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To this day, I dread New Year's Eve. (very, very long. but funny.)

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  • To this day, I dread New Year's Eve. (very, very long. but funny.)

    New Year's Eve at a casino is the worst thing you can possibly imagine. The owner uses New Year's Eve to host a special party of his own--which means no rooms are available, he offers them all to his highest rollers for free that night so they'll come and gamble. But on top of all those people and their friends, tons of other people drive or fly in from all over to party for the night. So the entire place is completely packed, shoulder to shoulder, standing room only. People were literally waiting in line to be able to use a slot machine. It was absolute bedlam. Now a casino is a pretty noisy place anyway, but on the New Year's Eve I worked there---Eve of 1994, morning of 1995--- it was so loud that we were yelling at the customers all night long, as we literally could not hear anything and they could not hear us. We were all totally hoarse by morning.

    That New Year's Eve, the security department had 13 emergency situations occur in a 12 hour period. To put this in perspective, we usually had 1 a month or so. Typical emergency situations are someone having a heart attack, someone had too much to drink and passed out at the bar, drunken person fell down or cut themselves and needed minor medical attention, someone got belligerent with an employee and had to be removed, stuff like that.

    Lemme give you a rundown of what happened that night:

    #1 drunken couple get into a screaming match in their jacuzzi suite, up on the top floor. They start throwing furniture around. Smashing lamps, throwing drinking glasses, etc. She turns on the Jacuzzi full blast, picks up an ice bucket and starts throwing buckets of water at him, getting it all over the suite. Soaking the bed, the walls, etc. He (really big guy, btw) hurls a large overstuffed recliner at her, it goes through the douple plane, plate glass window. It falls ten floors and crashes, completely destroyed, on the cement near the pool. Security hauls ass out there, and then hauls ass up to the top floor. Both are arrested and marched away by the cops, still screaming at each other and foaming at the mouth.

    #2 We start getting reports from housekeeping staff of a man in a trenchcoat (and nothing else), harassing the housekeeping girls. Apparently he was walking up behind them as they were in the hall, opening up his coat, wrapping it around them and rubbing his naked bits against their rear ends. Then he'd let go and run off via the stairs. He was finally caught by another (male) guest who witnessed him do this to one of our girls, tackled him, and handed him over to security. (This guy rocked. We loaded him up with freebies for doing that.)

    #3 woman and her two friends play this really annoying game all night. They keep stealing each other's purses, and then reporting it to security, even though they knew it was one of them who had stolen it. They thought this was funny. Kept doing it all night, wasting securities time, until security finally got a hold of one of the purses and locked it up (for sake-keeping,you know? ) Woman who owns that purse has a fit and calls the police, and then is pissed because they can't get there right away. Police got their own crazy work to do that night. Security finally gives purse back and throws all three out. They prolly came back in, but wisely did not play anymore purse snatching games.

    #4 in the midst of all this packed humanity, drunken couple decides to have sex, right there on the casino floor. Standing up. Security has to fight their way through the crows of people cheering them on and drag them out. Girl then vomits all over security guards uniform and promptly passes out.

    #5 Somebody decides to play the how-many-people-can-we-fit-in-the-elevator game. People start complaining to us that they can't use elevator, there are a bunch of 'kids' in it (early 20's). They go up and down with elevator overloaded, until it finally breaks. Doors have to be manually pulled open and everyone pulled out. Elevator is now broken for the rest of the night, causing endless complaints to us.

    #6 Two guys fall upon a change dude and try to rob him. Now, those suits are designed to be hard to rob someone, but they try anyway, in the middle of all this. Change dude gets banged up before two other employees manage to make it over to them and tackle these guys. Poor guy had to go home, he got a mild concussion when they knocked him to the floor.

    #7 couple decides to go swim in the pool. The dark, unheated, closed for the winter pool. With the destroyed recliner still lying out there nearby. They manage to swim for a while before security catches on, and have a fit when they are ordered out. Woman is wearing a white dress which is completely transparent now that she's sopping wet. Proceeds to scream at security guards for looking at her body, then says if she catches pneumonia, she'll sue us as it's our fault. How does that work again, lady?

    #8 some elderly gentleman dies while sitting at a slot machine. Nobody notices this for probably an hour or 2. He's sitting up on a stool in front of a machine with a tub of change in his lap and his head down. Some woman finally realizes he's dead, and has a hysterical fit, causing other people around her to start freaking out. They don't know why their freaking out, but they do. I guess it's contagious when you're all packed together like that. it takes security a half an hour to get the body outside, maneuvering it through all these people.

    #9 a couple guys get into a food fight in the buffet. They are throwing stuff at each other, but hitting other guests. Some dude gets up when his wife gets food in her face and assaults one of the guys. Buffet employees try to pull him off, and then other guy assaults employees. Huge melee involving 6 or 7 people then goes down at the buffet until the psycho chef comes out and starts waving his knives around and yelling maniacally. The two guys who started it all cleared out quick, without paying their bill. Two employees end up with minor injuries. (wasn't there...but we got to watch this unfold on the security cameras later. Funniest thing I have EVER seen.)

    #10 many people tried all sorts of bribery, trickery, manipulation, and straight out threats to get rooms. There are no rooms, simply put. We never have any rooms on New Year's Eve, due to owner's big party every year. We know this all year long. People still try to get rooms. One guy argues with a girl for a while, then jumps up on the counter and tries to grab her. The bellboys are all over him immediately, drag him down and outside, where he tries to fight 3 of them at once. He ends up with a black eye, bloody nose, and badly sprained wrist. The bellboys, all teenage guys, are quite proud of their little infraction and spend the rest of the night comparing injuries and strutting around.

    to be honest, even more happened that night, but I can't remember it all. If I remember more I will post it. This is my war story, and I hope you enjoyed it.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    Am I the only one that thinks it would be a complete blast to be at PG's casino on New Year's Eve?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      I'm sure it wasn't much fun at the time, but this is fab to read now. It could be the basis of a great film. One question though...I don't know anything about casinos and how they work, what is this all about?
      #6 Two guys fall upon a change dude and try to rob him. Now, those suits are designed to be hard to rob someone, but they try anyway, in the middle of all this.
      Does that mean the change man wears a special suit? I've never been into a casino (I have been into all sorts of weird places, including brothels and coal mines, but never a casino!) so I am intrigued by this.
      A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
      - Dave Barry


      • #4
        Geez. I'm glad I work behind a cage... Maybe I should avoid my casino during that time... What department are you in that you witnessed all that?


        • #5
          barefootgirl: The change guys wore these special contraptions that automatically gave change. it sat around their waists and hung down to their knees and were quite heavy. they feed a bill into it and it would spit out an exact amount of change. While wearing this, they weren't allowed to physically touch anyone. I got in trouble once for hugging my boyfriend while he was working.

          Anakah: At the time I was working the front desk of the hotel. It looked out on the casino floor. I did not personally witness all of these things, however, they were all later written down by people who had witnessed/experienced them and passed out to the employees so we could all have a good laugh. this was ten years ago, too, so I may be misremembering details, but all these things actually happened. I did witness some of it, though, including the guy fighting the bellboys, several incidences involving the purse snatchers, the body being removed, and the fighting couple being dragged out by the police still screaming at each other. This was all becaaue these people had to pass by the front desk to get out of the main entrance.

          jester: If I hadn't been working and trying to help contain all of this, I'd have prolly thought it was a blast too, at least for a while. To this day, getting to see the footage from the buffet fight is still the funniest thing I have ever seen, bar none.
          Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


          • #6
            Wow, your story had everything!!!!! Flashers, drunks, public sex, but my favorite is--

            Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
            #9 a couple guys get into a food fight in the buffet. They are throwing stuff at each other, but hitting other guests. Some dude gets up when his wife gets food in her face and assaults one of the guys. Buffet employees try to pull him off, and then other guy assaults employees. Huge melee involving 6 or 7 people then goes down at the buffet until the psycho chef comes out and starts waving his knives around and yelling maniacally. The two guys who started it all cleared out quick, without paying their bill. Two employees end up with minor injuries. (wasn't there...but we got to watch this unfold on the security cameras later. Funniest thing I have EVER seen.)
            That sounds hilarious. I'd pay to see it!!!!!!!!!
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
              They go up and down with elevator overloaded, until it finally breaks. Doors have to be manually pulled open and everyone pulled out. Elevator is now broken for the rest of the night, causing endless complaints to us.
              PLEASE tell me they took their time in getting the doors open and they let them stew in there for awhile. Please tell me that they had to pay for the damage too.
              "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


              • #8
                I like the psycho chef and the heroic bellboys. This is great war story material.

                Remind me never to be in a casino on New Year's Eve....
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                  I like the psycho chef and the heroic bellboys. This is great war story material.

                  Remind me never to be in a casino on New Year's Eve....
                  I've been to Vegas a few times for NYE. The first couple of times, it was great fun. I really, really enjoyed it.

                  The last couple of times weren't quite as much fun. I think it was because I was a little older and walking shoulder to shoulder with people down the sidewalk stopped being my idea of fun. The casinos are way over crowded, etc. You get to pay way for your rooms and all that other jazz. Unless the fiance really wants to go one year (should I say wife?), I doubt I'll do the Vegas New Years again.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                    #8 some elderly gentleman dies while sitting at a slot machine. Nobody notices this for probably an hour or 2. He's sitting up on a stool in front of a machine with a tub of change in his lap and his head down. Some woman finally realizes he's dead, and has a hysterical fit, causing other people around her to start freaking out. They don't know why their freaking out, but they do. I guess it's contagious when you're all packed together like that. it takes security a half an hour to get the body outside, maneuvering it through all these people.
                    Alright, that makes my list of Ways I Want To Die, right after dying of a motorcycle crash on my 90th birthday.
                    Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

                    I like big bots and I cannot lie.


                    • #11
                      My god, you could turn that into a movie and it'd be a hit. People are insane.


                      • #12
                        I just went gambling myself (first timer) just the other day while vacationing in the Bay area, went to Lake Tahoe. I found gambling to be quite boring as I didn't win much.

                        I'll have to remember never to go gambling on New Years, that's for certain!! Unless, maybe I want to be a bystander and watch all the drama . . . those poor security guys! If that wasn't a sucky night for them!!

                        Although working at a Pizza place is super sucky on New Years Eve as well (the store closed at 1am). It's super busy and people are drunk as heck. . . I hated working New Years Eve! Luckily now, the store I work at closes at 6pm, so we don't have to deal with any big rushes or a whole lotta drunks . . . (some, not many).
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Moirae View Post
                          My god, you could turn that into a movie and it'd be a hit. People are insane.
                          Watch Four Rooms. Be warned though... the music at the beginning will get stuck in your head.
                          Drive it like it's a county car.


                          • #14
                            ZOMG! I don't suppose this would be a good time to mention I will be arriving in Las Vegas on New Year's Day for a few days vacation.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                              Watch Four Rooms. Be warned though... the music at the beginning will get stuck in your head.
                              Already have. Pretty crazy stuff.

                              I'd cut off a guy's finger if I'd get a grand or so for doing it.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

