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Don't you love it when customers make fun of you for not breaking the rules?

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  • Don't you love it when customers make fun of you for not breaking the rules?

    Okay another parking lot story.Sorry I have so many of these.
    Anyways a girl walks in and looks like she straight from the strip club.first let me say its snowing like hell outside,its like 18* and is FREEZING.This girl walks in kitten heel stiledos sandals,skin tight leggings to the knee and a skin tight belly shirt(with no bra).First off did I metion its snowing and its 18* outside.Everyone thats knows me knows that thats my pet peeve.I can't stand girls that think its cute and sexy to dress like that in wintertime.Okay she comes in and has the nerve to ask me to print out a old reciept so she can get half off parking. She wanted me to help her rip off parking and not make no money for my store in the process. I told her no and of course in typical SC fashion she walks away calling me bitch,fat,whore.Laughing with her slutty friends all the way.God I hate people.Especially women like this.

  • #2
    I understand you, there. Those fools who think that if they break the rules then it's okay for everyone else to. And anyone who doesn't is obviously a tool/a whore/an idiot/the man.

    It gets worse when the rules they want you to break are federal laws.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      She called you a whore? Did she look in the mirror at all that night?
      All Hail Blortash, King of the Time Traveling Space Bears, who comes to us from Future Year 3032, known to us Earth Mortals as Regular 3032.


      • #4
        Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
        Especially girls like this.
        Corrected for you.

        People acting in such manner do not deserve to be called "men" and "women". When they grow up, they can hold such claims.

        Why does it bug us so when monumentally stupid people insult us? I would be bugged too, and I don't get it. You and I are much smarter than her. Probably much better career prospects, and less likely to end up married to a drunken wife-beater and pregnant by surprise. Why should it bother us when pond-scum like this make derogatory comments about us?

        I think it stems from the school days and the old peer pressure to "be cool". She's obviously so much "cooler" than us - I mean, we actually dress for the weather! How lame, right?! So it hurts when someone so "cool" puts us down.

        I just wish my feelings would catch up with my brain here and realise insults from the terminally stupid are nothing to be concerned about - laughable, even.


        • #5
          Quoth One-Fang View Post
          She's obviously so much "cooler" than us - I mean, we actually dress for the weather!
          Of course she's cooler! She has no clothes on and it's 18º F out there! I prefer to dress warmly, myself!
          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


          • #6
            Girls like that make me wish I had a vampire compatriot. Then I could "mark" them somehow for my friend to be able to easily find for their evening snack.


            • #7
              Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
              Everyone thats knows me knows that thats my pet peeve.I can't stand girls that think its cute and sexy to dress like that in wintertime.
              You're not alone ... I can't stand it either... just because it's plain dumb ...

              And those are the types of people who will actually complain (more like whine) that it's too cold ....
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                I told her no and of course in typical SC fashion she walks away calling me bitch,fat,whore.Laughing with her slutty friends all the way.God I hate people.Especially women like this.
                this coming from a girl who's dressed like a call girl on her way to work...


                • #9
                  Quoth Primer View Post
                  Of course she's cooler! She has no clothes on and it's 18º F out there! I prefer to dress warmly, myself!
                  Then wouldn't that make you hotter then her?
                  Military Spouse Support.
                  Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                  • #10
                    Quoth Plaidman View Post
                    Then wouldn't that make you hotter then her?
                    So says my husband!
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #11
                      Quoth auntiem View Post
                      Girls like that make me wish I had a vampire compatriot. Then I could "mark" them somehow for my friend to be able to easily find for their evening snack.
                      I'd advise against that, auntiem. Everyone knows that these sperm dumpsters are crawling with syphillis.
                      Last edited by derangedperson; 12-14-2008, 07:08 AM. Reason: They're really not "in training."
                      The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                      Believe dat.


                      • #12
                        Ok deranged person, you owe me a new laptop and a new pair of pants....cuz now there's Dew all over the laptop and I pissed myself. Oh, and you owe me a new futon now, too.

                        Sperm dumpster....ha ha.....I'll have to use that one. I thought skunt was funny....but this just tops them all.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          Ok deranged person, you owe me a new laptop and a new pair of pants....cuz now there's Dew all over the laptop and I pissed myself. Oh, and you owe me a new futon now, too.

                          Sperm dumpster....ha ha.....I'll have to use that one. I thought skunt was funny....but this just tops them all.

                          Thank you.

                          My original choice was FAR dirtier. PM me if you wanna know what it was.
                          The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                          Believe dat.


                          • #14
                            Sperm dumpster.

                            I sincerely regret not coming up with that myself.

                            And what was it you wanted to say that was worse? I wanna know!
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Okay...but it IS kinda nasty.

                              Highlight under this text to see what I was originally gonna say.
                              Cum dumpster.
                              The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                              Believe dat.

