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Beer =/= "Family Fun"

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  • Beer =/= "Family Fun"

    My SC post from Thursday to Sunday. Yes, last Thursday.

    ...yes, Thanksgiving.


    Why I Hate Wristbands

    In another post, I mentioned that company finally started offering wristbands so folks don't have to buy tickets. Fantastic idea, since tickets are some kind of sadistic Adventure in Fractions. So Unlimited Ride Wristbands mean the Cashiers don't have to make with the guesswork about how many customers should purchase for X amount of people.

    The problem comes when people walk up, ask for Y number of tickets, pay for tickets, get handed the printed tickets, and THEN ask about wristbands.

    Our tickets get printed once they are paid for. Much like a movie theater. And when dingbats like this suddenly change their minds, we either have to get a manager over to void out the tickets, or have a pile of tickets to try and sell to another customer.

    For the love of Heaven, people, JUST ASK ABOUT THE FRELLING WRISTBANDS FIRST!!!

    How the heck should I know?

    I hate, hate, HATE it when someone walks up and says, "We need tickets; what should we do?" Well, gee whiz, I'm thinking you should buy tickets. I cant' say how many. All I can do is explain the prices and what percentage of ticket will get you on the spinny-spinny ride.

    Now, I understand if it's someone's first time there, but do you REALLY want a cashier saying how many you should buy? Really? Granted, we don't work on commission, so I gain absolutely nothing by trying to upsell you, but my personal flaw of wanting to help people generally means I waste up to 15 minutes figuring out what you and your family needs to go on the rides you want.

    Large Groups

    We have coupons. The most common one is a flier with a Buy 2 Get 1 ticket coupon on the back. WAY too often, I get a group of at least 6 people who buy their tickets one by one. Always in the same group. Usually 1 to 3 adults who dole out the cash, and the rest kids from age 6 up. Okay, some may think you can only use one coupon per transaction, but how much easier would it be to, like, ASK? Seriously, just give me ALL those fliers, I'll punch in however many you have, and Responsible Adult can hand out tickets according to age, rank, merit, whether or not they did their chores, WHATEVER!

    Large Groups II

    And by the way, after you buy the tickets, it's a really, REALLY bad idea to stand in the middle of the entrance arch doling them out. People have to get through there!

    Here's an illustration of the place:
    [open walkway]
    [open walkway]

    As you can see, there is NO ROOM for loitering in the walkways. Especially on crowded days like Saturday. But they do! In the next room (where Walkways lead), there are large, open spaces, and tables to sit at and have the Family Discussion. But stand in the walkway, you block other people from getting in and out, clogging the other walkway, and usually block people trying to get into line.

    I really, REALLY hate those people.

    Wishy Washy

    These people are a nightmare on busy days.

    Usually a family of 4 to 10 who stand at the counter, right in front of the cashier, to discuss and decide what they want to get. Usually I explain the ticket prices, and THEN they start talking. Right in front of me. Not even moving aside so I can help someone else. While other people are behind them.

    I usually try to get a word in to ask them to step aside so I can help the next customer, since they shouldn't have to wait. But my God, common courtesy, people! You aren't the only sheep in the flock, ya know.

    Smoothies in November

    You need an icy treat in November? At night? When it's, like, 55 degrees out? Really?

    ...I hate you. *goes through messy process of making smoothie, cleaning up smoothie making process, and basically wasting 5 minutes so you can get ice mixed with fake fruit*

    Incidentally, in this company, it's VERY face-paced, so 5 minutes is a LOT of time on a busy day.

    License means LICENSE!

    Twice this weekend, we've had to give refunds to people who bought wristbands, but couldn't go on the Adult track because they didn't have a license.

    Even though all our lists with the Adult track say you need a license. And it says so on the message thing on the phone. And ask employee, they will tell you that you need a license.

    But the other tracks aren't GUUUUD enough, so you want your money back. Take it, you baby! You shouldn't be driving anyway!

    I can haz b33r plz?

    How many times am I going to deal with this? No, we don't have beer. This is a freaking GO KART track. As in, cars. As in DRIVING cars. There's already little kids at the wheel; the last thing we need is inebriated Shriners spinning wheels into walls.

    And frankly, I don't give a flying fudge if Chuck E Cheese has beer. That won't magically make a keg appear in the back room. This is a Family Fun Center. It's in the name of the place. Beer =/= Family Fun, especially when people have the habit of leaving their pitchers out. Any kid could get into it and get drunk off the stuff. Or any idiot could drink a lot, drive, and cause some injury.

    And who do you think could get the brick for that?

    Have a soda, and go away.


    Not entirly sucky, but she did have a little suck the second time I dealt with her.

    BACKGROUND: Typically people will have some elected unofficial to do the ordering, gather the monies, and make the payment. Usually this person will ask input from the others in case of hard questions like "What topping would you like on that?" or "And what kind of soda for the pitcher?". This is most common when the majority of the group don't speak perfect English (usually Spanish, but I've had cases of French and something I couldn't identify because of other noise). Actually, for the language barrier, it's often the kid, usually 10 to teens, since they probably grew up with both languages.

    This woman was the Spokesperson for the group. And she smelled like the stuff we use to clean the bathrooms. Some sort of funky disinfectant cleaner that's like bleach, laundry soap, dishwasher soap, and week-old dirty socks mixed together. And it was STRONG. I don't know if it was supposed to be perfume or what, but if it was, the company needs to be burnt down before they violate another nose.

    And since the games and other guests are so loud, I have developed a habit of leaning over the counter so I won't miss anything they order. This smell reached across the counter, though. And she wasn't talking loud, so I HAD to get closer while trying not to gag. I got them finished as quick as possible, then walked away so the spot could air out.

    Later, since my register is right next to the Pickup area for food, she game to get her pizza. We always give you a receipt with the transaction number, so no one ganks your food. We can't give you the food unless you have the receipt. The following conversation occurs:

    SC: Stinky Chick
    Me: Princess Wage Slave

    SC: That's my pizza.
    Me: Okay, do you have your receipt?
    SC: No, but that's my pizza.
    Me: I'm sorry, but I need the receipt.
    SC: But I don't HAVE the receipt!
    Me: (Then go GET it!) I'm sorry, but I can't give out food without the receipt.
    SC: But I threw it AWAY! *digs in purse for a second, and comes out with... the receipt*
    Me: *collects receipt and hands over pizza* Hold it from the bottom; the tray is hot.

    Now was that so hard?

    Her husband was much better. He ordered wings like 2 times, and both times had the receipt ready for pickup (once before the prior convo, and once after); and he didn't smell.


    Working Thursday sucked for a few reasons.

    First, it had been raining for 2 days straight by that point. This is a desert. We don't get much rain, and it's been a LONG time since this kind of downpour. Add to the fact that it's THANKSGIVING, the place was completely DEAD. And not even the kind of dead that Tuesday is. This was DEADER. All the rides are outside, so of course no one can ride them! They're all wet, and it's STILL raining, so we can't open any rides. Everyone's with their families, so why come here to play games and get rained on? I had maybe 62 dollars in transactions by the end of a 6 hour shift (5 actually, since we ended up closing an hour early). Even Tuesdays, the legendary Slow Day, end up with at LEAST a couple hundred in sales.

    Not to mention everyone was SO FREAKING BORED! There was literally nothing to do. We couldn't even clean because there were no customers making a mess.

    Also, the manager brought in a couple turkeys, sides, pie, etc so those who had to work could still have Thanksgiving Dinner. Fantastic gesture, and kudos to him.

    The problem is that by tonight, there are STILL leftovers that he's pushing on people, even Turkey Soup. I don't like Turkey anyway, so I just get my usual chicken salad, but still, most people are Turkey'd Out by this time, and still have their own leftovers to deal with.

    But I think he got rid of the last bits tonight.
    Last edited by HorrorFrogPrincess; 12-01-2008, 07:57 AM.
    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper

  • #2
    Maybe it's just me but I love a good cold snack any time of the year. I buy ice cream both in January and July. Typing this makes me even more hungry for a smoothie.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
      The problem comes when people walk up, ask for Y number of tickets, pay for tickets, get handed the printed tickets, and THEN ask about wristbands.

      For the love of Heaven, people, JUST ASK ABOUT THE FRELLING WRISTBANDS FIRST!!!
      This seems like an easy enough fix, to be honest.

      CUSTOMER: "Yes, I'd like X tickets, please."
      PRINCESS: "Sure...but are you aware that we have an Unlimited Ride Wristband for $X.XX?"

      They say no, they say no. They say yes, they say yes. But either way, you will have far less people purchasing tickets only to turn around and ask for the wristband instead. Sure, there will still be some mental slugs who do that....but at that point, they are probably beyond help anyway,

      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
      This is a Family Fun Center. It's in the name of the place. Beer =/= Family Fun, especially when people have the habit of leaving their pitchers out
      You obviously have never been at any of MY family's functions. Beer most certainly does equal family fun. First, just about all of us (Mom excluded) drink and enjoy beer. Secondly, beer is one of my survival tools for whenever I am around The Witch (my older sister) for extended periods of time.

      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
      Any kid could get into it and get drunk off the stuff. Or any idiot could drink a lot, drive, and cause some injury.
      The same could be said at, oh, I dunno, just about every bar/restaurant out there. You know, like Bennigan's, TGI Friday's, Appleby's, Chili's, Outback, etc. Lots of bar/restaurants serve pitchers of beer. And any place that serves alcohol can have someone drink a lot and then drive.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
        Maybe it's just me but I love a good cold snack any time of the year. I buy ice cream both in January and July. Typing this makes me even more hungry for a smoothie.
        I'm the same way. Ice Cream, Icees, Iced Tea, no problem - even when the temperature's in the 20s or lower.
        The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


        • #5
          A license for a go kart track?
          Sorry, unless those go karts are going 30+, I'd have to complain. What a sucky (customer creating) policy.

          ...managers seem to like those kinds of policies.
          Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


          • #6
            first yeah arizona!!!!!!
            second is it wrong that now i have this image of a very drunk person driving in little circles on a gocart half asleep.
            and its funny
            Quoth otakuneko View Post
            A license for a go kart track?
            Sorry, unless those go karts are going 30+, I'd have to complain. What a sucky (customer creating) policy.

            ...managers seem to like those kinds of policies.
            Horror said once that the adult track went in excessive of 45 miles per hour.
            Last edited by Sliceanddice; 12-01-2008, 03:52 PM.


            • #7
              Damn. I must know where this track is. I must try it!
              Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


              • #8
                Quoth Jester View Post
                This seems like an easy enough fix, to be honest.

                CUSTOMER: "Yes, I'd like X tickets, please."
                PRINCESS: "Sure...but are you aware that we have an Unlimited Ride Wristband for $X.XX?"

                They say no, they say no. They say yes, they say yes. But either way, you will have far less people purchasing tickets only to turn around and ask for the wristband instead. Sure, there will still be some mental slugs who do that....but at that point, they are probably beyond help anyway,
                The problem is some people DO still want tickets. It's mostly the people who just come up and ask for the tickets. Those I explain things to never have that problem.

                Quoth Jester View Post
                The same could be said at, oh, I dunno, just about every bar/restaurant out there. You know, like Bennigan's, TGI Friday's, Appleby's, Chili's, Outback, etc. Lots of bar/restaurants serve pitchers of beer. And any place that serves alcohol can have someone drink a lot and then drive.
                Actually, the same could not be said. Bar/restaurants don't have rides, games, and lots of crowds that result in people abandoning their leftover food/beverages to the staff. And those places typically have waiters and waitresses to keep a portion of an eye on things. They have to, so others can be seated. Once again, not so here.

                Quoth otakuneko View Post
                A license for a go kart track?
                Sorry, unless those go karts are going 30+, I'd have to complain. What a sucky (customer creating) policy.

                ...managers seem to like those kinds of policies.
                The Adult track goes 45MPH. It'd to 60 on a straight street, but these are curved.

                There are 2 other tracks that don't require a license. One goes 25, the other goes 35.

                Quoth otakuneko View Post
                Damn. I must know where this track is. I must try it!
                Las Vegas. It's, like, the only go kart place here. ^^
                "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  You obviously have never been at any of MY family's functions. Beer most certainly does equal family fun.....
                  well, i'm pretty sure your family function is different than a family fun center specially when it's just a buncha gokart tracks (hell, they'll give you a DUI for driving a lawn mower drunk around here). but i agree, beer normally = good times.

                  Quoth Jester
         Bennigan's, TGI Friday's, Appleby's, Chili's, Outback, etc. Lots of bar/restaurants serve pitchers of beer. And any place that serves alcohol can have someone drink a lot and then drive.
                  small threadjack but... it's a shame bennigan's has closed.

                  And for the other two comments, yes, bars/restuarants serve beers, but normally the pitcher is around people at all times, no one leaves the pitcher lying around to go play games/ride karts. 2ndly, it's better to prevent someone from drinking and driving on your facility (kart tracks) for liability reasons. Once they've left your parking lot, you're not as responsible as when they're on your premises. (i had that response better in my head, but i can't seem to type it out correctly)


                  • #10
                    Quoth CorDarei View Post
                    small threadjack but... it's a shame bennigan's has closed.

                    And for the other two comments, yes, bars/restuarants serve beers, but normally the pitcher is around people at all times, no one leaves the pitcher lying around to go play games/ride karts. 2ndly, it's better to prevent someone from drinking and driving on your facility (kart tracks) for liability reasons. Once they've left your parking lot, you're not as responsible as when they're on your premises. (i had that response better in my head, but i can't seem to type it out correctly)
                    Better than mine. ^^

                    <-- Articulation Fail
                    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      Quoth otakuneko View Post
                      A license for a go kart track?
                      Sorry, unless those go karts are going 30+, I'd have to complain.
                      I have been to go kart tracks where the cars go 40+, sometimes as fast as 60. And I am sure there are some I haven't been to that go faster. Not all go kart tracks are slow as shit.

                      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                      The problem is some people DO still want tickets. It's mostly the people who just come up and ask for the tickets. Those I explain things to never have that problem.
                      That is why I suggested mentioning the wristband to the people who just ask for tickets.

                      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                      Actually, the same could not be said. Bar/restaurants don't have rides, games, and lots of crowds that result in people abandoning their leftover food/beverages to the staff. And those places typically have waiters and waitresses to keep a portion of an eye on things. They have to, so others can be seated. Once again, not so here.
                      Quoth CorDarei View Post
                      And for the other two comments, yes, bars/restuarants serve beers, but normally the pitcher is around people at all times, no one leaves the pitcher lying around to go play games/ride karts.
                      Really? Seriously? You mean you've never been in an establishment where people have kind of a community table where the drinks/pitchers are, and they are wandering around, playing pool, darts, checking out the band, dancing, or whatever? Or how about sports bars where people might wander from tv to tv to check out different simultaneous games, while leaving the pitcher or other drinks on their original table? Let's not forget the arcade/bars out there, wherein you DO in fact have games AND booze.

                      And I am not talking about straight-up bars here, as children are not allowed in such establishments. But there are tons of establishments that sell booze, allow children, and where irresponsible, careless, and/or neglectful adults might gather with their children to do whatever.

                      So while I understand why a GO KART place wouldn't have booze (duh), to say a place with booze doesn't have games or customers that leave their alcohol in a place where children can get at it? Um, no.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        I've never been in any. Not a public place. I think it may be illegal here.
                        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper

