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So, you would risk my job because you are selfish and lazy?

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  • So, you would risk my job because you are selfish and lazy?

    I had this EW, yesterday, who wanted 3 yards of fleece. Much to my delight, she wanted it cut in half(1.5 and 1.5). Le me remind you all of the rules of the fabric store: No custom cuts. Let me also remind you all that it is a FIREABLE offence. Something they take very seriously in upper management. Who knows why?

    EW: I need 1.5 and 1.5 cut.
    Me:I'm sorry I can't do two cuts, but I can mark the half way point for you
    EW: But, I need two pieces.
    Me: I understand that, but I can't cut two pieces.
    EW: Why not?
    Me: Corporate won't let us due to return policy.
    EW: But, I need two pieces.
    Me: But I can't cut two pieces off of the same bolt.
    EW: What if I got another bolt of the same print?
    Me: That would be dishonest.
    EW: That doesn't make any sense! If I got a cut of fleece and the customer behind me wanted the same cut of fleece from the same bolt, that would be the same thing!
    Me: No, because you are two different people.(What doesn't make sense here? Oh yeah, HER logic.
    EW: Then cut the amount for her! *points to her daughter*

    My manager stepped in at this point to tell her the same things that I had been telling her for the past 5 minutes. Eventually, my manager just wanted to go home. She told me to just do it because she didn't feel like arguing about it.

    EW: Thank you.
    Me: *Cuts fleece.*
    EW: You know, this is for two different people, so don't be upset about it.
    Me: I'm not upset about it. (I don't care. My manager said it was okay, as long as I get to keep my job, what does it matter to me?)

    After she left, I had another person in line...
    Customer: I feel sorry for you...
    Me: Don't worry, she's the one who's going to be upset when she can't return that fleece.

    I counted it as one cut of fabric on her ticket and since it's a sale item, she can't use a coupon.
    Last edited by Gabrielle Proctor; 12-10-2008, 05:40 AM. Reason: spelling error
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  • #2
    I think I understand why your Management has that rule.

    One assumes somewhere, sometime, before this rule was in effect, sucky people would buy material for a project. However, rather than verifying how much they need, plus a reasonable margin for error, they 'guestimate'. Since they know their guestimation skills are horribly inadequate, they get way too much. And they have it cut into smaller portions, so they can return the excess later.

    Cue piles and piles of unsellable, odd sizes of cut fabric piling up, because people need 1 yard of fabric, but get three 1 yard pieces 'just in case', and return the other two a week later.

    Bleh. I wouldn't want your job. All I have to do is chase drunks around all night.
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    • #3
      You know if I was the customer, I wouldn't be too worried over this.

      "Okay I'll just have 1.5 yards then." Cut. Pay.

      "Oh, I just remembered I need more than that, I'll have another 1.5 yards of the same pattern please." Cut. Pay.

      2x 1.5 yards.


      • #4
        One-Fang will now leave us to go into hiding as Gabrielle goes hunting.
        If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


        • #5
          There's an easy solution that management might want to look into. Charge per yard *and* per cut. That way the store gets compensated for the extra work, and the extra risk involved with the possibility of a return.

          ETA: On a return, refund the cost per yard, but not the cost per cut.


          • #6

            Quoth Chromatix View Post
            There's an easy solution that management might want to look into. Charge per yard *and* per cut. That way the store gets compensated for the extra work, and the extra risk involved with the possibility of a return.

            ETA: On a return, refund the cost per yard, but not the cost per cut.
            Or do what my local lumber stores do. Charge per cut, but ring it up using the original lumber tag.

            If I buy 8 studs each 2" by 4" and 8 feet long, but have 4 of them cut into 4 foot pieces I can only return the four 8' foot pieces even if the same store already sell individual 4 foot pieces. In real life I usually would be getting the 8 foot studs cut to 4.5 feet and 3.5 - useful lengths for making small sheds, woodlots and other items.

            But even while the 4.5 foot piece can be re-cut to 4 feet, no store here will take them back unless that is original size I paid for.

            And yes, selling odd lots and leftovers they sometimes do have those sizes.


            • #7
              Quoth One-Fang View Post
              You know if I was the customer, I wouldn't be too worried over this.

              "Okay I'll just have 1.5 yards then." Cut. Pay.

              "Oh, I just remembered I need more than that, I'll have another 1.5 yards of the same pattern please." Cut. Pay.

              2x 1.5 yards.
              Or, you could just take the whole 3 yards home, fold it in half and cut along the fold. Seems a lot easier and less time consuming having to stand in two lines, but if you're willing to spend an hour in my store, go for it.
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              • #8
                I'm surprised that a store would even allow a return on cut fabric. Wow.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
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                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  Yeah, I totally understand the customer's POV. I would be pissed also if the person wouldn't cut it again for me.

                  I would just say let me have a yard and a half. cut, wrap. then let me have another yard and a half. What, you're gonna turn me away, not cut?

                  And I too wouldn't allow ANY returns on custom cuts.



                  • #10
                    Quoth wagegoth View Post
                    I'm surprised that a store would even allow a return on cut fabric. Wow.
                    My thought too.

                    It's like returning uneaten food to the kitchen for a refund. Why would a store take back merchandise it probably can't sell?

                    Just cut pieces in any length customer wants. But once they're sold, they stay sold.


                    • #11
                      That is a new one on me . . .but corporate must have a reason. (too many people with fleece no sew blankets?)
                      I know that where I buy fabric they will cut it in to the requested size pieces and as long as the entire piece is there you can return it.
                      But hey that is the store policy.


                      • #12
                        I seem to be in the majority here: go ahead and sell the custom cuts, but NO REFUNDS. I can't even imagine trying to take material back!
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Primer View Post
                          I seem to be in the majority here: go ahead and sell the custom cuts, but NO REFUNDS. I can't even imagine trying to take material back!
                          You all seem to be forgetting that I have NO control over policy what-so-ever.

                          Also, sewing is a hobby. Hobbies take WORK. The work is supposed to be fun, because it's a freakin' hobby. I will gladly help you pick out colors, notions, tell you how much fabric you need, even help you with your sizing. How hard is it to cut your own goddamned fabric? Especially, if it's an even amount off of one piece? All you have to do is fold the thing in HALF! WTF?

                          Do you know how long my line would be if I did a custom cut for every customer? The line is already almost to the front door! We are seriously understaffed! And what if I did a cusom cut for every customer? What's next? I cut it out along the pattern lines for you and maybe you'll ask if I can take it into the back and sew it up for you too?

                          Am I the only one that seems to be getting this? I think our policy is a good thing and if you all worked my job, you would too. Stop siding with the SC's, all of you.
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                          • #14
                            I agree with Gabrielle... Seriously guys, at the very least, it's their store/corporate policy and she has to follow it. And it's also time consuming. I've done some sewing of my own. It's really not that much of a pain to just take the damn fabric back to your own house, lay it out on the kitchen table and make the necessary cuts.
                            "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                            ...Beware the voice without a face...


                            • #15
                              Quoth NightWatch View Post
                              I agree with Gabrielle... Seriously guys, at the very least, it's their store/corporate policy and she has to follow it. And it's also time consuming. I've done some sewing of my own. It's really not that much of a pain to just take the damn fabric back to your own house, lay it out on the kitchen table and make the necessary cuts.
                              Thank you!
                              Check out my cosplay social group!

