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"My broken computer has been waiting for my retrieval for over one year!!!" (LONG)

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  • "My broken computer has been waiting for my retrieval for over one year!!!" (LONG)


    I was today reminded of this one-and-a-half year old case with a broken computer. The customer was loud, foul-mouthed, angry, ew and so on. So, let the story begin.

    Jan 15 2007

    Cust. brings laptop in, we dont have immediate service but we send them to the manufacturer for repair. The monitor is mechanically broken (as in liquid leakage from the crystals) because of something sharp that has come to contact with it. I call Acer, they give an over-phone estimate of € 120, cust. agrees, we send it to get fixed.

    Cust. receives estimate of € 390, does not approve, computer gets sent back to us.

    Feb 16 2007

    Computer arrives at us, we call cust., cust. comes to retrieve machine, is very disappointed in the service company/manufacturer. Demands to get it repaired under warranty (a 4-5-month old laptop at that point, so warranty valid, except it's mechanical damage...). I do as cust. commands me, call again to Acer, send it in again.

    Cust receives a new estimate, € 290, does not approve it, and the computer gets somehow forgotten with Acer. It stays in the repair place.

    Mar 27/28 2007

    Cust. calls the shop (retailer, not repair place in any means), inquires about the laptop. I answer the phone, tell him it's still with Acer, he goes ballistic. Calls me "f*cking idiot" and "asshole" and such beautiful things on the phone. I'm so struck I don't say anything, nor hang up. Cust. gets tired of calling me names, hangs up. I go to the backroom to cry. Boss & colleagues are very understanding luckily.

    July 6 2007

    Computer comes back from Acer, not repaired (remember, mechanical damage -> not warranty?). I call to cust., tells him his machine is ready to be picked up. Cust. tells me he's not going to take a faulty machine back, demands me to get it fixed. I tell him it's not possible, get called names again, this time I chime in something along the lines of "I'm not required to listen to that kind of language, please calm down". Cust. tells me we'll be hearing from him.

    July 28 2007

    I get email from complaint handling department. Cust. has written a complaint and sent it. I tell them what's happened, they promise to handle it from there. I thank them and forget the case.

    Aug 15-Sept 30 2007

    I break down, have an "acute stress reaction", 2 weeks sick leave and 4 weeks working in another shop of same company. Come back to "my" shop, everything's ok.

    Dec 10 2008

    Shop gets a inquiry from cust's lawyer, where lawyer wants to get the computer back. In spite of cust. telling me 1½ years prior that he doesn't want to get a faulty computer back. Boss (a new one, not the same one) asks me about this. Wants to know if anything was done to the laptop, I tell him the sad, long story. He promises I'm not going to be reprimanded of it. I start feeling the same way I felt in Aug 2007 but am able to remain composed.

    I'm just dumbfounded that this freaking piece of work contacts us VIA A LAWYER a year and a half after we've last informed him that his computer is ready to be picked up. Why does he bother, why not just come up and get it??? My new boss actually asked about the machine as he was cleaning his office (it was full of that kind of old stuff), almost tossed it, but decided to keep it just in case. And now the case is here again... I think I'll just go to a corner and cry.
    A man can be stupid and not know it, but not if he is married.

  • #2
    And my favorite thing about this? Lawyers don't work for free. My guess is he could have bought a new laptop, better than the one he had, for less than he's paying that lawyer.

    Yes is sucks that his computer is broken, but know what? Sharp object to the screen of a laptop is NOT normal damage and therefore NOT covered by warranty! Suck it up, pay to have it fixed or get a new one!

    I'm sorry this guy's causing you all kinds of problems. Don't let him get you down! We're always here if you need to rant!
    I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

    He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

    Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


    • #3
      ....why didn't the guy just buy a new Acer and just switch out the harddrives?
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4
        Is there some sort of agreement he had to sign when he brought the laptop in to you folks? Because, as far as I'm concerned, that laptop belongs to the company now. Even if it's not considered company property, you should charge that idiot for the storage of his computer. I'm thinking €50 a month plus a €25 late payment fee for each month, plus 5% monthly interest. Added up until end of November 2008 from August 2007, it's a total of €1722.34. Would have been cheaper to just get the thing fixed, huh?
        Marvin: "Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."

        Krispy Kreme puts the "ugh" back in "doughnuts".


        • #5
          There is no any agreement that he has to bring it to us to get it sent to get fixed. Actually, we encourage customers to call themselves to Acer/HP/Asus/Fujitsu and get the instructions how to send it to service and such. It's just because we sell those and people find it easiest to bring the machine here and we take care of the procedure, send it, they fix it, they send it back to us, we call the customer that it's back. Customer retrieves machine, goes on their happy way. That's what usually happens.

          This person is a special kind of suck: first when I encountered him, he was humorous, nice, polite and so on. Second time he wasn't happy but he understood it's not my fault that they don't repair it under warranty. Third time you read in my previous post...

          I think we're not allowed to charge any rent or storage fees... Of course I'm not sure. And I have no friggin' idea of why he uses a lawyer for this kind of things, maybe it's because the scare effect or something. Or he's planning to sue us for some odd obscure reason (we held his computer hostage!!111eleventy) and get loads of money. My company just is lucky that it's got me - I remember the case like it happened yesterday... Oh how I love to get threatened with a lawsuit. NOT. Oh, and I'm waiting the Finnish BBB to contact us I'm pretty sure he's contacted them too.
          A man can be stupid and not know it, but not if he is married.


          • #6
            Wasn't a woman sueing Best Buy for losing her laptop? Glad you still have it, I gotta wonder if that's why he contacted the lawyer. Now might be a good time to have certain legaleze typed up for when customers leave their computers with you. I think a storage fee is perfectly reasonable BTW, but only IF you informed him of it ahead of time and in writing. Shouldn't stop you from trying to lay a guilt trip, however
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              wait only 390 to fix the monitor (i'm assuming that's pounds)
              then it drops to 290?

              in $ that's 582.03 and 432.792, respectively.

              hell i broke my first laptop monitor and it cost me $1k to get it fixed. id ahve gotten a new computer instead except it was going to cost even more than 1k

              so im thinking... he needs to do one of two things:
              1) pay up to get it fixed, and then take better care of it
              2) just get a new one and take better care of it

              sure it sucks but it's not your fault that he couldn't take good care of his stuff.


              • #8
                Quoth PepperElf View Post
                wait only 390 to fix the monitor (i'm assuming that's pounds)
                then it drops to 290?

                in $ that's 582.03 and 432.792, respectively.
                € = Euros so it's cheaper (Pounds is £). If you're a gamer rotate the Euro symbol 90 degrees anti-clockwise and it's the Quake 2 symbol

                390 = $520
                290 = $387
                Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                • #9
                  With some laptop monitors, you can simply purchase new ones on eBay and if you're computer savvy enough, attempt to replace it yourself ... (I posted an Apple Laptop and found a plenty of new screens for it). I'm not saying that goes for every laptop (I'm not a laptop person, I have a tendency to stay away from them), but still ... he could have even purchase an entire new laptop off of eBay or Craigslist for $400 - $500 ...

                  So, I'm guessing the thing wasn't even overly important to him, considering he waited over a year to retrieve it ...
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    I'd just like to say don't get worked up over this or him. It's just not worth it. Laugh at the concept that you have everything documented and did everything properly. As such, he doesn't have much of a case, and it's going to cost him a hell of a lot more money for his "pride" than the estimates that were given.
                    I AM the evil bastard!
                    A+ Certified IT Technician

