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since when does 1 mean 4?

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  • since when does 1 mean 4?

    This afternoon a customer and his friend walks up to me at the register to check the balance on his giftcard. Now he is speaking in broken English but he seems to understand it well enough since his friend is speaking to him in English. My CW is standing behind me waiting to see what they order so she can get a head start on it.
    So I tell him the balance (which is around $9) and then he asks how much a small OJ is. I tell him (about $3) and he says he wants that. I repeat and point to the cup to make sure that's the size he wants, ask if he wants any ice or add-ons (the normal spiel) all to which he nods. I tell him his total is the $3 quote from before and he hands me the giftcard plus a $5
    wait a minute..why the five?
    I tell him that his giftcard will be more than enough to cover the drink and hand him back the bill. He looks at his friend, shakes his head, and says " I TOLD you I wanted four drinks!!!"

    wha? I just stood there for a second and looked to my CW to see if she had heard 4 drinks and maybe I was just deaf (damn blenders..) she looked shocked too!
    Me: "So you want 4 small oj? Not just one?"
    Customer: "Yes! 4 orange juice! What? You no understand?" looks at his friend "Why this so hard?"

    I couldn't say anything else. I was so confused! I just took the gift card and money and went to make the order. Once they walked out the doors, my CW turned to me and said "Apparently an orange juice means four?"

    The sad part is this happens all the time. Whether it's english or non english speaking customers. I'm a bit more understanding when I know they're having a hard time understanding me...but this guy was special! Oy! At least I had great customers after that!
    Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat

  • #2

    I am currently 14 years of age and i work in a small town restaraunt/grocier. Well most of the customers are over age 60 and dont know how to say what they want.

    There is this one customer dolores. She comes in 4 times daily and calls the restaraunt 20 times daily. Not an exageration. She is so out of it that my boss told her she has to stop calling. I am sure you are all aware of the smoking regulations in Pennsylvania. She was a heavy smoker having a hard time not smoking while drinking her 5th cup of coffee that day. Then me and my co-worker brit noticed that smoke was emitting from the bathroom. She was smoking in the bathroom knowing full well she wasnt allowed. My boss screamed at her and she just forgot all about it. Thats crazy d. for you.

    There is another lady that comes in they call her bibs. She ordered a diet coke and i asked 3 times to make sure bc she is known to change her mind. I go and get the damn coke and she starts SCREAMING like someone is murdering her. I am like are you okay? She starts ranting I WANTED DIET PEPSI! im like okay okay calm down i will go get it. she is like forget it im leaving. Some people are so out of it!


    • #3
      Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
      Customer: "Yes! 4 orange juice! What? You no understand?" looks at his friend "Why this so hard?"



      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4
        Please forgive my undisciplined mind. . .

        Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
        Now he is speaking in broken English. . .
        Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post

        Anyone who knows me can tell you with a clear conscience that I am not prejudiced or racist at all. But right now, I'm feeling a little guilty for being reminded of an old joke involving hitting and a cue ball. The joke could be altered to apply to people of any nationality, though, so I guess I shouldn't feel bad.
        "Sir, if you don't shut up, I'm going to kick one hundred percent of your ass!" - "Brad Hamilton", Fast Times at Ridgemont High


        • #5
          Quoth mandaleefreeport View Post
          I am currently 14 years of age and i work in a small town restaraunt/grocier. Well most of the customers are over age 60 and dont know how to say what they want.

          There is this one customer dolores. She comes in 4 times daily and calls the restaraunt 20 times daily. Not an exageration. She is so out of it that my boss told her she has to stop calling. I am sure you are all aware of the smoking regulations in Pennsylvania. She was a heavy smoker having a hard time not smoking while drinking her 5th cup of coffee that day. Then me and my co-worker brit noticed that smoke was emitting from the bathroom. She was smoking in the bathroom knowing full well she wasnt allowed. My boss screamed at her and she just forgot all about it. Thats crazy d. for you.

          There is another lady that comes in they call her bibs. She ordered a diet coke and i asked 3 times to make sure bc she is known to change her mind. I go and get the damn coke and she starts SCREAMING like someone is murdering her. I am like are you okay? She starts ranting I WANTED DIET PEPSI! im like okay okay calm down i will go get it. she is like forget it im leaving. Some people are so out of it!
          14 and dealing with SCs already...? crazy SCs at that.

          sir/madam, I salute you. [bows]


          • #6
            There is another lady that comes in they call her bibs. She ordered a diet coke and i asked 3 times to make sure bc she is known to change her mind.
            hell write it down and have her sign it.

