I am a college math instructor. This was finals week. I had two (2!) people call me crying about how they missed taking the final because they "forgot" when it was. 
The fist day syllabus has it spelled out explicitly as to when and where the final exam will take place. I also pass out a day-to-day schedule with that information, and for the last two weeks I have been writing it up on the board every day.
One student had the audacity to argue with me that he was positive I wrote something different, and he has not been to class since the first week in November. How the h*ll can he be so sure what was or was not written on the board? And if he is so d*mn sure, why did he not just attend class, if he was there anyway? Everybody else managed to make it to the final exam just fine.
I also had a first in 20 years--one student came in, and after 15 minutes turned in his test...absolutely blank except for his name. Any bets that I hear from him soon, begging for a C in the course?
I need to calm down a bit before I go grade the exams...
<Primer wanders off looking for the Bacardi 151...

The fist day syllabus has it spelled out explicitly as to when and where the final exam will take place. I also pass out a day-to-day schedule with that information, and for the last two weeks I have been writing it up on the board every day.
One student had the audacity to argue with me that he was positive I wrote something different, and he has not been to class since the first week in November. How the h*ll can he be so sure what was or was not written on the board? And if he is so d*mn sure, why did he not just attend class, if he was there anyway? Everybody else managed to make it to the final exam just fine.
I also had a first in 20 years--one student came in, and after 15 minutes turned in his test...absolutely blank except for his name. Any bets that I hear from him soon, begging for a C in the course?
I need to calm down a bit before I go grade the exams...
<Primer wanders off looking for the Bacardi 151...
