I unfortunately had to open this morning and my very first guest was a bitch. 8 in the morning and my day is already starting w/ a CS. grr. So lucky me, I had to run 4 departments b/c of call outs. So I'm in my accessories department fixing it up (b/c NO ONE ever takes care of my department unless I'm working) and this woman asks me for the match to a glove. CS's like to take my gloves apart to try them on and then pairs get separated. So she found one she just had to have but the other half was MIA.
I told her that if we still had it it would be in this department somewhere. Then I went back to my business. 15 or 20 mins later I hear my jewelry call box go off on my walkie. We have 60 seconds or less to respond to our boxes and clear them. So I rush over to clear it and see that it's that same woman. I clear it and the first thing she said is "I found the other half!". Like I care but I didn't say that I of course faked like I cared and said "That's nice". She continues to think I care and tells me that it was sitting behind my boat. So I'm thinking she pressed the button for me to get it for her..but no that wasn't it. She already got it..for herself.
GUESTS ARE NOT ALLOWED BEHIND THE BOAT. Why? Hmm..perhaps b/c there's a cash register there..the locks to my locked up jewelry there..and items for team members only are back there. Like my jewelry tools and such. So what made her think it was ok for her to just walk herself in there? So I told her that she's not allowed back there. She goes "oh well". Then she asked me to cute the security off a watch so she can try it on.
Now that I'm annoyed at her I was about to get some joy out of my anger by telling her no. I told her that the security is on there for a reason and that unless she owns the watch I can't cut it off. She asked why. I explained that watches are one of the most stolen products in the store (which is true especially lately) so we can't cut it off or it makes it easier. She got mad and said she wasn't a thief as if I was accusing her of it. I said that I wasn't saying she was a thief. Then she said "You're an argumentative one". I raised my eyebrow and explained that all I was doing was explaining to her the policy that I wasn't arguing. She said whatever and bought the watch. She asked if there was box I could put it in and I said no. I lied. There was but fuck if I was going to give it to her. I only have a couple left..I'll save them for someone nice.
My day was down hill from there. Not only was I trying to cover 4 departments but I kept getting pulled into hardlines departments by guests b/c there was only one hardlines person downstairs.
You know what seriously irks me? Guests who press my call box button when I'm right there IN THE DEPARTMENT. That happened today too. I looked up when it went off and the guest was looking me right in the eye. Are you freaking serious? Are you that damn lazy that you can't simply walk over to me? I walked over and cleared my call and said that the button is if I'm NOT in the department. Her friend said "you weren't, you just came up." Umm..don't lie. You looked right at me! Clearly I was here. I told her that I was right there in the watch section. Seriously.
There was 2 other guests w/ a little girl looking at my jewelry. I heard the one woman say to the other "lets go to the mall". They picked the little girl up out of the cart and walked away. What's the big deal you might be asking. That cart they left behind? Had merchandise in it. Yep. They shopped. Decided to leave it and go to the mall. That's ok. We like to do extra work when we're extremely short staffed. I think smoke might have been coming out of my ears. I was mad. lol.
And finally as if it weren't bad enough that I was running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off...the vermeport got jammed a record amount of times today. I've seriously never had to turn it on so many times. I can tell you what each reason was too. For some inexplicable reason every few months this Lowes basket ends up in our store. In case you didn't know Lowes color is also red which means their basket is red. So guests don't notice that the basket it ridiculously bigger than our baskets or that it says LOWES on the basket..all they see is red. So the guests try to fit this basket into the vermeport..and BAM! It stops. And I once again have to turn it on.
And if one more guests is rude to me when I tell them they can't try the ear rings on..I will scream. Isn't it common sense that it's unsanitary to try them on? Isn't it?! I tell them they can't. They ask why. I tell them it's unsanitary and then they cop an attitude and said we should have a sign up. Really? Really you need a sign for common sense? Really? How about I tell you someone else tried those ear rings and their ears looked really funky? God knows what they might have and now you just stuck them in our ears like a dumb ass? I thought most people won't wear them till they've cleaned them. I would never wear ear rings till after I cleaned them. They should be forced to buy the ear rings they try on I think. But no. We defect them out and now they're wasted. We can't resell them now that they've been in someone's nasty ears.
Tuesday was a very nice day. Me and my team members always joke that guests will come shopping no matter what..that if we stayed open during a hurricane they'd still brave it to come shopping. Well we were proven wrong. On Tuesday it actually snowed! Where I live in the south that simply doesn't happen except for every once in a rare blue moon. It never gets cold enough for coats..I'll need a hoodie at most. But yea..guests won't come in snow..so apparently there is weather that will stop them. Which made Tuesday a very nice day b/c of a lack of SC's.
I told her that if we still had it it would be in this department somewhere. Then I went back to my business. 15 or 20 mins later I hear my jewelry call box go off on my walkie. We have 60 seconds or less to respond to our boxes and clear them. So I rush over to clear it and see that it's that same woman. I clear it and the first thing she said is "I found the other half!". Like I care but I didn't say that I of course faked like I cared and said "That's nice". She continues to think I care and tells me that it was sitting behind my boat. So I'm thinking she pressed the button for me to get it for her..but no that wasn't it. She already got it..for herself.
GUESTS ARE NOT ALLOWED BEHIND THE BOAT. Why? Hmm..perhaps b/c there's a cash register there..the locks to my locked up jewelry there..and items for team members only are back there. Like my jewelry tools and such. So what made her think it was ok for her to just walk herself in there? So I told her that she's not allowed back there. She goes "oh well". Then she asked me to cute the security off a watch so she can try it on.
Now that I'm annoyed at her I was about to get some joy out of my anger by telling her no. I told her that the security is on there for a reason and that unless she owns the watch I can't cut it off. She asked why. I explained that watches are one of the most stolen products in the store (which is true especially lately) so we can't cut it off or it makes it easier. She got mad and said she wasn't a thief as if I was accusing her of it. I said that I wasn't saying she was a thief. Then she said "You're an argumentative one". I raised my eyebrow and explained that all I was doing was explaining to her the policy that I wasn't arguing. She said whatever and bought the watch. She asked if there was box I could put it in and I said no. I lied. There was but fuck if I was going to give it to her. I only have a couple left..I'll save them for someone nice.
My day was down hill from there. Not only was I trying to cover 4 departments but I kept getting pulled into hardlines departments by guests b/c there was only one hardlines person downstairs.
You know what seriously irks me? Guests who press my call box button when I'm right there IN THE DEPARTMENT. That happened today too. I looked up when it went off and the guest was looking me right in the eye. Are you freaking serious? Are you that damn lazy that you can't simply walk over to me? I walked over and cleared my call and said that the button is if I'm NOT in the department. Her friend said "you weren't, you just came up." Umm..don't lie. You looked right at me! Clearly I was here. I told her that I was right there in the watch section. Seriously.
There was 2 other guests w/ a little girl looking at my jewelry. I heard the one woman say to the other "lets go to the mall". They picked the little girl up out of the cart and walked away. What's the big deal you might be asking. That cart they left behind? Had merchandise in it. Yep. They shopped. Decided to leave it and go to the mall. That's ok. We like to do extra work when we're extremely short staffed. I think smoke might have been coming out of my ears. I was mad. lol.
And finally as if it weren't bad enough that I was running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off...the vermeport got jammed a record amount of times today. I've seriously never had to turn it on so many times. I can tell you what each reason was too. For some inexplicable reason every few months this Lowes basket ends up in our store. In case you didn't know Lowes color is also red which means their basket is red. So guests don't notice that the basket it ridiculously bigger than our baskets or that it says LOWES on the basket..all they see is red. So the guests try to fit this basket into the vermeport..and BAM! It stops. And I once again have to turn it on.
And if one more guests is rude to me when I tell them they can't try the ear rings on..I will scream. Isn't it common sense that it's unsanitary to try them on? Isn't it?! I tell them they can't. They ask why. I tell them it's unsanitary and then they cop an attitude and said we should have a sign up. Really? Really you need a sign for common sense? Really? How about I tell you someone else tried those ear rings and their ears looked really funky? God knows what they might have and now you just stuck them in our ears like a dumb ass? I thought most people won't wear them till they've cleaned them. I would never wear ear rings till after I cleaned them. They should be forced to buy the ear rings they try on I think. But no. We defect them out and now they're wasted. We can't resell them now that they've been in someone's nasty ears.
Tuesday was a very nice day. Me and my team members always joke that guests will come shopping no matter what..that if we stayed open during a hurricane they'd still brave it to come shopping. Well we were proven wrong. On Tuesday it actually snowed! Where I live in the south that simply doesn't happen except for every once in a rare blue moon. It never gets cold enough for coats..I'll need a hoodie at most. But yea..guests won't come in snow..so apparently there is weather that will stop them. Which made Tuesday a very nice day b/c of a lack of SC's.