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Livingstone, I presume? (Long)

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  • Livingstone, I presume? (Long)

    Just like to get this outta the way, long time lurker, first time poster. Lucky enough not to get that many SCs, but yesterday... He was an "interesting" experience.

    I work at a teacher's supply store. We've got that wax for sticking things to walls, those "motivational" posters, and in this case, books.
    I was standing at the register, ringing people up, waiting out the hour 'till close, and I hear from our Science section, "There are too bears in Africa!" Whiny. Loud.
    "No, there isn't!" Still loud, but not whiny. Nails on a chalkboard.
    "No! Look right there! No bears in Africa!"
    "Uh-huh! They just live in a very small section, the map doesn't show them!"
    I look up, and it's a 50-year-old man arguing with a woman I'm guessing was his mother. The map in question was in one of our books, cleverly titled "Bears."
    I picked up a copy, as they were in a different section then the customers, flipped to the map, and no bears in Africa. I didn't want to get involved, I just was curious, so I trudged back to the register.

    When they came to pay, they fought a bit over every item, until "Bears." I had to step back for a good two minutes while they went back and forth again.
    (S- Son) (M- Mother)
    S: There are bears in Africa!
    M: No! You don't need the book!
    S: I'll use it!
    M: But you won't! It's a waste of money!
    S: If I don't, I can return it in 30 days!
    M: A waste of gas!
    S: But I can return it!
    Eventually, the son relented. He'd take defeat. He handed me the book, and told me to put it back. And that should be it.

    Except he went the wrong way. Door's there, man isn't going there.
    The son was in Science, and the mother wanted to know if the little paper numbers for those big wall calendars are self-adhesive.
    (P- Myself)
    P: Well, no.
    M: You mean they aren't?
    P: They aren't.
    M: Oh... Are those? (Pointing to a seasonal display where she got the one in her hand at.)
    P: Nope. Not those, either.
    M: They're not?
    P: No. Any chance you're looking for nametags, ma'am?
    M: Yes! Where are those!?!
    P: In the Rewards aisle. *Pointing to the large sign hanging up, said Rewards*
    M: Where's that?
    P: One, two, three, four... fifth aisle down. *Pointing at it still*
    M: Next to the palm leaves?
    P: Yep!
    Obviously, that would be too easy. It really was straight to her left. She went 45 degrees off, to the other corner of the store. I would even understand the confusion, it's a big store, but the only palm leaves were part of an endcap. For Rewards. She even asked the other clerk where "Rewards" is, not where nametags are.

    Another customer or two came by, and then the son returned, asking about a product and if gazelles or chimps live in Africa. (An "I believe so", to both.)
    And his mother comes back.
    And they fight. About his new product. About the nametags.
    It was the same, over and over.
    Oh, and in the end, he bought "Bears."

    "If I wanted to put up with something like that, I'd go home and listen to my husband!" another customer told me.