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Today's giggle...

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  • Today's giggle...

    So tonight I was straightening in HBA and candy when I saw a little girl begging her dad to buy her a ballerina costume for Halloween. "Please, dad? It's only 40 bucks! It's so pretty! I'll pay you back, I promise!"

    Right now, you're probably saying, "So what Freleigh? It's normal for a girl to want to dress up like a ballerina for halloween. What's the big deal? What's so funny? Why am I wasting my time reading this?"

    Well...what was funny was that the particular ballerina costume she had picked out was designed for men. It was big and plastic and had a battery-operated blower in it . This wasn't a costume of a pretty ballerina. It was a costume of a sumo-sized ballerina, designed more for a gag than anything.

    I had to run in back so this poor girl wouldn't have to see me bust out laughing at her.

    Then when I composed myself and came back out, I saw the girl on her cell phone begging mom to let her get it. I guess dad must've told her to ask mom.

    So while it is normal for girls to dress up as ballerinas for Halloween, it's not so normal for them to dress up as Bertha The Land Whale In A Tutu.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Bertha The Land Whale In A Tutu.


    • #3
      Beign a garden variety nut myself I support that girl, if she wants to dress as a fat ballerina more the power to her! it shows creativity and a spark!

      On a similar note, I was once with the bf on a line of many at a big local pharmacy/self care/stuff chain to pay for some medicines, and on the next line there was a couple with a girl that must've been about 10, she was holding a plastic dinosaur that her parents where buying her to her face and telling it "Cute, cute, cute cute" in sung tones.

      It was lovely, made me smile widely. At one moment I smiled at her mother and she smiled back and told us "She loves dinosaurs", it's one of the few moments I've truly liked children.
      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


      • #4
        Bliss, this costume would not have fit the little girl. Not by a long shot.

        The model on the label was a full-grown man.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          "But I wan't to be a fat man for Halloween daddy! Stacey is going as a wino!"

          Ugh, people are strange


          • #6
            Quoth SonOfSpam View Post
            Ugh, people are strange
            My sister keeps talking about being "duffel" for Halloween.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              OH man that sounds so funny! Though how old a kid are we talking about? If she has her own cell phone she can't be that young (can she or am I just turning into a geezer? Nevermind, rhetorical question.) So going as a fat guy ballarena could be her idea of being different or rebellious or both.

              I love halloween. Its my most favorite holiday even ahead of the 4th when we blow things up!

              And I know what you mean about being a nut for dressing up strange. My best was wearing a horse costume backwards and going as a horse's *@$, I have also gone as my wife, a pregnant nun, high priest of satan to name a few. (just to calrify those are three different costumes not one single costume though that would be aninteresting one now that i think about it.)

              Also at the dealership we had a costume contest and I wore my robin hood outfit (had to wear something that wouldnt be too wild to work and also that I could get in and out of cars easy) and one of the office ladies came as the wicked witch right down to the green face paint. She didn't like it when I got people asking her if she was goign to dress up for the day. (Her personality could get rather unpleasant sometimes. ;-) )

              And yeah a duffel bag? There are several thoughts that come to mind on that one.

              Ummm anyhow back to topic that just sounds like one of those moments where you need to send it to afv.
              Last edited by Rahmota; 10-13-2006, 02:41 AM. Reason: realized i need to clarify myself


              • #8
                A...duffel bag?! Now that's creative.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
         14 yr old nephew bought that same costume last year!!... he wore it to his schools Halloween party and won a $50 gc to the local mall!!.. he sent me pics of him in the costume and it was mind you, my nephew isnt a smal kid to begin with...hes 5'6 about 250 and on the football was a riot


                  • #10
                    Quoth Rahmota View Post
                    I love halloween. Its my most favorite holiday even ahead of the 4th when we blow things up!

                    And I know what you mean about being a nut for dressing up strange.
                    I am with you on Halloween being the most rockingest holiday. And down here in Key West, we have something called Fantasy Fest, which is kind of a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras. Basically, an excuse to dress up in costumes for a week instead of just one day, and an excuse to drink (which is the main purpose to any event in Key West!).

                    Some of the more amusing costumes I have seen on others, both at Halloween elsewhere and Fantasy Fest in Key West:

                    --A guy dressed all GQ-like, in black, with a bunch of Barbie dolls attached to him. He was a Chick Magnet!*
                    --A guy wearing a plastic cup with a string. Strategically placed. And that's it, other than the bathrobe for the occasional required covering up. Very daring!*
                    --A guy wearing a sheet over his head, with eyeholes cut out, and probability equations written all over the sheet. He was A Ghost of a Chance!
                    --My ex-roommate, who was a guy with long hair (looked vaguely like Axl Rose, to tive you an idea), dressing up in a nun's costume. With combat boots. And a gas mask.
                    --A couple dressed up as a Steve Miller song: she was a Gangster of Love, he was a Space Cowboy.
                    --My buddy went as Opera Man a couple of times (SNL reference).*
                    --Same buddy won several prizes over several years for various Jack costumes (a la Jack from the Jack in the Box commercials). Major credit to his wife (my best friend) who built his headpiece each year.
                    --A girl whose costumes consisted entirely of cards from "girlie" decks, i.e., playing cards with pictures of naked or semi-naked women on them. She called her costume "Strip Poker."*
                    --A couple where the woman was dressed as a devil and the man as a priest.*
                    --A guy dressed up as a Chinese take out box....and was carrying around a huge trash bag filled with fortune cookies. (Nice attention to detail!)*

                    Myself, I have had a few good ones.

                    --Naturally, I have often dressed up as a Court Jester. Gee, big shock there. Amusingly, I have gotten many compliments on my Court Jester costume. Often, people would say, "Great costume...where did you buy it?" And I would tell them, honestly, "Seven different stores." I built my own damn costume, thank you very much.*
                    --A pirate last year. This normally would not have been all that remarkable, except for this one detail: when other folks dressed as pirates would wave their plastic swords at me, I would wave my sword back. My real sword. As one other "pirate" said, " win!"
                    --One year on Toga Night (pretty much what it sounds like), I made my toga from a cheetah-print sheet, and found a matching cheetah-print cowboy/pimp hat. I was MC Roman! Caesar Mack Daddy!
                    --A different year on Toga Night, I used a Cat In The Hat print sheet for my toga, found a Cat In The Hat red and white stripe hat, and added a cat's nose and white gloves. Yes, everyone realizes, I WAS The Cat In The Hat. Toga style! (What, you are just now realizing I am an oddball?)
                    --Many people where risque, skimpy costumes. I have only done this once, and it was last year. Black Zorro hat, black Zorro mask, black cape....and black thong. Perverted Zorro!
                    --And finally, the one costume I will never, ever, ever top. Fantasy Fest 2001, six weeks after 9/11, I went as Osama bin Laden...with a U.S. cruise missile going right through me. It was...amazing. About 12 people got offended. About 3000 wanted photographs. Most popular costume I have ever had.*

                    *Yes, I have pictures of the indicated costumes. PM me if you want to see them!

                    EDITED TO ADD ONE I FORGOT: I was going to a costume party of my ex-roommate (the gas-mask wearing nun), and could not come up with a costume. But the flyer for his party made a point that those without costumes would be mocked, shunned, and ostracized. So I was trying to come up with something, when someone suggested I just throw a garbage bag over myself and go as a raisin. And that's when it hit me! I dressed all in black. I grabbed a black trash bag, as suggested, and poked out arm and head holes. And then I went into my bathroom, removed the toilet seat, cleaned it thoroughly, and wore it around me neck. You got it...I went as a turd! And yes, I DID win for Most Tasteless Costume at the party.
                    Last edited by Jester; 10-13-2006, 06:01 PM.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Those are some... interesting costumes, Jester.

                      We used to dress up for Halloween at my job, but that hasn't been done in about 8 years. This one guy came up with one that, judging by the ones you listed, you probably would have gotten a kick out of. It was very simple, and yet clever at the same time. He taped some snack-size bags of chips, crackers, candy, etc. to his chest, and came as one of our vending machines.

                      I probably didn't want to know where you were supposed to stick the money.
                      Sometimes life is altered.
                      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                      Uneasy with confrontation.
                      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                      • #12
                        I remember the best Halloween costume I ever saw was a girl I went to college with. She was a toilet. She showed up wearing a cardboard box painted white with the "lid" on a headband on her head, with the bowl sticking out in front. That would have been awesome enough, but when you lifted the lid of the bowl, she had filled it with unwrapped, slightly melted and rehardened Snickers and Baby Ruths. It was so awful that it was GREAT.

                        We had a guy show up as Osama bin Laden with a huge target on his back. Anther guy, unrelated, showed up as Uncle Sam. The two caught sight of each other and for the rest of the night, Sam and Osama re-enacted every Bugs Bunny cartoon you've ever seen, with Osama getting beat up, knocked down, "blown up", and t.p.ed. I think those two guys are still best friends, heh.
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rahmota View Post
                          And yeah a duffel bag? There are several thoughts that come to mind on that one.
                          Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                          A...duffel bag?! Now that's creative.

                          No, no, no, NOT a duffel BAG. DUFFEL.

                          My family is quite odd, ya know. (And this sister claims to be the most normal of us all!!!!!! )
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            If we're listing (jester btw you started this) the best we've ever seen...well, here's a few from conventions and parties.

                            One guy showed up dressed as a black teletubby, complete with a pentagram above his head. Yes, he was the Hellatubby.

                            Eight Storm troopers, a Sand Trooper, and a Darth Vader. Professional level costumes, complete with the cease and desist order from Lucas to quit making them. OH how I wanted one of those.

                            Two kids showed up one convention. Brothers I'm guessing. One, about eight, the other about eighteen. Their costumes were pretty much identical. Their character? Young and old Link from Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time.

                            Several variations on knights from various eras. Some with better armor than others.

                            One moron (or genius, depending on your point of view) dressed up as a knight in "cardboard" armor. He claimed a Farside cartoon had given him the idea.

                            Six guys dressed up as agents, one of them in a straight jacket, face mask, and on a hand truck. Yes, it was Hannibal Lecter and his guards.

                            ONE solitary Rebel Pilot. He kept getting ragged by the Stormies.

                            Myself, I've been a few things. Various characters really. My favorites were:

                            A templar knight, complete with mail, and surcoat. My weapon was a longsword.

                            Dark warrior. (Rather ficticious) something of a mix between british and japanese cultures. I forget where the idea came from. Some game I suspect.
                            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                            • #15
                              Jester you win. Those are the wow!

                              Um Beckysunshine what exactly do you mean by duffel? I am only familiar with duffel bag and when i googled it I got a town in belgium and a type of cloth. Did she go as an entire town?

