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Q: Grind blockers prevent you from skateboarding, what do you do?

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  • Q: Grind blockers prevent you from skateboarding, what do you do?

    A: Vandalism!

    I'm a security guard at a small technical college. One of the biggest problems here is skateboarders grinding on the concrete benches near the entrance to the building. Last week they finally put grind blockers on two of the benches to keep people from further ruining them. Today they gave them a fresh new coat of paint that finally covered up the horrible black marks left by months, if not years, of skateboarders.

    At 6:30 I'm watching the office while the receptionists are off doing something(the office must always be manned while the building is open) when one of the receptionists calls me on the radio and says that a faculty member saw "A group of vandalizing skateboarders" out in the parking lot. So off I go to chase them off. I find them in one of the far lots just putzing around on their skateboards and tell them to leave. They don't give me any trouble and go without any issues. I write the incident in my log and go back to watching the office.

    It wasn't until a couple of hours later when I'm outside smoking a cigarette that I finally notice what the faculty guy meant by "vandalizing skateboarders". Apparently they were upset by the existence of the grind blockers, so they took their skateboards and used them to carve lovely black marks all over the bench between them. Upon closer inspection of the bench I found four of the nuts used to hold the grind blockers in place on the ground. They had managed to get the nuts off, but because the grind blockers are U-shaped pieces of three-foot long steel, they were unable to bend them enough to get them off the bolts.

    Bastards. They just painted those benches today! I wish I had noticed this damage when I first went to chase them off, because I would have had them arrested. I wish the receptionist and/or faculty member that reported this had been clearer in stating what he saw. Now I'm pissed off that this happened, and upset because I am supposed to prevent this kind of crap.

  • #2
    From what I've read online, there are groups that advocate further vanalism as "revenge" for putting up grind blockers... in fact, there are even websites on how to remove them, to restore their "right to grind" or whatever.

    Now, if someone could invent a grind blocker that pops out mid-grind, that would be hilarious to watch

    Originally Posted by edible_hat
    (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


    • #3
      Surely though, bottom line is that you arrived at the site and found a skateboarder lurking around, whom you moved on. You did not see anyone vandalising anything. While it's your job to prevent this kind of thing, you surely can't do anything for that which you didn't actually witness? I mean (yeah I know, but legally) you didn't actually SEE that one kid that was there doing anything. Maybe it wasn't him.


      • #4
        Ugh, skateboarders. I remember them from when I was a mall cop. Though they did once inspire the use of the megaphone. <3 the megaphone!


        • #5
          Obviously what's needed is a new type of bench. One where the back of the bench folds forward when put under pressure. I will call my new invention the FacePlant.


          • #6
            Quoth Wembley View Post
            Now, if someone could invent a grind blocker that pops out mid-grind, that would be hilarious to watch -Wembley
            Quoth jerkface11 View Post
            Obviously what's needed is a new type of bench. One where the back of the bench folds forward when put under pressure. I will call my new invention the FacePlant.
            Both good ideas.
            I'm all for being free to do what you want, but seriously, these stupid kids need to be taught a lesson. Right to grind my ass. Idiots.

            This kind of reminds me of a comic I saw recently (wordy):
            Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



            • #7
              Quoth One-Fang View Post
              Surely though, bottom line is that you arrived at the site and found a skateboarder lurking around, whom you moved on. You did not see anyone vandalising anything. While it's your job to prevent this kind of thing, you surely can't do anything for that which you didn't actually witness? I mean (yeah I know, but legally) you didn't actually SEE that one kid that was there doing anything. Maybe it wasn't him.
              Exactly. You can't just lump them all together, that'd be unfair. What if that kid got in trouble for something he didn't do?

              I do sympathize with you, though. As a small college that probably cost a lot of money to fix up the benches.


              • #8
                or... just take the benches out and replace them with bolted lawn chairs.
                cos grinding on a lawn chair is soooo not cool.

                or just ban all skateboarding from the campus due to vandalism. then anyone caught using a board can be ticketed.


                • #9
                  Arrrgh! Skateboarders! We have about 15 trespassed form our store. If they show up we will/have had them arrested. To list the things they have done....

                  -used the rail of a carriage corral, falling off breaking off a cars mirror
                  -blocking the entrance, refusing to move until police arrived (they got arrested)
                  -skating full speed thru the parking lot
                  -playing w/ electric carts, kids "truck" carts
                  -dumping their bikes and/or boards in the entrance, creating a trip/fire hazard (we got the Police to come and take the stuff as lost/found and make them go to the PD with a parent to get it back)
                  -riding bikes/skateboards in the store
                  -hiding in woman's restroom (by the time LP got their they had left, never got a got shot on CCTV)


                  • #10
                    I wonder if afixing some sort of rubber edge to the benches in place of the grindblockers would be possible.
                    I know it would make grinding impossible, but I don't know how realistic it is in terms of getting it on the benches.

