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cash back bitch (long)

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  • cash back bitch (long)

    what a day, what a day.

    as I mentioned in my last post, I work in a small grocery store in a decent town, and I don't get many Scs. but this lady today – ooh, she pissed me off.

    I was already stressed out; I got put on lane 6 (out of 8), which meant that if customers came from the dairy section, which they usually do, I was the first lane open, and therefore everyone came to me, so I had this neverending barrage of customers for three hours straight. suck.

    so then it starts to slow down a bit; it's near dinner time so everyone goes home to eat. this lady comes up, and as i'm scanning her stuff, another guy comes in the lane. this man was my salvation.

    I get all finished with the lady's stuff, something like $12.77 total, and she takes out a checkbook and asks if she can write it for $25 over. She talks VERY fast, I can barely understand her. it was sort of like “Canigettwentyfivedollarsback”, that sort of thing, except to really capture the speed i'd have to somehow squish all the letters together so it's completely illegible.

    Me: Do you have a check cashing card?
    SC: No, but I've never needed one before. I always get cash back here. So can I get $25 or $20?
    You always get cash back but you don't know the limit, which is clearly stated every time you ask for cash back on a check or debit card? yeah, okay.
    Me: If you have a check cashing card you can get up to $20 back, but without a card you can only write a check for the amount of your purchase.
    SC: Well that's ridiculous, they never ask me for that.
    Me: I'm sorry, without a card you can't get cash back, it's policy. If you want to apply for a card you can take this form *produces form*, fill it out, and take it to customer service and they'll give you a card.
    SC: *says something so incredibly fast and angrily I can't even understand it*
    Me: *tries to understand what the hell she said* Um--
    SC: Are you going to give me money or are you going to void out my stuff so I can take it back to the customer service desk and buy it there, I'm only writing one check.
    Me: Well--
    SC: I can't get cash back without buying anything.
    I know that, bitch.
    SC: No, you know what? just void it out and I'll take it to the desk.
    Me: Oka--
    SC: No, don't bother. I just won't buy it. I'll go somewhere else. *throws the CC form back at me, slams her one plastic bag and milk jug back on the lane, and storms out the door in a huff, muttering stuff like “ridiculous” and “this is bullshit”*

    I was so flustered and angry at this point I just stood there for a minute, seething. the guy behind her was waiting patiently, having witnessed this whole exchange. I regained my composure (miraculously) and called sup R to come over.

    Once I hung up the phone, harder than necessary, the guy said something like “D'you think I should make faces like I'm really angry about something to mess with the supervisor?” I laughed at that. I was so grateful that he wasn't annoyed at me or anything.

    so sup R comes over and voids out the bitch's order, since voiding a whole order requires a password, and the guy makes a couple more jokes, trying to calm me down. R backs me up and says that if the bitch tries to complain she won't get anywhere, which made me feel better. but just uggh.
    verily, i doth be a buckete.

  • #2
    My wife has countless sotires like that from her days as a grocery store cashier. What is it about groceries that brings out the absolute worst in people?
    I will never go to school!


    • #3
      Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
      My wife has countless sotires like that from her days as a grocery store cashier. What is it about groceries that brings out the absolute worst in people?
      It's the squishy grapes that come in every damn bunch, no matter how fresh.


      • #4
        Quoth Belari View Post
        It's the squishy grapes that come in every damn bunch, no matter how fresh.

        wait... no they dont.
        Melody Gardot


        • #5
          Quoth Fleur View Post
          R backs me up and says that if the bitch tries to complain she won't get anywhere, which made me feel better. but just uggh.
          <<< THIS

          A supe with a spine.. rare these days..


          • #6
            but how will your store ever survive the recession without her $12? you really screwed yourself by not giving here cash back for more than her purchase on a check that probably would have bounced


            • #7
              I know it's a service your store offers, but why does that SC think your store is a bank? She should be glad your store was willing to offer this service, if the form was filled out.
              "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


              • #8
                At least the customer tried to calm you down with jokes. I've been on the recieving end of some angry rants and have stood behind people arguing with cashiers before.


                • #9
                  I absolutely loathe cash back options. Especially if I'd just opened and only had $100 to work with, coins and all, and some flapjack wanted that much back on their purchase. I think the idea should just be tossed altogether, honestly.

                  Now, I have used the cash back option before, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite, but I usually only do it at self-check-outs, or I would ask the cashier before I pushed the button if she had enough in her drawer to do it. Most customers don't grasp the concept that a till is *not* an everlasting gobstobber of cash.
                  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                  • #10
                    I'm amazed that there are places that still accept cheques.
                    If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                    • #11
                      Up until about a year ago when I quit, S-bucks accepted personal checks. Don't know if they still do.
                      I will never go to school!


                      • #12
                        I had one SC DEMAND that i let her get the full $200 cash back we offer. She was buying a coffee at the in store bakery, she wanted the money to pay for her groceries.

                        Most of my transactions are for coffee or pastry/muffins, etc. Usually I get ones or fives. Guess what that $200 back looked like


                        • #13
                          My store sets a limit for up to $20 over your purchase amount.

                          I love seeing the people with their single pack of gum or candy bar. It amuses me.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            Quoth mattm04 View Post
                            I had one SC DEMAND that i let her get the full $200 cash back we offer. She was buying a coffee at the in store bakery, she wanted the money to pay for her groceries.

                            Most of my transactions are for coffee or pastry/muffins, etc. Usually I get ones or fives. Guess what that $200 back looked like
                            I've had the pleasure of counting the Starbucks till in my store. Nothing like so many singles (usually $200+) that they have to put them underneath the till tray. Every night, the front end manager has to take a singles sweep because it's so ridiculous.


                            • #15
                              I loathe cashback. If only for one experience, and the place I worked at didn't even offer cashback, as in I couldn't do it at all. On my last day there I had some bitch decide to call me liar and a few other things because I told her I couldn't do it. She even told me I had to pay for her cab, which is, just fricking stupid. She wouldn't even let me tell her about the fact that there was another gas station with a bank machine a block up the road.
                              “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                              -Charles Bukowski

