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Military Discount

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  • Military Discount

    This is not a story from where I work, rather a story from my brother (he works at a different clothing retailer in San Antonio, TX)

    Okay, there are four characters in this story; Sucky Customer Daughter 1 (SCD1); Sucky Customer Daughter 2 (SCD2); Sucky Customer (SC) (kinda duh, huh); and Mother of Sucky Customer (MSC).

    Okay, my brother is the store manager and was leaving for the day when a family came up to the register to purchase some jackets.
    SCD1: You offer a military discount, correct?

    ME: Yes, 10% off your entire purchase

    SCD1: Cool

    Me: Your total after the discount is x dollars

    SC: (rolling her eyes) mumbles something to MSC

    Me: (gives her the change) Thank You, have a nice evening.

    SCD2: Here's my military ID

    ME: Cool, your total is x dollars

    SC: (rolls her eyes again) How much is the military discount?

    ME: We offer 10% off your entire purchase.

    SC: Whatever

    ME: (gives SCD2 her change) Thank You.

    SC: How much is that jacket? (the one she brought to the register)

    ME: $14.99

    SC: (speaking to MSC) What does it say on "that" rack?

    MSC: $9.99

    ME: (noticing which rack they're looking at) I'm sorry but that rack says $9.99 and up.

    MSC and SC: Where?

    ME: The red and white insert (that mind you is in front of a black price point) says "and up"

    MSC and SC: Where?

    ME: If you look under the $9.99 the insert says "and up"

    MSC and SC: Oh, that little thing?

    SC: Whatever

    ME: Your total is $14.67

    SC: (throws a $20 on the counter)

    ME: (handing her the change) Thank You, and have a nice evening

    SC: (again rolling eyes) K
    (as she walks away) They don't know what they're doing, 10% is at least $3
    or $4.

    Now, mind you not many stores in the mall he works in give a military discount, and even in the entire city there are only a handful of retailers that offer that type of a discount. My associates and I were fuming that she would start complaining about the discount as well as not know how to perform basic math.

    If anyone doesn't know how to calculate 10% all you have to do is move the decimal one place to the left and voila you have your 10% discount. Kind of the advantage to a base 10 system.

  • #2
    Talk about not knowing your math... :P


    • #3
      And the scary thing is these people are in the military.
      If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


      • #4
        please tell me they were dependants?(the white IDs are active duty, the dependant ones are... I guess it's tan? I suck at colors)


        • #5
          Bro says they're dependents, of a NCO, so I can understand. Non-com families seem to be not the sharpest tools in the shed sometimes...

          OH! I remembered my own military story.

          Not really a sucky customer, but; these two girls were in my line, buying whatever-I-don't-care and talking the whole way. Girl 1 was talking to her friend Girl 2 about getting kicked outta the Army (yes, in a time when recruiting quotas are low and we're fighting two wars, she's getting kicked out). Girl 1 goes on about how she's getting an honorable discharge (WTF?!)...and bragging about dodging a dis-honorable. I smile politely and help her out and she writes out a check. Then she utters to Girl 2, "Oh, my check might not go through, what w/ my name change and's like a hit or miss." (DEAR GOD NOOOO!!!) I think as I swipe the card. Yep, check machine denies it. With a shrug, Girl 1 and 2 walk off from my register, leaving me w/ three bags of crap as i void out the transaction.

          In hindsight, I'm glad she won't be serving with me (I'm in AFROTC). I just wish i knew who her CO was, cuz I bet he/she would be none to pleased with her utter crap-ola attitude.. hopefully change the honorable to DIShonorable...


          • #6
            Quoth Hobbs View Post
            Bro says they're dependents, of a NCO, so I can understand. Non-com families seem to be not the sharpest tools in the shed sometimes...
            A SC is a SC, no matter if they come from a NCO family or not. I don't like the insinuation that NCO families are stupid. We are just the same as every other family.


            • #7
              Well, some of the ones I meet are SCs as well as EWs. I meant to say, "Some NCO families..." as well as the 'sometimes,' posted a bit later. I meant no offense towards military families (I happen to be in ROTC, and my g-father was a MSGT in the air force).


              • #8
                Quoth Hobbs View Post
                Well, some of the ones I meet are SCs as well as EWs. I meant to say, "Some NCO families..."
                Maybe double check what you're saying for, just in case you're appearing to say something you're not meaning?
                Quoth Rine View Post
                I don't like the insinuation that NCO families are stupid.
                Thank you for keeping it polite, but maybe next time drop a report our way as well? Or instead. You know.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  It was simply a matter of misspeaking...

                  anyway, I also have nice stories involving NCOs...

                  Oh, but does anyone else run into loads of foreign nationals that are in the military? I swear, there are tons of Russians and other Slavic-speaking customers that flash Army IDs...I even told them, "Do svidonia," once ^___^


                  • #10
                    Not everyone is good at math. I know that I am not. But damn, 10% is not that hard to understand.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      Not everyone is good at math. I know that I am not. But damn, 10% is not that hard to understand.
                      10% not that hard to understand?

                      You so funny!

                      All our remaining Halloween stuff is 90% off. Halloween costumes, masks, makeup, decorative stuff, basically anything orange or purple or black or involving ghosts, witches, or jack-o-lanterns in some way is 90% off.

                      Which means the price you pay will be 10% of the price shown on the label. This really is not that difficult. It's pretty much Bert and Ernie math really.

                      But meanwhile I get all these people with their Halloween costumes with prices of $39.99, $49.99, $79.99 or so forth, clearly printed on the tag or label, and they ask me "Can you do a price check? This is supposed to be 90% off but I don't know how much that is!"

                      #(**(#*(#^&#^ *snap*

                      deep breaths...calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean...
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        On behalf of SANE military dependents everywhere, I apologize for the nitwits you dealt with. I'm a non-com wife, and I can assure you that most of us can read and do basic math (especially since most cell phones come with calculators these days )

                        I hate people who think that just because they or their family member is military, they are entitled to special deals. Yes, it's a nice perk when someone offers a discount. But shit son, don't bitch when the discount isn't as much as you'd like or not offered at all. Be grateful for what you're given.


                        • #13
                          Hobbs, you do have it somewhat easy... the hotel I'm at has a generic 10% discount for pretty much anything, AAA, AARP, Military, you're being really nice and we have a lot of open rooms (notice, I said nice, being an SC will not get me to put in that rate code for you )... you would be amazed how often I hear military dependents (don't get it much from active military) complain that they only get the same discount as AAA... and you just want to smack them and remind them that we technically don't have to give a military discount at all and be grateful for what you get.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                            Hobbs, you do have it somewhat easy... the hotel I'm at has a generic 10% discount for pretty much anything, AAA, AARP, Military, you're being really nice and we have a lot of open rooms (notice, I said nice, being an SC will not get me to put in that rate code for you )... you would be amazed how often I hear military dependents (don't get it much from active military) complain that they only get the same discount as AAA... and you just want to smack them and remind them that we technically don't have to give a military discount at all and be grateful for what you get.
                            Heck, All I have is a military ID [dependants] and I have no idea how many times the nice clerk just gives me the AAA discount.

                            Of course, I am pretty much always polite and as nonsucky as possible. We are going from Connecticut to Rochester NY so much, we are staying at a particular place so much [1 to 2 times a month] that they dont even bother and just give us the discount anyway. We even got a room upgrade once - to a room with a huge hot tub in it!
                            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                            • #15
                              I don't get that, I come from a semi-military family, one grandfather was a Colonel and the other was Brigadier, my father was in the amry too, I never felt entitled to anything because I didn't do anything, where do others get off feeling entitled for something they don't do anything for and feel like they have a right to complain about it?
                              If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate

