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Wherein I have an SC thrown out....almost (language)

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  • Wherein I have an SC thrown out....almost (language)

    Let me preface this with a few things.

    Never in my entire retail career have I gotten to the point with an SC that I went to the manager and asked to have said SC thrown out. Never. I've come close a few times, but those situations were either amicably resolved or the SC left on their own before it got to that point.

    I did not personally deal with this SC on any of the occasions he's been in.

    That right there should tell you something about just how obnoxious this SC was.

    So this guy has been in multiple times over the past week and a half, always coming in for self-service copy center.

    Every single time he comes in, he loses his temper at the copy machines and starts yelling and swearing at them and starts slamming items on the tables over there. You can hear him at least halfway across the building even when it's busy and noisy. I've personally witnessed this four times, and have been told it's happened many more times than that.

    He has been belligerent towards and verbally abusive of the copy center staff on at least two occasions. One of the girls who works that department complained to me about this guy nearly a week ago.

    Last week, this guy hung around continuing to make copies for at least 30 minutes AFTER the store closed. Why the hell this was allowed is completely beyond me, but miraculously the guy kept quiet during that time, else I'm sure he'd have been tossed at that point.

    He came in today and was once again loud and obnoxious, but left.

    Then, a couple hours later, me and one of our technicians were working with a customer, and in the middle of ringing her out, I heard angry, swear-laden screaming coming from the copy center.

    Him again, for the second time in one day.

    Cust: What is that guy's problem?

    Me: I have no idea, but I think [MOD] needs to ask him to leave.

    Tech: Yeah........*pages MOD to the front of the store*

    Unfortunately, when the MOD arrived (he'd been in the back room and didn't hear this guy yelling), he'd calmed down enough that to the casual observer there was no problem, so although the technician explained that the guy was being an obnoxious ass, the MOD didn't see a problem. He was also busy, as he had to go attend to the UPS pickup at the back door, so he left.

    No sooner did the MOD get to the back door when this guy started up again. This time he was yelling at another customer because this customer had the temerity to be using the Payment Kiosk when the SC wanted to use it.

    Among other things, the SC said to the guy "Hurry the fuck up!" and "When are you gonna be done!" and then started yelling at the guy about how crappy the machines were and how the hell was he supposed to make them work.

    Well damn, enough is enough, and this guy didn't just cross that line, he broke through it at warp speed and kept right on going.

    By this time I'd finished with my customer, so I strode out back and onto the loading dock.

    Me: Did [technician] tell you about that obnoxious guy at the copy center?

    MOD: Yes, but he seemed to have calmed down when I looked over there. Why?

    Me: Did he also mention that he's harassing other customers?

    MOD: What?!

    UPS Driver: Give him a blanket party, then load him in my truck and I'll take him away for you!

    I explained all of the above to him, then for the first time ever said I felt he needed to be asked to leave. The MOD took a deep breath and said that as soon as he got the door locked and alarmed (can't leave that door open without being there) he'd deal with it.

    Without waiting for him, I went back up front, where it turns out the guy had left. (Damn!)

    I went over to speak with the girl working the copy center. Turns out the guy had terrified her half to death and she hadn't known what to do.

    Then our full time business consultant came over and revealed that in addition to having harassed the CPC associates, he'd also thrown a swearing fit at the Consultant about the "crappy" copy machines, and the Consultant doesn't even work that department!

    Oh, and it also turns out that all of the "problems" this SC had been having were his own fault. There's "lack of technical knowledge" and there's outright stupidity. This guy was clearly in the latter camp. For instance, one problem he had was entering into the machine that he wanted 270 copies, pressing start, then loading the master into the hopper, and blowing up when the machine blithely started spitting out blank sheets because it was scanning an empty platton because he started the job before putting the master in!

    There's just no excuse for that sort of thing, especially when it happens MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!

    Then the MOD showed up and joined our pow-wow.

    Me: He left already.

    MOD (to the copy center girl): If he ever comes in again and starts up again, page me by name, and I will deal with it. Nobody puts up with this kind of garbage.

    CPC Girl: I tried to help him but he just kept yelling.

    MOD: Yeah, see, sometimes you have to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but if they're yelling even after you try to help them, that's ridiculous. Nobody puts up with that. You should have called me as soon as that happened.

    CPC Girl: Well he had me so rattled I didn't even know how to respond.

    MOD: I understand. Like I said, if he comes in again, page me by name and I'll take care of him.

    And so ended that. [Un]fortunately, he didn't come in again before I left for the night.

    Seriously though, how much of a fucking moron do you have to be to come in a dozen times in two weeks and still not understand the basic operation of the copy machines? And how much of a blazing asshole do you have to be to yell, scream, curse, and slam things around like an insolent child? And while I can see (but not condone or accept) yelling at the staff, what the fuck did he expect to accomplish by throwing a tantrum at another customer??? I'm surprised it didn't come to blows between the two!!! (Though the CPC girl said the other customer told the SC to "chill the fuck out and take his meds" )

    (On that note, I am fully aware that this guy may have had a disability of some sort, but even taking that into account, this guy went too far, and none of us are paid enough to put up with this sort of bullshit.)

    DAMN! I wanted him kicked out, and I didn't even deal with him personally.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    yeah, the point where you get up in my face and yell is the point where i get you in an armlock. geez, some people...


    • #3
      Quoth Dave1982 View Post
      Oh, and it also turns out that all of the "problems" this SC had been having were his own fault. There's "lack of technical knowledge" and there's outright stupidity. This guy was clearly in the latter camp. For instance, one problem he had was entering into the machine that he wanted 270 copies, pressing start, then loading the master into the hopper, and blowing up when the machine blithely started spitting out blank sheets because it was scanning an empty platton because he started the job before putting the master in!
      Oh the lulz! It takes a certain, special kind of person to reach that level of stupidity.


      • #4
        I have gotten people banned from my store for harassment of the staff, its a good feeling when your manager puts on their big girl/boy panties and does something about it. Pirate Faeries!!


        • #5
          270 copies is a lot - is it an industrial-sized machine or your average bog-standard type?


          • #6
            Well, good that your MOD finally wanted to address it, but at first he was being an ass. He doesn't need to see an SC disturbing he peace in his store with his own eyes to actually want to bother to do something about it. You and your CWs are not childen or imbeciles. The 1st time you told him that this guy was causing havoc, he should have gone right over and at the very least asked if "there was a problem." That at least lets guys like this know they are now being watched.
            I will never go to school!


            • #7
              We've thrown out/banned people from our Staples before. Some have been idiots like that, others were like the drunk/high/insane lady today who crapped all over the WALLS in the lady's room, did 'something' to a desk in furniture (don't ask) and then dumped bags of our new recycled packing material on the floor.

              Oh, and the drooling baglady I threw out the other day...

              ...or the guy who screamed at me and refused to leave when we closed because I wouldn't do his return. I threatened to call the cops and have him removed...

              ...or the guy who was trying to scam one of our cashiers...

              ...or the doctor who (basically) sexually harassed a couple of cashiers (asking things like if the carpet matched the drapes)...

              ...or the one who almost hit our cashiers...

              ...or... well, you get the idea. We've thrown a few out, and we'll do it again.

              Personally I LOVE throwing kids out who are goofing off. I went so far as to call the truant officer one one pair. If you're under age, screwing around in our store and it's a school day, you WILL get thrown out. That's when I get my deep authoritative voice to yell "Your parents in here? No. Then LEAVE!" Heheh. I love it.


              • #8
                Ooooh, can't wait to hear what happens next.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Well, this guy did not come in yesterday (my last day at this store) so unless someone calls me to fill me in, I may not ever know how this one turns out.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                    Every single time he comes in, he loses his temper at the copy machines and starts yelling and swearing at them and starts slamming items on the tables over there. You can hear him at least halfway across the building even when it's busy and noisy. I've personally witnessed this four times, and have been told it's happened many more times than that. He has been belligerent towards and verbally abusive of the copy center staff on at least two occasions. One of the girls who works that department complained to me about this guy nearly a week ago.
                    This is both funny and sad at the same time. Based on all of the little clues in your post, I can tell exactly where you work because I used to work there, too. In Delaware. And I've seen this scene play out numerous times in the several years I worked at the copy shop in Delaware.

                    Do yourself and the rest of the staff a favor, and don't let up on this issue. It may take some fight, but get this asswipe banned. I had to go through this in Delaware, and it was a hell of a fight. But this particular company has a history of being WAY TOO FORGIVING towards customers like the one you've described here.

                    I mean, to have a young lady scared for her own safety because of the behavior of this man? I say it's high time that this man be made to fear.
                    Herewith, a nugget of wisdom from the very wise Mike Brady: "Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers."



                    • #11
                      Quoth Mara-chan View Post
                      did 'something' to a desk in furniture (don't ask)
                      Ok, no fair, now I must know, and it really can't be any worse than I can conjour up in my mind.
                      If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                        (On that note, I am fully aware that this guy may have had a disability of some sort, but even taking that into account, this guy went too far, and none of us are paid enough to put up with this sort of bullshit.)
                        Soooooo, stupidity and douchebaggery are now handicaps? When did this happen?
                        Check out my cosplay social group!


                        • #13
                          That makes me think of my guest who was throwing a tantrum when the vermaport stopped and cussing up a storm. Crazy people in this world. Too bad you can't find out what happens w/ that guest unless someone calls you.

                          I agree that your manager dealt rather wrongly w/ that guest by not dealing w/ him the first time around.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Nyoibo View Post
                            Ok, no fair, now I must know, and it really can't be any worse than I can conjour up in my mind.
                            Well, all the information I have is she left slightly clear/milky 'spots' on the desk. What kind of fluids that could entail, I'd rather not think about.

