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Ugh, that STENCH of SC!

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  • Ugh, that STENCH of SC!

    Oh how I love working at a game store again! [/sarcasm]

    On a serious note, I do love games and I do love working here, but I don't love dealing with the traditional game store SCs.

    You mean my scratched up crap is worth nothing?!

    A guy came in to trade in a whole pile of games and an old PS2. The system worked fine and was in decent condition, but the games...

    Well the games were apparently primarily used by two boys ages 6 and 8 I'd guess. Kids beat their stuff up, that's not exactly a mystery and these games were scratched to HELL and back. Couple that with the fact that PS2 games don't exactly trade in for a fortune these days so Dad had to cough up around $300 for the PS3 and games he was trading up to. Surprisingly, Dad was pretty cool about the whole thing. Yay! Crisis averted.

    BUZZ! Wrong!

    An hour or so later, Mom of the year shows up and this conversation happens:

    MOTY: What's the deal with this? (waving receipt in my face)
    Me: Ma'am?
    MOTY: My husband traded in a bunch of stuff earlier for a PS3 and you ripped him off!
    (Ah ok, now I know what this is about)
    MOTY: Do you have any idea how much money I spent on all those games? And what's this? "Rerfurbishment fee"?
    Me: The games were badly scratched ma'am, we have to send them away to be fixed up before they can be resold and for that, we charge a fee.
    MOTY: That's bullshit! The games all work fine on our Playstation!
    Me: That may be the case, but there's a good chance they'll cause problems for other people. (I show her one of the games traded in that's loaded with scratches) See how dinged up this disk is?
    MOTY: Oh it's not that bad! Here. (she grabs the disk from me and proceeds to try and use her sleeve to wipe them off and hands it back to me) There, good as new.
    Me: Sorry ma'am, the disc is still beat up.
    MOTY: I demand you give me more credit for these games. They should be worth AT LEAST $5 to $10 each.
    (Ah, now I recognize you, you're on those silly people who knows FUCK ALL about how trade values work)
    Me: Actually ma'am, the NEWEST PS2 games might be worth that much, most older ones go for $5 or LESS and I do remind you, your husband gave us a signature authorization on the trade and gave us the okay to do it. You may want to take this up with him.
    MOTY: Are you insulting my husband?
    Me: No, I am simply saying that your husband raised no objections when this transaction was made so there's nothing we can do about it.
    MOTY: That's it! (rips receipt from my hands) I'm leaving...and I'm NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN!. *stomps off*

    Sure have a 6 year old boy and 8 year old boy, as I much as I desire the opposite, I can say with reasonable certainty that you will, at some point, be back.

    I should've smelled her coming...

    LITERALLY. This customer wasn't particularly sucky, but I would estimate she was wearing about 58 layers of PERFUME that absolutely funkified a ten foot radius on either side of her. This stench was so strong that even 30 minutes after she left it was still highly noticeable.

    My CW, who had the unfortunate task of ringing her out, said he was struggling to breathe while she was standing in front of him. After she left he and I both commented on how awful a smell it was. I don't know what perfume brand it was, but the fragrance was HORRIBLE.

    The laziness shall stop here

    I think it's great you want to trade in some games with our store, but please, for the love of all things decent, DO NOT CALL THE STORE TEN SEPARATE TIMES TO ASK FOR TRADE IN VALUES ON TEN SEPARATE GAMES! Bonus points of suck if I have told you after the third time that you'll have to bring the games in for me to give you a figure on. Extra bonus points of suck if you have the nerve to call ME lazy because I won't look up the values for you.

    You don't have any in?!!

    Ok let's analyze the facts here:

    1. You came in looking for a considerably popular game that just came out today.
    2. You have no preorder for said game.
    3. It's almost closing time.

    Despite this, you are still "shocked and appalled" that we GASP! - do not have your precious game in stock? Wow...just wow.

    Also don't play the "don't you have it in the back?" card with me. I already know we don't. Insisting I go back and look anyway, will not help your cause, but will allow me to take a much needed bathroom break.

    Oh so you're THAT GUY, good to know

    Every game store has at least one of them. That one geeky/nerd type who has likely never had sex or a girlfriend. The guy that apparently has no life outside of playing games.

    The guy who will stand around by the counter for OVER AN HOUR, buy absolutely nothing and talk the associates ears off about the most inane stuff. I don't care that the Super Gun is actually more powerful than the Super Duper Gun. I don't care that you've finally made it to level whatever of WoW or finally got the best ending on some shooter game. I have no opinion on which female Mortal Kombat character is sexier, nor do I have any idea about the backstory of some obscure character from Halo.

    Despite it being highly apparent that I have no interest in listening to your rambles longer than a few minutes, you insist on milling around. How can I make you realize I DON'T CARE. I don't think I can, you'll just be back next week and the week after that and the week after....
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    I feel your pain...I loved, my job at the Game store i worked at was a dream job for a hardcore gamer like me, but some of the customers ARRGGHHH....I had the problem that we also sold Collectable card games and Minitures as well...So we had about Dozen of those guys....


    • #3
      Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
      The guy who will stand around by the counter for OVER AN HOUR, buy absolutely nothing and talk the associates ears off about the most inane stuff. I don't care that the Super Gun is actually more powerful than the Super Duper Gun. I don't care that you've finally made it to level whatever of WoW or finally got the best ending on some shooter game. I have no opinion on which female Mortal Kombat character is sexier, nor do I have any idea about the backstory of some obscure character from Halo.
      I was a bystander to a fellow like this ... sad thing was is that he started off by asking for a job, then starting going off on the ultimate secret of the universe.


      How the creators were fiendishly clever in creating a Super Mario Land, Super Mario World and now, Super Mario Galaxy ...

      But somehow, he managed to stretch it into a very boring conversation ...
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        I think I might be a sucky game store customer. I'm not a gamer really (I have other nerdy habits that occupy me), but my husband is-- a pretty serious one. The game store is much closer to where I work, so I usually get sent on the "pick up the new game/system/whatever" errands. I generally walk in, walk up to the register (or, more often, wait in line at the register), say hello, and hand the employee a Post-It on which is written the exact specs of what is needed. I never make the effort to try to find the item, because I would undoubtedly look in the wrong place and get the wrong thing. Is it sucky that I expect the employees to do all the work for me? I try to be as nice about it as possible, but I really never know what it is I'm being sent in to purchase.


        • #5
          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
          Oh so you're THAT GUY, good to know

          Every game store has at least one of them. That one geeky/nerd type who has likely never had sex or a girlfriend. The guy that apparently has no life outside of playing games.

          The guy who will stand around by the counter for OVER AN HOUR, buy absolutely nothing and talk the associates ears off about the most inane stuff. I don't care that the Super Gun is actually more powerful than the Super Duper Gun. I don't care that you've finally made it to level whatever of WoW or finally got the best ending on some shooter game. I have no opinion on which female Mortal Kombat character is sexier, nor do I have any idea about the backstory of some obscure character from Halo.

          Despite it being highly apparent that I have no interest in listening to your rambles longer than a few minutes, you insist on milling around. How can I make you realize I DON'T CARE. I don't think I can, you'll just be back next week and the week after that and the week after....
          Sounds like Chard the Gramer from Nametags.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Quoth pile of monkeys View Post
            I never make the effort to try to find the item, because I would undoubtedly look in the wrong place and get the wrong thing. Is it sucky that I expect the employees to do all the work for me? I try to be as nice about it as possible, but I really never know what it is I'm being sent in to purchase.
            I used to work in a game store as well and would get people just like you all the time. As long as you're polite, you're not sucky. I actually enjoyed helping them because it saved us both a lot of time and hassle since I knew exactly where everything was and they didn't have to get frustrated trying to find anything. They were almost always polite and it was an easy sale, so definitely NOT sucky in my book!


            • #7
              Quoth Darkwish View Post
              I used to work in a game store as well and would get people just like you all the time. As long as you're polite, you're not sucky. I actually enjoyed helping them because it saved us both a lot of time and hassle since I knew exactly where everything was and they didn't have to get frustrated trying to find anything. They were almost always polite and it was an easy sale, so definitely NOT sucky in my book!
              Specially since the person who wrote the post it note would be back and irked because the wrong item was sold to the person they sent out to get it.

              I know if it's something I need specific I go myself.


              • #8
                On the smelly customer binge, I was chatting with a customer once, when I made a face. He made one too. We were both confused.

                Customer: "What is that horrid smell?"
                ME: I have no idea.... gahh... WTF?!?!

                *Door opens, and the ENTIRE STORE FILLS WITH HER PERFUME as lady comes in*

                Yeah. We both smelled her. Before she even set FOOT INTO THE STORE.

                Seriously. How.... any science buffs on the site? How does that work?

                She only opened one cooler door for some ice. Yet her stenc remained in the store and the cooler for over and hour!!!!!
                Military Spouse Support.
                Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                • #9
                  The perfum stench reminds me of a woman who came into the chinese place i used to work at. She wasn't a foot in the restaurant when I started coughing and weezing from her perfum. There's a good 10-11 feet between me and the door. She gave me the bitchest look ever. Not my fault. I could bearly breath. I held my breath as much as I could when I took her order and rang her out. So you totally have my sympathy.
                  Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                  • #10
                    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                    How can I make you realize I DON'T CARE.
                    Hmmm... two ideas pop into my mind, one safer than the other by a wide margin...
                    1) Take the exact opposite position on his beliefs/stories. "Hell no, Samus could kick Master Chief's ass!" Pros: Pissed off 'customer', cons: pissed off 'customer' who is now intent on arguing with you until you see the light.
                    2) Bodily functions, loud and long... the dirtier the better. Social mores be damned... "Kitana's sexiest!" *hand strays to crotch* "Oh, gods, you're so right!"
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      Hmmm... two ideas pop into my mind, one safer than the other by a wide margin...
                      1) Take the exact opposite position on his beliefs/stories. "Hell no, Samus could kick Master Chief's ass!" Pros: Pissed off 'customer', cons: pissed off 'customer' who is now intent on arguing with you until you see the light.
                      2) Bodily functions, loud and long... the dirtier the better. Social mores be damned... "Kitana's sexiest!" *hand strays to crotch* "Oh, gods, you're so right!"
                      Well, Samus is female so all she'd have to do is flash the Chief and before you can say "We Regret to Inform you" Samus is on his arse with a Tin Opener.

                      'sides, everyone knows a single Space Marine could pount the Chief flat with no effort
                      I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                      • #12
                        That one geeky/nerd type who has likely never had sex or a girlfriend. The guy that apparently has no life outside of playing games.
                        Not all of us go on and on about all that crap though, we're not all bad... are we?
                        If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                        • #13
                          Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                          Well, Samus is female so all she'd have to do is flash the Chief and before you can say "We Regret to Inform you" Samus is on his arse with a Tin Opener.

                          'sides, everyone knows a single Space Marine could pount the Chief flat with no effort
                          Having never played more than a few minutes of multiplayer Halo, I can't/won't argue Samus v. Master Chief. However, if we're talking anime, I'll give my view points on various series, because that's what I got paid for when I worked at Chesterfield.
                          Quoth Juwl View Post
                          cons: pissed off 'customer' who is now intent on arguing with you until you see the light
                          *looks up* See?
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            I actually looked to see if any of the "PERFUME LADY!" people lived in my state, since I have a coworker who smells like she wears a gallon at a time.

                            I can't get anyone to talk to her to tell her she SMELLS BAD AND SETS OFF MY ALLERGIES! People have threatened to quit if her desk wasn't moved away from them. I could walk into the building blind folded and follow where she has been in the building, because she wears that much damn perfume and it lingers for a very long time after she has left.

                            I don't get why some of the more brain dead people on the night shift love her and act like she is the greatest thing ever. She is full of herself. She knows more than anyone else on any given subject, just ask her. She is too kewl for skool.

                            She is actually pretty stupid on most things in life, but she still thinks she is the greatest thing ever to walk. I always think of "it's not a CLOWN CAR!" when I see her, since she has 6 kids. It does make me wonder what her family and house smell like.

                            This bitch knows she sets off my allergies, so matter where I sit, she will find a reason to come down my aisle. She then gets all kinds of pissed off that I make a show of turning my fan on her and cover my nose with a very thick napkin.
                            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Juwl View Post
                              Having never played more than a few minutes of multiplayer Halo, I can't/won't argue Samus v. Master Chief.
                              Related: Fan Machinama of said fight.


                              With a twist and a suprise ending
                              Last edited by RayvenQ; 11-22-2008, 02:41 PM.
                              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

