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Can't be the Flu....or the Cold.....

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  • Can't be the Flu....or the Cold.....

    I actually threw out a woman today for accusing one of my co-workers for having the flu.

    How you can mistake a sneeze, then the cashier going for the sanitizer warrants a flu accusation, and then sticking to your guns is beyond me. Asking yes after the cough, I think is 50-50, but outright not believing the guy after he denies it and then try to get me to eject him is pushing it.

  • #2
    cos some people jsut can't wrap their heads around the fact that sometimes a sneeze is not because you're ill.

    i have allergies and at least once a day i have multiple sneezes. and yeah i had co-workers who just assumed i was sick and acted as if i was... idiots :sigh:


    • #3
      I suffer from year-round hayfever. All winter long, and most of spring and autumn too, if I so much as sneeze, someone near me says something like "coming down with a flu"?

      No, reject. There are other reasons to sneeze. One sneeze does not influenza make.


      • #4
        There was a time when a sneeze was considered a sign of impending doom. I believe we call those times "the Dark Ages." In fact, that's where the "bless you" reply to a sneeze originated. If someone sneezed, it could have been a sign of plague, and blessing someone was hoped to prevent Death from visiting.

        Amazing the things one learns when involved with Renaissance Faires, no?
        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


        • #5
          Flu accusations? Did I miss the memo where society is now grouping flu sufferers with lepers and witches?


          • #6
            Quoth Captain Trips View Post
            There was a time when a sneeze was considered a sign of impending doom. I believe we call those times "the Dark Ages." In fact, that's where the "bless you" reply to a sneeze originated. If someone sneezed, it could have been a sign of plague, and blessing someone was hoped to prevent Death from visiting.

            Amazing the things one learns when involved with Renaissance Faires, no?

            'tas also believed that at the time of sneezing the soul could escape, and saying bless you was a way of binding it back to the body.
            If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


            • #7
              I am one of those individuals GIFTED with the ability to rattle windows and utterly DESTROY nerves when I sneeze. When I sneeze, every muscle in my body is involved.

              And with me, it's typically related to dust, humidity changes, or light changes. When I have a head cold I'm actually LESS likely to sneeze... something about being stuff up inhibits it (Though it still tickles, and I'll generally spend a maddening few minutes desperately WANTING the relief of a sneeze, but not being able to)

              I've never been accuse of having a cold when I sneeze though... mostly I think because people are too busy scrambling under their seats or hiding behind the nearest available object/person.
              Check out my webcomic!


              • #8
                I am getting annoyed with it. I too have some minor allerfies, and the girls at work all wear competing perfumes. This is fine, I wear perfume too, but it sometimes makes me sneeze. That plus the dust.

                Just cause I sneeze does not mean I have the 'lurgy'! I always want to say 'no, it;s just your perfume'.
                Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                • #9
                  You're not allowed to wear strong scents in my office specifically for that reason.

                  They'll send you home to wash it off. -.-

                  Sad part is it was originally put in place because of a single person. We use to have a girl that worked here who was a real.....bather....when it came to perfume. People were having allergic reactions.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Polenicus View Post
                    I've never been accuse of having a cold when I sneeze though... mostly I think because people are too busy scrambling under their seats or hiding behind the nearest available object/person.
                    This thread is useless without video

                    on that note I get that a lot at work too with sneezing and being accused of being sick... no dimwit, it's because there's an at least 5 degree difference between behind the desk and in front of the desk... temperature differences make me sneeze (I have a horrible time with driving in the summer with one side being cold from the AC and the other being warm from the sun).
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      What about those with photo sensitive sneezes...?
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        In one office where I worked, people called out richter scale readings when I sneezed. And I was trying to be quiet.

                        But yes, I'm the same way. I sneeze due to allergies. Cold and Flu, not so much.
                        The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                        • #13
                          I sneeze due to dust, and the average opinion is that I have a Decibel count that rivals a jet engine on takeoff.

                          For whatever reason, I'm reminded of a certain 'Loserz' Comic... (Most DEFINITELY NSFW)



                          • #14
                            I'm mildly allergic to chocolate, only in that eating it makes me sneeze. However, I still eat the hell out of it. Knowing this, I still have coworkers who, after four years, will see me take a bite of a chocolate bar, sneeze, and then ask me "You getting sick?" Oy.
                            "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Captain Trips View Post
                              There was a time when a sneeze was considered a sign of impending doom. I believe we call those times "the Dark Ages."

                              Geeze, I sneeze all the freaking time. Most people do, it's how we keep dust and other irritants out of our lungs.

                              Your screen name is hilarious in the context of this thread.
                              Last edited by protege; 12-08-2008, 06:18 PM. Reason: Quote tag :)

