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Today's, losers, well, you know what i mean.

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  • Today's, losers, well, you know what i mean.

    All Right y'all, Crow T. Robot, is here filling you in on the wacky day at my WM.
    These are the people that took the cake.

    "Car Theft" woman.
    This middle-aged woman went outside and couldn't find her car. She come in and says her car was stolen and DEMANDS we callt the cops, we do. CSM asks for description of the car, and the woman gets nasty with her, and refuses to give a decription of the car. She then whines about how long the cops are taking, and sits b-tching at the service desk. She calls someone on her cell(so how come she didn't call the cops herself?) and then thinks to press the "panic" button(which sets off the horn or alarm.) on her keychain remote, and the car is right in front of the store. Oh, and she didn't say anything just took off, I wonder if the cops pulled her over.

    "Hangars in a bag"
    I was going in to help a customer with some furniture, as i am coming in a woman , has this exchange with the associate who summoned me:
    W: Those are my hangers.
    A: Excuse me?
    W:<irritated> Those are my hangers over there in the bag.
    A: At the service desk?
    W: Yes, God-amn, do I have to walk all the way over there those are my hangers in that bag.
    A<picks up bag> This bag?
    W: Do I have to walk all the way over there? Yes!
    A: Okay, here you are.<hands woman hangers>
    W: <snatches them> These are MY hangers. (okay we get it)

    I had to read the package??No fair!!!
    Guy buys a game expansion back, but he doesn't have the orginal game, he returns the OPENED software, to us expecting a refund. Oh, h-ll no.
    Our policy(no refunds on open software , DVDs, videos or CDS) is written above the CS desk and right next to the software and on a HUGE sign above electronics.
    Guy through a hissy fit. His departing shot: " I am never shopping at WM, or anyplace that doesn't give refunds on open software again!!!" Yeah, good luck with that pal.

    Those are just the ones I witnessed, I am sure there are more.

  • #2
    " I am never shopping at WM, or anyplace that doesn't give refunds on open software again!!!"
    Gee, I guess he doesn't want any software then...As far as I know, all stores that sell software have the same policy. Even my local EB quit giving refunds on open software.


    • #3
      &quot;open box software&quot;

      Way back when, you could do that. but then that was when 5 1/4 ruled the earth. Now with piracy running rampant(ooh, I'll buy the CD and copy it, then return it for the money and I can still listen to it)

      I saw someone once long ago try to return software to a local WM, and they preached their policy until they were blue in the face. The SC yelled I'll go to a different store and get my money back. I muttered "not likely" as he walked by me.
      I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.


      • #4
        The only time I've ever gotten refunds on open software have been two seperate cases. One, the local manager has stated himself that it should be the subject of a company policy. (that one first.)

        Ok, ever buy a game? Back until what, two years ago all games were CDROM. Well, PC games at least. Before that, of course you had the 3.5 floppies, and even the 5 inch types. Still, for the most part they were all CD. Then, came a change.

        DVD ROM. DVD rom's, for those who don't know, will not work in your regular CD player. Many companies (kmart, target, and EB) have slowly begun to segregate these games from others. There have been too many accounts of customers buying what they thought was a CD, only to find that there was no way this would work with their system short of a rather costly upgrade.

        WM, howver, doesn't do this. All the games are pretty much pell mell in electronics. You have to remeber to look at the box to tell if it's DVD or CD. God help you should you get the wrong one, since according to policy if it's opened, you're screwed. This manager, it turns out, is a gamer. So, he's got a standing order that's awesome.

        "IF a customer purchases a game that does not work due to their system being incompatitable. (DVD/CD) Then, the customer will be given their money back on a gift card to return to electronics and purchase something else. The likelihood that the customer has copied the game is very slim, and it is better to just return it and not lose the customer."

        Great policy that. FEW people know though, since he doesn't advertise. Typically it's a word of mouth thing.

        Second Time:

        I bought a game called 11th hour. Well, by the time the game hit shelves, the company had not only gone bankrupt; but went to the point that NO one bought their titles. Meaning that this game which was a beta (so said by industry leaders), was released anyway since the company could have cared less. They were dying as it was, what did it matter what happened. This game is totally unplayable. There are no patches for it, and if you get it to run, count your blessings.

        I called the store at this case, and told them what's up. The manager (different one then) Agreed that the whole situation was crappy enough that they would return it. Furthermore, I had the satisfaction of seeing every last one of this title pulled from the shelves.
        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


        • #5
          I'm convinced my Walmart has the saintliest people in the face of the planet :P I had an issue a few months ago where my computer completely crashed. Like.. dead. And me having the computer knowledge of a GNAT, I was freaking out. The computer kept asking for my windows disks.. I bought my laptop on ebay.. no disks :P So, I get the brilliant idea to go buy a whole new Windows at 3:30 am. So, I la-dee-da off to Walmart. But the only thing they have is a Windows Upgrade disk and I had no idea if it would work. I asked the guy in that department. He didnt know either, but he was nice enough to start paging people and asking them.. all the way up to the manager on duty, who also didnt know, but told me if it didnt work to just bring it back and he'd personally refund it. It didnt work and he stuck to his word. I was so relieved, because I really could not have afforded to be stuck with it. I spent weeks singing that Walmart's praises, lol.


          • #6
            When Baldur's Gate 1 came out, it was released on both CD and DVD rom.
            I made that mistake, and got the DvD one, mainly because the CD ones were sold out, and i didnt realize there was a difference, i was just glad to finally find a copy.
            This was at CompUSA. I found out i had the wrong one, and wanted a refund because i had managed in the time to find a place that had a copy of the CD one, and they were nice enough to hold it for me.
            The only reason I got a refund, was because, as the guy that refunded it for me said, "I know for a fact that dvd writers costs in the range of 3 grand, and i seriously doubt you could have copied this game."
            I was fairly grateful he did that for me, because i didnt want to wait a week to exchange it for the CD version.
            Cyberpunk mayhem!


            • #7
              That must have been a while ago. I just got a dual layer DVD-RW drive for $50.00, takes anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours, but I can copy almost anything now, no blu-ray or HDDVD, but one program I have says I should be able to copy x-box games, but haven't tried.
              The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


              • #8
                Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
                "Car Theft" woman.
                This middle-aged woman went outside and couldn't find her car. She come in and says her car was stolen and DEMANDS we callt the cops, we do. CSM asks for description of the car, and the woman gets nasty with her, and refuses to give a decription of the car. She then whines about how long the cops are taking, and sits b-tching at the service desk. She calls someone on her cell(so how come she didn't call the cops herself?) and then thinks to press the "panic" button(which sets off the horn or alarm.) on her keychain remote, and the car is right in front of the store. Oh, and she didn't say anything just took off, I wonder if the cops pulled her over.
                My grandmother had something like that happen, back when she was still working. Although the customer in her story didn't get nasty, the whole incident was somewhat aggravating.

                A customer came in, bought a few things, and left without incident. A few minutes later, she came running back into the store, screaming that her car had been stolen, and asked them to call the police.

                The police arrived, and the customer was giving the information to the police, who were also taking statements from the employees. Just as they were finishing up, the customer said, "Oh, I just remembered! I drove my husband's car here!"

                Neither the police nor the employees were the least bit amused.
                Last edited by MadMike; 10-11-2006, 01:01 PM. Reason: WTF did I type???
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Years ago, when my little "woo" (Daewoo) was new and the car was reasonably uncommon; I had something of a run in with a reposession team. That in itself was rather curious, since the car was paid for.

                  I remember as though it were yesterday, and still have a good laugh about it.

                  I pulled into the Wally-World lot, picking a distant parking spot. I don't mind the walk. Inside, I spend some time shopping, pick up what I need and head out. As I wander out, I see some people gathered around my car. Ohkay...this has happened before. New car style, everyone wonders what it is. I start moving a bit closer, and then to my horror see some guy trying to slim jim the door. Thankfully Daewoos are designed so that's impossible. However, it doesn't help the window any. Quickly grabbing my phone I start to call the police, but stop when I see an officer approaching. Waving the guy over I quickly relate that these guys are trying to steal my car, and need help.

                  The officer drives up quickly, lights blazing and the guys don't stop. One guy walks over as I run up there. He turns to the cop and says loudly. "We're repossessing this. Mister Johnson here is behind on the payments!" Johnson? name's not Johnson. Digging through my wallet, I drag out my liscense as the officer starts to say "well, they're within their rights then." I quickly explain I'm not johnson, and even ask him to run the liscense. To make matters worse, I drag out my Sherrif's dept ID. (I was a corporal, and a Jailor at the time.) The cop starts to curse.

                  He quickly calls the ring leader over, and orders the guy to stop. HE refuses of all things. Left with no choice, the officer asks to see the warrant. (Repo men should always have a warrant of sorts. Tells them what car to pick up and such.) About this time there's an audible exhalation of gas as the release that controls my auto door lock lets out. The driver door pops open and one guy hops in to hotwire the car. The ringleader hands over the warrant and then things get dirty.

                  The car they wanted, was a BMW. The officer rather politely informed them that one, it was the wrong make of car, two, the liscense tag was wrong, and three the vin didn't match. These guys looked beside themselves. Turning to the guy in the car the officer further went on to arrest that guy for grand theft auto. I actually saw him later in jail. He ended up being a whiner, and the judge dropped the charges on the condition he was fired and blacklisted from ever working in Reposession again.

                  Note: this may read wonky. I'm on new meds and suspect I may have to review this again when I'm off :P
                  Last edited by repsac; 10-11-2006, 05:27 AM. Reason: edited to add a note.
                  Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                  • #10
                    Good lord, did the company pay for the damage they did to the door and window?


                    • #11
                      Quoth MadMike View Post
                      The police arrived, and the customer was giving the information to the police, who were also taking statements from the employees. Just as they were finishing up, the customer said, "Oh, I just remembered! I drove my husband's car here!"

                      Neither the police nor the employees were the least bit amused.
                      The store manager at Hechinger's did something similar once. He'd driven over to one of the fast food joints, and walked back. Forgetting his car was still over there, he called the cops since he thought his car was stolen. Needless to say, they weren't too happy about it.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
                        All Right y'all, Crow T. Robot, is here filling you in on the wacky day at my WM.
                        These are the people that took the cake.

                        "Car Theft" woman.
                        This middle-aged woman went outside and couldn't find her car. She come in and says her car was stolen and DEMANDS we callt the cops, we do. CSM asks for description of the car, and the woman gets nasty with her, and refuses to give a decription of the car. She then whines about how long the cops are taking, and sits b-tching at the service desk. She calls someone on her cell(so how come she didn't call the cops herself?) and then thinks to press the "panic" button(which sets off the horn or alarm.) on her keychain remote, and the car is right in front of the store. Oh, and she didn't say anything just took off, I wonder if the cops pulled her over.
                        Musta been my crazy aunt. She went to the mall once and her car got "stolen". Raised a big rucus over it, police came, they found her car in the parking lot, she had gone out the wrong exit.


                        • #13
                          Quoth repsac View Post
                          The car they wanted, was a BMW.
                          Daewoo. BMW. Daewoo. BMW.

                          Yeah, I can see that. Same reason I get confused for Shaquille O'Neal all the time. We look exactly alike. Other than my being short. And white. And skinny. Easy confusion, really.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                            Good lord, did the company pay for the damage they did to the door and window?
                            Of course not. I fixed it myself only to have it crap out on me in the middle of last summer. So, considering it lasted around six years, I can't complain. Now, however, the parts have to come from Korea.
                            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                            • #15
                              And as we stray off into the world of OT....

                              Way back when I was in college the first time (as I like to say, Michigan State taught me that I hate computer science, and then Columbia College taught me that I hate college), I was an avid biker. I had a NICE bike (well, as nice as a college kid can afford at any rate), and I was biking everywhere, everywhen. One of my favorite rides was at 1 in the morning in the dead of winter; I went out to go skid around on the ice for awhile (perfected my 180° skid that night).

                              Anyway, you get the idea: pbmods <3 that bike.

                              One night, I was looking around my dorm room for my bike. I figured I'd have myself an after-dinner ride. Needless to say, that search didn't take long, and no bike. I checked in the hallway, but it wasn't there. Wasn't in the bike room, either.

                              After a couple of minutes of hyperventilation, I had finally calmed down enough to call the campus police. Told them everything. Make, model, serial number, everything (yeah... I loved that bike).

                              Anyway, about ten minutes later, I remembered that I had left my bike at the lot behind the dorm next to mine 'cause their cafeteria is a lot nicer... and then I had decided to walk back to my room.


                              Fortunately, since nobody had actually been dispatched yet (!!!), the operator over at the PD was willing to share a quick laugh with me over it.
                              "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                              -- The Meteor Principle

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