didn't follow policy, your lack of doing so did likely, as mentioned, result in them being caught, when they most likely would not have been if yoou'd done it by the book.



          • #6
            I got a lecure. Nothing big. I also helped the cops out quite a bit, I worked late, and did some of the night audit stuff, so I went back and pulled out everything that pertained to their room. I found two different meals they'd charged to the room, one with his signature and one with hers, which the cops were really pleased about, it meant they could charge her with several of the crimes as well.

            But the management was kinda peeved because we lost out on that money they spent, you know? If I hadn't checked them in the business wouldn't have lost that money. At least that's how they saw it.
            Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


            • #7
              I'd look at as getting in trouble for the greater good. You got people like that off the streets, and it cost a Casino some money. They can lose some for that.


              • #8
                Now that guy is a sphincterwrinkle that needs to be ironed out.
                "Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is DONE!"
                "I'm going crazy, want to come along?"


                • #9
                  I just got this mental image of the woman being dragged out of the casino while she's yelling "Attica! Attica! Attica!"

                  I have a copy of Penn and Teller Get Killed, yes...
                  Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                  - Robert E. Howard


                  • #10

                    I saw (and met ) Penn & Teller when I was in Vegas last March. Absolutely killer time. Had a great seat because my friend's friend is a buddy of Penn's and he managed to get it for me...comped to boot.

                    Kind of a bummer, though, when I realized that Teller, the "short" one, is actually taller than me. (I am 5'8", he is about 5'10. He looks so short because Penn is 6'6".)

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post

                      I saw (and met ) Penn & Teller when I was in Vegas last March. Absolutely killer time. Had a great seat because my friend's friend is a buddy of Penn's and he managed to get it for me...comped to boot.

                      Kind of a bummer, though, when I realized that Teller, the "short" one, is actually taller than me. (I am 5'8", he is about 5'10. He looks so short because Penn is 6'6".)
                      So did Teller say anything?
                      "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                      "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                      • #12
                        Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                        But the management was kinda peeved because we lost out on that money they spent, you know? If I hadn't checked them in the business wouldn't have lost that money. At least that's how they saw it.
                        I know I'll come off as a dick like this, but I can see the point of view of the management-they probably put in the CALL CENTER rule for that very reason, which is to save money. OK, they were probably thinking of a credit card maybe going over the limit, or something like that, but still. The casino isn't in the process of helping police put away criminals.

                        It still turned out pretty good in the end, though. Hope they got the book thrown at them. An old lady? Ooooh, tough guy...
                        I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                        Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                        • #13
                          If you see them, tell them that I will be waiting
                          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                          • #14
                            Quoth Seanette View Post
                            So did Teller say anything?
                            Not during the act, but afterwords, yes. He is actually quite intelligent and articulate. I know years ago I saw a tv special on magic, and he was one of the ones interviewed, and his knowledge is just unbelievably impressive. The silent act works really well on stage because of (a) how expressive he can be with his face and body without talking, and (b) how verbose and overbearing Penn is.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."

