okay, as background...lets just say the largest catalog we have (over 500 pages) is all just fishing stuff.
this one was was my roommate/coworkers call.
cw: hello, this is charlie. how may i help you?
sc: (with really thick hick accent) do you sell rods?
cw: what kind of rod?
sc: I'm looking for a fishing rod, do you sell fishing rods?
cw: what kind of fishing rod sir?
sc: zeebkaw?
cw: .........zebco?
and later
sc: can i use you guys's <company name> credit card for this?
no sir, i'm a zombie
me: hello, this is mandy, how may i help you?
s(as in surprised)c: woah! that was quick! hello!
me: hello.
sc: i wasn't expecting to speak to a live person so soon! are a live person, right?
a couple comments about rewards points
our company has a system where if you sign up for our rewards account (it's free) you get 2% back from your purchase. four percent if it's our actual brand. and if you get the reward points credit card 1% on outside purchases.
if we give let you have this for free, don't call up the csr just to yell about how stupid it is that you don't get more back then you already are...
also, i keep getting guys who a hundred dollars or so worth of points...and don't want to redeem any. is there a contest going on out there for who can accumulate the most points? are you saving them for an emergency, in case you have no money and absolutely need to order a crossbow, or fishing rod, or pink camo panties?
bonus school story
so this past semester i was in an creative writing: fiction course at college, and there was one student that i could just barely stand. at first, he wasn't so bad, other than coming across as really snobby and fully of himself, but you sometimes get those, specially in english classes. used to them more in literature, but oh well. then we get to when we critique classmates stories. i mention about one that it seemed to circular, without any real ending, and would've been better with one. his response to my criticism? "well, I don't think every story needs to have a happy ending. life's not all happy happy sunshine, so why should stories be" and on for at least five more minutes. i eventually have to cut in and remind him that i never once mentioned anything about 'happy'. kill the woman and it would have an ending, and be better.
later, in another class, we're critiquing my story, which has a siren (from greek mythology) as a main character. not only does he not know what a siren is, and therefore slams my story due to his assumption that it is about a bird that somehow puts on human skin
but when the teacher tries to tell him that they are from homer's odyssey, his response? " oh, well i must have missed that poem."
i'm sorry, but even if you haven't read it, if you're going to act like you're some genius in all things literary and beyond the rest of the class, you should have at least heard of it, and not assume it is some paltry little verse tucked into the pages of some obscure anthology on a dusty library shelf somewhere.
i have a couple other complaints about him, but i'll save those for another post.
bonus cat story
our kitten is special. my cat, the older one, gets on my lap and spends like 10 minutes kneading, circling, kneading again, and settling herself slowly down. the kitten jumps up, ponders for a second, then flops over onto her head and falls asleep.
okay, as background...lets just say the largest catalog we have (over 500 pages) is all just fishing stuff.
this one was was my roommate/coworkers call.
cw: hello, this is charlie. how may i help you?
sc: (with really thick hick accent) do you sell rods?
cw: what kind of rod?
sc: I'm looking for a fishing rod, do you sell fishing rods?
cw: what kind of fishing rod sir?
sc: zeebkaw?
cw: .........zebco?
and later
sc: can i use you guys's <company name> credit card for this?
no sir, i'm a zombie
me: hello, this is mandy, how may i help you?
s(as in surprised)c: woah! that was quick! hello!
me: hello.
sc: i wasn't expecting to speak to a live person so soon! are a live person, right?
a couple comments about rewards points
our company has a system where if you sign up for our rewards account (it's free) you get 2% back from your purchase. four percent if it's our actual brand. and if you get the reward points credit card 1% on outside purchases.
if we give let you have this for free, don't call up the csr just to yell about how stupid it is that you don't get more back then you already are...
also, i keep getting guys who a hundred dollars or so worth of points...and don't want to redeem any. is there a contest going on out there for who can accumulate the most points? are you saving them for an emergency, in case you have no money and absolutely need to order a crossbow, or fishing rod, or pink camo panties?
bonus school story
so this past semester i was in an creative writing: fiction course at college, and there was one student that i could just barely stand. at first, he wasn't so bad, other than coming across as really snobby and fully of himself, but you sometimes get those, specially in english classes. used to them more in literature, but oh well. then we get to when we critique classmates stories. i mention about one that it seemed to circular, without any real ending, and would've been better with one. his response to my criticism? "well, I don't think every story needs to have a happy ending. life's not all happy happy sunshine, so why should stories be" and on for at least five more minutes. i eventually have to cut in and remind him that i never once mentioned anything about 'happy'. kill the woman and it would have an ending, and be better.
later, in another class, we're critiquing my story, which has a siren (from greek mythology) as a main character. not only does he not know what a siren is, and therefore slams my story due to his assumption that it is about a bird that somehow puts on human skin

i'm sorry, but even if you haven't read it, if you're going to act like you're some genius in all things literary and beyond the rest of the class, you should have at least heard of it, and not assume it is some paltry little verse tucked into the pages of some obscure anthology on a dusty library shelf somewhere.
i have a couple other complaints about him, but i'll save those for another post.
bonus cat story
our kitten is special. my cat, the older one, gets on my lap and spends like 10 minutes kneading, circling, kneading again, and settling herself slowly down. the kitten jumps up, ponders for a second, then flops over onto her head and falls asleep.