So tonight I was straightening in HBA and candy when I saw a little girl begging her dad to buy her a ballerina costume for Halloween. "Please, dad? It's only 40 bucks! It's so pretty! I'll pay you back, I promise!"
Right now, you're probably saying, "So what Freleigh? It's normal for a girl to want to dress up like a ballerina for halloween. What's the big deal? What's so funny? Why am I wasting my time reading this?"
Well...what was funny was that the particular ballerina costume she had picked out was designed for men. It was big and plastic and had a battery-operated blower in it . This wasn't a costume of a pretty ballerina. It was a costume of a sumo-sized ballerina, designed more for a gag than anything.
I had to run in back so this poor girl wouldn't have to see me bust out laughing at her.
Then when I composed myself and came back out, I saw the girl on her cell phone begging mom to let her get it. I guess dad must've told her to ask mom.
So while it is normal for girls to dress up as ballerinas for Halloween, it's not so normal for them to dress up as Bertha The Land Whale In A Tutu.
Right now, you're probably saying, "So what Freleigh? It's normal for a girl to want to dress up like a ballerina for halloween. What's the big deal? What's so funny? Why am I wasting my time reading this?"
Well...what was funny was that the particular ballerina costume she had picked out was designed for men. It was big and plastic and had a battery-operated blower in it . This wasn't a costume of a pretty ballerina. It was a costume of a sumo-sized ballerina, designed more for a gag than anything.

Then when I composed myself and came back out, I saw the girl on her cell phone begging mom to let her get it. I guess dad must've told her to ask mom.
So while it is normal for girls to dress up as ballerinas for Halloween, it's not so normal for them to dress up as Bertha The Land Whale In A Tutu.