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"What's up?" "This lady wants a discount."

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  • "What's up?" "This lady wants a discount."

    Reasonably good day today. Tech support decided to call during my lunch break, but hey, as my girlfriend says, "Lunch isn't lunch; lunch is work."

    So I'm finishing out my day, and this lady comes by to pick up her orders. Okiedokie.

    Before I continue, I should point out that our photofinishing claim checks all print out with a coupon on the bottom now. Some offer a free CD with prints, a lot of them are volume-boosters (buy 1, get 1 50% off; buy 2, get 1 free), etc. However, they must be presented when you drop off your film for processing, and they are (for that reason) only good on your *next* order.

    Anyway, so this lady has a bunch of one set, one hour orders (i.e., our cheapest service). And she shows me the coupon and asks since she won't be able to use enough film for her process 1, get 1 50% off coupon before it expires, can I just apply them to the orders she's picking up today.

    I explain to her that the coupon is only good on a new order, that the system won't apply it unless she presents it when she's dropping off film, and finally, I explain to her that since she's only paying for a single set, she's actually getting the best price I can offer her for her pictures.

    Customer gets all entitlement whore on me, dropping this pearl of suckiness out of what I refuse to call her mouth until I see her use it to eat:
    "How is the 'best price you can give me' the price I have to pay?"

    That's the problem with sucky customers. They have you at a huge disadvantage because you have to actually make *sense*!

    Anyway, after a couple more minutes (she is so lucky I have nothing better to do!), I hear the magic words, "Let me talk to a manager."

    After a few minutes of, "I am the manager. I am the photo manager, and I'm not giving you a discount on these orders," I finally decide I've had enough. I call over an assistant manager.

    AM: "What's up?"
    Me: "This lady wants a discount."

    Then, I make it painfully clear to the manager, the customer and anybody else within earshot that this customer wants a discount on our least expensive service.

    And then I let her have at it.

    Of course, the customer got her discount. In the end, they always do.

    Meh. What's on TV?
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  • #2
    Do I dare ask what kind of an assistant manager he was, if he could discount the package whereas you, the photo manager, couldn't?
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      I think my biggest annoyance is when the people who throw the biggest fits are the ones who get rewarded. I don't think anybody should be able to break the rules and if they are told something they should just smile, nod and go on with their day.
      It completely drives me insane when I would explain to a customer that we didn't do a certain thing, they'd ask for a manager and the manager would wuss out and give them exactly what they want.
      I understand the concept of making the customer happy so they'll want to return again but sometimes things do go a bit far. I just wish the managers would back us little people up every now and then.


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        Do I dare ask what kind of an assistant manager he was, if he could discount the package whereas you, the photo manager, couldn't?
        It's the store AM, and pbmods is a department manager. The AM ranks higher up in the store hierarchy, if not the evolutionary scale. (probably hasn't got out of the 'spinless jellyfish' category.)
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #5
          Arg, I hate it when those types get rewarded. It's not like the pictures are that pricey to start out with..
          Pit bull-

          There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


          • #6
            This is why I am so thankful to work for a manager who doesn't cave in to these people.

