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You can take this job and shove it!!! (Very Long)

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  • You can take this job and shove it!!! (Very Long)

    This is actually a follow-up to post I wrote about 2 weeks ago under this link

    This post should probably go under the Management forum b/c its really about the much hated DM but, the whole incident started with a customer.

    Well I'm getting ready for work yesterday and the Store Manager calls my house and ask If its cool if I come in early b/c the DM was at the store and he wanted to have a "One-on-one" with me.


    Was it not enough that he had me written up for "misconduct"!? Apparently not. So I get to work and go into the Managers office and there sits the DM and my SM. Now as I said before the Store Manager is a really cool guy, but he is also kind of a pushover. Especially when it comes to dealing the DM (with the write up, he didn't bother saying anything the DM about it, he just didnt seem to really care that much) Now I know its just a write-up and not that big of a deal but, the unjust really gets under my skin. I knew there was no way I deserve that write-up, but I got one anyways. It may not be that big of a deal but, it still pisses me off.

    Anyways as you can imagine the DM immediately jumps down my back about how the customer was royally offended at my not only assulting his "finger" but also, in some weird crazy sense accusing him of stealing. (Well, when you put your hand inside the till...) So the conversation goes something like this.

    A-Hole DM: I got a call from (Jackass customer that got his finger smashed), and he said that what you did was not only embarressing and rude, you were also suggesting that he was a thief!

    At this point I am Blood red with anger and I let my DM have it.


    You know I am not normally an aggressive person and I almost never raise my voice to anyone but, I was just so pissed about the whole incident I just lost myself.

    DM: (After a moment) You need to chill out... Here take this (He throws a squishy stress ball at me with a big obnoxious grin on his face)

    So you think all of this is funny do you!?

    That moment was the straw that broke the camels back. I looked at the DM, looked at my SM then looked at the stress ball and chucked that son-of-a-bitch as hard as I possibly could at the wall behind the desk where the SM was sitting. It made a wonderful LOUD thud sound and stuck for a second before hitting the ground leaving a nice little sticky nasty residue.

    The DM and the SM are just staring at me in utter disbelief (particuarly my store manager because he knows I am a easygoing guy 99% of the time and this was just not like me.)

    I stormed out and went to the warehouse (my personal store sanctuary) to cool off. The SM comes back there and basically tells me if I don't apalogize to the DM I am going to get fired and how I shouldn't have gone off like that blah blah blah. So apparently the DM thinks that if I lose my temper in front of him like that, it must mean I lose my temper in front of customers all the time!

    Yep, thats how I act all the time. A complete and total asshole that loses his temper like a little child and therefore must be terminated.

    So I sulk over the the Managers office (while being bombarded with questions from my co-workers about the yelling and loud noises). I finally make it back to the the managers office and the conversation went something like this

    DM: You need to WRITE a personal apalogy letter to ME (there he goes thinking of himself again) and the customer for your behavior. We are in a professional enviroment and if you can't act professional then you have no business working here.

    And this is the part where I display the not-quite-so-proudest moment of my life

    Me: (Giving him the One Finger salute) (Screw) you and (screw) this job. You can take those "Apology Letters" and cram 'em right up your ass!! You are a sick slimey son of a bitch who makes everyone's life around you a living hell. I do NOT intend to apologize for PROTECTING COMPANY ASSESTS. And just because you insist on sucking the customers (manhood) that doesn't mean I am going to. You can go to hell!!

    And I walked out. Yeah I am expexting a couple of pissed off calls from a few people. Oh well screw 'em, I'm going to the military in a couple months. I didn't need that job. Besides I've already applied to a couple other retail jobs and have even gotten a few calls. (One from the major electronics retail store that rhymes with Best Lie) All I want is a decent drama-free day job to pass the time and to make some extra cash until I go into the military. Anyone out there that works at the Best Lie, let me know about your experience.

    BTW I am finishing this approximately 4 hours after the incident. I started it around the time I got home. So tonight I am looking foward to a FUN night for me and a couple friends (It's been a long time that I have not had to work morning the next day and I think I scored myself a nice little vacation)

  • #2
    Well, all I have to say is good for you for sticking up for yourself!


    • #3
      Glad to see you stood up for yourself!! I think that this is proof that DMs are even bigger idiots than SMs at times. I swear, IQ drops the higher one goes up the food chain.


      • #4
        Good for you!

        Reminded me of this song:
        At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


        • #5
          Quoth blaubent View Post
          Good for you!

          Reminded me of this song:
          I just listened to this song and it quite literally brought a tear of joy to my eye!


          • #6
            Quoth Cyanocobalamin View Post
            Glad to see you stood up for yourself!! I think that this is proof that DMs are even bigger idiots than SMs at times. I swear, IQ drops the higher one goes up the food chain.
            Not sure whether this would be the Peter Principle [capable workers are promoted until they reach their level of incompetence] or the Dilbert Principle [incompetent workers are promoted directly to management without passing through the temporary competence stage].

            Good for you, Knights! I thought you were in the right all along (no WAY does any cashier with a fraction of a brain let a customer reach into the till!!!), and these bozos deserved what you gave them and then some, IMO.

            Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #7
              Congrats! Not proudest moment or not, that was a thing of beauty.

              I would have done the same thing. They'll always think that they were right, and you an asshole, but man, sometimes it doesn't matter.


              • #8
                In honor of your heroic victory over the evil DM the rest of the knights salute you!

                I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                • #9
                  Knights, way to go for telling the DM the way it is. You rock!

                  By the way, if you need your "lawyer" to contact the company and discuss the situation, I would be more than happy to make that happen. PM me. Yes, I am dead serious.

                  Marlovino, that Knights Who Say Ni smiley may have been the best one I have ever seen, even better than my beloved beer drinking or rimshotting smileys! Gave me a huge laugh, enough to delay this response for a bit. You rock too!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    I can't believe he handed you a stress ball. That is the lamest thing I have ever heard.
                    What concerns me, is he that much of a tight-ass he needs to carry a stress ball around with him????

                    Me thinks the answer is yes.
                    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
                    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      Marlovino, that Knights Who Say Ni smiley may have been the best one I have ever seen, even better than my beloved beer drinking or rimshotting smileys! Gave me a huge laugh, enough to delay this response for a bit. You rock too!

                      Thanks! I been dying to use that one for awhile.

                      Here is another one you might get a kick out of.

                      Smiley's found using the firefox extension - Smiley Xtra 4
                      I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                      • #12
                        In all seriousness, I wonder if this merits a call or letter to the HR department of your now previous employer. I'm not a labor expert, but I also wonder if a formal letter of resignation explaining your reasons for quitting isn't in order.

                        It probably won't matter because you are joining the military, but I would also make sure the company damn well knows that if they mess around with any future employment situations that there may be trouble. I think you can send a formal letter requesting that they "seal" your personnel file.


                        • #13
                          Oh, man. You are awesome! Here he was, all ready to have his ass kissed, and instead, got it handed to him. Beautiful.


                          • #14
                            Good for you. I can't believe he did that. I als agree with ladodger. Call your HR department of the former employer and send them a letter. That way they have something on file.


                            • #15
                              He's lucky he didn't get a Mr. Socko with that stupid stress ball. WTF? That sounds like something straight out of Office Space, I swear.

                              I don't know how big a deal I'd make of things, though. There were probably cameras and I'm sure that the managerial types will try to use the video to discredit anything you would come up with. Trust me, it doesn't matter how long you keep it together, any sign of temper these days means you're a manic postal employee just waiting for a chance to snap. They'll probably even use the tapes of good behavior to try and show how threatening you can be because "he doesn't look like the kind to go crazy at all!"
                              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

