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Banana Hammock Man (Loong long long)

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  • Banana Hammock Man (Loong long long)

    I thought I would start a post about the people at my job, as they are a change for the usually SC everyone sees on the board, and are incredibly humorous.

    At a pool, we have some very interesting customers that, while they are not always sucky, verge on it, or are at least annoying. Here are some that have names, including Said Banana Hammock.

    The banana hammock is a bright green speedo that is so old that it has become slightly see-through. The elastic on the suit has also gone, creating a rather interesting effect. When he bends over, his equipment as it were, almost hits the ground. He also LOVES to come and chat with you while you are guarding.

    The Bouncers are an older couple who come to the pool and , well, bounce. For a few hours. This is only a problem because it is incredibly boring to guard some one who is not swimming, but jumping up and down in the deep end. Everyday. At seven in the morning. When you have other paperwork that needs to be done.

    The DWW Ladies. These people are scary. Thay are so intense, and if you are in their way, watch out. They complain about EVERYTHING. They also like to get into the tank fifteen minutes before the class starts, even if lessons are still running. And if you have your class in there ( because it goes until noon), they will sit there and STARE at you. Until you leave. Apparently they are very competitive with each other, and they need to have the Latest swimsuits all the time too.

    Older people that sit in the hot tub for hours, despite the fact that the max is 15 minutes. They also glare at you if you get in as well. Hey, I have been teaching for 3 hours straight. I am cold and tired, so give me a break!

    Parents. Now not all parents are a problem. Most are wonderful. But there are a few who stand out. The ones who buy their kids $150 dollar swimsuits; and it is not as if they are in a swim club either. :P The ones who think that they must just grab us off the street, give us a swimsuit, and tell us to teach. It does not happen that way! I am a highly trained individual! You child swims like a drowning cat, and I am not completing them to the next level! Deal with it.

    Children. 'Nough said. Like the parents, there are angels; but there are others who would make Satan weep and make Jesus scream with Rage.

    Another oddity is the people who line up outside the facility at 5am and scream at you to open already. It is 5 in the morning! You should be sleeping still! Not swimming. And these are not the people exercising before work either. I just don't get it.

  • #2
    Quoth amphrite View Post
    The DWW Ladies.
    DWW? What does that stand for? I'm stumped.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      The banana hammock is a bright green speedo that is so old that it has become slightly see-through. The elastic on the suit has also gone, creating a rather interesting effect. When he bends over, his equipment as it were, almost hits the ground. He also LOVES to come and chat with you while you are guarding.

      There. I feel better now.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

        There. I feel better now.
        Thank you for that, I. P. You took the words out of my mouth.

        Now pass that bleach over . . . and do we have any eyewash also?
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #5
          Deep Water Workout. They do aerobics in the deep water. It is really great exercise. But Some of them are scary.


          • #6
            Quoth amphrite View Post
            The Bouncers are an older couple who come to the pool and , well, bounce. For a few hours. This is only a problem because it is incredibly boring to guard some one who is not swimming, but jumping up and down in the deep end. Everyday. At seven in the morning. When you have other paperwork that needs to be done.
            Sorry, I'm not much for swimming slang-by "bouncers, do you mean they jump into the pool and climb out of it again? Or do they sink to the bottom, and push themselves back up to the surface? Either way, it doesn't sound like a good use for a 7 am.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Quoth amphrite View Post
              The banana hammock is a bright green speedo that is so old that it has become slightly see-through. The elastic on the suit has also gone, creating a rather interesting effect. When he bends over, his equipment as it were, almost hits the ground. He also LOVES to come and chat with you while you are guarding.
              A perfect example of why I do not care to partake in public swimming pools. The thought of sharing water with that just disgusts me!
              Public pools just gross me out.

              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


              • #8
                Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                Sorry, I'm not much for swimming slang-by "bouncers, do you mean they jump into the pool and climb out of it again? Or do they sink to the bottom, and push themselves back up to the surface? Either way, it doesn't sound like a good use for a 7 am.
                They stand in the water and jump up and down in one spot. Like on a trampoline, but...not. I drives the one guard crazy! And there really isn't anything wrong with it, but it is weird.

                The lane pools ar not too gross, but the people who have taken their Pool Operator's course will usually not go into the Hot Tub, unless they know it was cleaned the day before MAX. Same goes for Kiddy and Wading pools. They are cleaned regularly, but apparently it is not enough. :P
                Last edited by amphrite; 10-10-2006, 04:22 PM.

