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I'm sorry-we don't sell pizzas for 2.50$

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  • I'm sorry-we don't sell pizzas for 2.50$

    One of my all time favs from my personal file, which is stored in my head.

    I used to work for a nationally known pizza chain. In 1995, after decades of "buy one get one free" they switched to selling single pizzas in addition to double pizzas. As late as 1998, (the year I left) people STILL thought it was buy one get one free. We had a coupon out for a large pizza with one topping for 5 bucks. Evidentally, this one lady ordered this and I received a phone call asking where her "other pizza was". I was actually confused when I pulled her order, because I didn't take it and of course, it was her teenage kid who picked it up and brought it home to her so she didn't see it until it was brought home. I confimed the order and the coupon and I informed her that only one pizza had been ordered. She then told me, in a snooty tone of course, that when "you order one, you get two."

    I explained that while we still had that on our menu and certainly had coupons for two pizzas, this was very plainly marked as ONE PIZZA.

    She again insisted that it should have been two pizzas, not one.

    A light bulb went off in my frazzled head and I reminded her that the coupon was for 5 dollars and that it was unrealistic to think it was for 2 pizzas because that would mean that it was 2.50 for a large pizza with one topping and that no one would ever sell a pizza for that amount of money.

    Do you think that satisfied her? Of course not.

    "I want another pizza!!!"

    Since I really did try to be nice to customers, I offered another pizza for 5 dollars, but she still insisted that she had another one coming, despite the fact that the coupon made NO mention of two pizzas and in fact SPECIFICALLY said ONE pizza.

    "I'm sorry, I can't do that."

    "WHY NOT?"

    "Because we don't sell pizzas for two dollars and fifty cents."

    "But this coupon is for TWO PIZZAS!!!"

    "No, it is for one."

    "I know! But one means two!!"

    "No, ma'am, one means one."

    "Well what am I supposed to do? This isn't enough pizza!!"

    "I would be happy to let you use the coupon again, for 5 dollars."

    " I shouldn't have to pay for another one!"

    " I'm sorry,we don't sell pizzas for two dollars and fifty cents"

    "But how am I supposed to know that one means one and not two?"

    At this point I'm thinking, huh??? But I stayed nice.

    "It says ONE ma'am, if it were TWO, it would say so."

    "Well I think Little (censored) needs to do a better job informing its customers of this."

    We had lady, for the past three years. She told me a couple of more times to give her another pizza for free and I refused, explaining each time that we don't sell pizzas for two dollars and fifty cents, and she got mad and told me she was never coming back and hung up.

    I supposed it wouldn't have broken the bank if I had given in, but I couldn't get past this:

    We don't sell pizzas for two dollars and fifty cents.

    I just refused to accept that someone could honestly think they could get TWO large pizzas for 5 bucks.

    Well, that's today's flashback from my beleagured and troubled mind. Toodle-loo for now.
    Last edited by Quicksilver; 10-11-2006, 01:19 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Quicksilver View Post

    "I know! But one means two!!"
    Ain't SC math grand?


    • #3
      Apparently SCs don't use base 10.....


      • #4
        I can sympathise; every blinking time at the pizza place when we'd just stopped a special offer, there'd be an SC whining, "But I wanted the buy 1 get 1 free/the 2 pizzas for a tenner/the free chicken wings deal!" Look moron, the deal ended ages ago! Try looking on the menu.
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #5
          Ah, the unrealistic price expectations. How I enjoy those customers.

          Customer: How much are your graphics cards?
          Me: They start at $69.99.
          Customer: Seventy bucks?!
          Me: That's where they start.
          Customer: Sorry, bub. That's about sixty bucks too much.
          (You want a $10 graphic card? Good luck.)

          Customer: I want the BEST computer you've got.
          Me: This computer ($1195) is the best because (explain).
          Customer: That's a little too much...
          Me: Okay, this is just the next step down ($1015). It has (explain).
          Customer: That's a little too much...
          (We follow that pattern through $900, $750, $600, and $400 systems until...)
          Me: This is the least expensive I have. It's $299. It won't do what you want it to, but it is cheap.
          Customer: Well, I guess I'll have to take it. You're sure you don't have anything cheaper?
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
            Ah, the unrealistic price expectations. How I enjoy those customers.

            Customer: How much are your graphics cards?
            Me: They start at $69.99.
            Customer: Seventy bucks?!
            Me: That's where they start.
            Customer: Sorry, bub. That's about sixty bucks too much.
            (You want a $10 graphic card? Good luck.)
            The guy actually thought $69.99 was expensive for a graphics card?? It's obvious he wasn't a gamer, he'd have wet himself hearing the high end prices.
            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


            • #7
              Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
              Me: This is the least expensive I have. It's $299. It won't do what you want it to, but it is cheap.
              Customer: Well, I guess I'll have to take it. You're sure you don't have anything cheaper?
              Me: Well, I have a 286 sitting back there for $150. If that's too much, I'm sure I can cobble something together with all the used junk sitting around the workshop for less than that. No warranty though.

              Has anyone wished they could say that? At home, I can get away with it

              I seem to have an endless supply of spare parts lately. The office where I work has been replacing some of their machines with new ones...letting me take pretty much whatever I want. I usually recycle what I can, and scrap the rest. For example, one of my latest toys is a server. All it needs is either a new SCSI card, or new drives, which I'm going to scavenge from one of the junkers. Not too bad for a freebie!

              BTW, scrapped hard drive platters make excellent mug coasters!
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                The guy actually thought $69.99 was expensive for a graphics card?? It's obvious he wasn't a gamer, he'd have wet himself hearing the high end prices.
                Tell me about it. I recently bought a $200 one, but I was lucky and found it on sale for $150.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth Quicksilver View Post
                  "But how am I supposed to know that one means one and not two?"
                  I think we just found out what happens if you cross-breed Stupidity with Entitlement and produce offspring.
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.

