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But....that's NOT fair!

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  • But....that's NOT fair!

    Parents, take care of your kids

    I am not responsible if your kid gets gets hit in the head by the bathroom door because you kept them right in front of it when other people are coming in and a kid is the last thing they'd expect to be right there. Please keep all children, old and young, away from the door where people are coming in and out -- don't want to have to witness another kid get pushed onto their bottom because the parent thinks it's an oh so good idea for the kid to be kneeling down right in front of the door.

    That being said, don't have your kid, whatever age he/she may be, to be using up all of the paper towels in the bathroom. Seriously, one kid -- who had to be no older then four -- wasted half of a roll of paper towels in the ladies room. I know it happened, I saw it myself. I would have said anything but the last time I told a kid not to do anything because they might get hurt, I got bitched at by his mother because I didn't want the kid to fall off of something and the parents sue the place I was working at for not doing anything about it. I'm sorry for not doing your job for you but it's not my responsibility to keep an eye on your kids -- I've had enough babysitting co-workers as it stands and they are a good twenty years older then your tot.

    Also when your kid is screaming at the top of their lungs and the person getting the UPS delivery can hear said child on the loading dock -- mind you, child was at the front of the store in the memory section and the loading dock is outside at the very back of the store on the other side -- take the kid outside to calm the tot down. Seriously, during this time of year not everyone wants to hear a kid screaming for ten minutes straight and actually thank whatever force out there that the crying kid gets out the store.

    Another point I want to make is that after someone, anyone, cleans up the plastic animals and you witness the end part of this monstrous feat, don't have your kids play with them. I've had to clean up the animals many times and have gone right behind kids, cleaning up right after them. Oh the nasty looks I've gotten from parents! If you don't want an employee to go behind your kids after they spent hours -- yes, hours -- on cleaning three small sections, then don't have your brats play with them. Buy the animals instead, please!

    I don't care, get in line

    It's that time of year when lines get long and people are in a rush to get things done in the shortest time possible. Everyone's time is important but when there's lines six people deep and five registers open with the same problem, don't rudely come to any register, say that you have a return, and start opening up your bags like the cashier is going to drop everything they are doing to help you [ unless, of course, there are no other customers in line and can do the return right away ]. If you do that and there's a line, expect to be pointed to the end of the line. We don't care, get your behind in line like everyone else.

    I want to know X's hours!

    A customer called around 11:30 or so, wanting to change something in her custom floral arrangement. The cashier working next to me [ there are eight registers up front, two at each place to let two people work side-by-side ] took the call first, talked to the customer for a bit, kept saying there was no one in there to help her -- which was half true, there was the floral manager but the actual floral arranger wouldn't be in until later in the afternoon -- and kept telling the customer there was no way we could help her. The cashier put the customer on hold, kept helping the customer she was helping ring up, then asked me if there was anyone in floral arranging to help a lady.

    I picked up the phone to tell the customer there wasn't anyone there to help her and to call back later tonight. Well the customer kept saying that she needed to change something with her arrangement and she needed it to be done before the piece was finished. I kept telling her that she had to call back later to give the information to the arranger, but the lady kept getting ruder and ruder with every time I told her that. Then she proceeds to ask me the arranger's hours -- now, this is wrong on so many levels because A. I don't know who this customer is, could be a stalker or something worse, and B. it's against company policy to give out schedules unless it's the actual employee who's calling in for their hours.

    I tell the lady to call back latter to talk to the arranger for probably the millionth time, and she gets all snippy with me, saying that she doesn't want to call back at eight at night when the arrangement is done. I guess she psychic or knows when her piece will be done but the best thing I can do for the lady is tell her to call back around four or so. Customer finally grumbles okay and hangs up.

    I'm sorry but I'm not going to transfer you to someone else because if you won't listen to me or the cashier next to me, what makes me think you'll listen to them? If you're rude, you'll get no extra help from another person. I would have transferred it to the floral manager if the woman didn't sound like she was the most important thing in the world.

    I did, however, transfer another customer with a similar problem to the floral manager because his attitude was a hell of a lot better then the last customer.

    Don't just stand there....

    When I am at a register that is facing away from the doors, I get a lot of customers that comes up to the register behind me and expect me to know that they want me to help them. If I'm helping a customer and my back is to the other customer who needs help, don't just stand there for five minutes and expect me to know if you need help. I don't know if you are looking at the gift cards, just putting your stuff down to look at it properly, getting a piece of candy, or generally want help -- I won't respond if you keep your head up your behind and not say you need help.

    And don't get upset when, after I finish the customer I was helping before you walked up, I help another customer who is in line. I still don't know if you need help or if you're just standing there, waiting for someone -- just don't stand there, ask for help instead of getting pissy with me when I start helping someone else and didn't know you needed help. I'm not a mind reader, I don't know. Sorry.
    Last edited by Android Kaeli; 12-17-2008, 03:54 AM.
    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.

  • #2
    Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
    don't rudely come to any register, say that you have a return, and start opening up your bags like the cashier is going to drop everything they are doing to help you.
    I've witnessed people trying to cut the line before and give that same reason, "But I have a return!"

    What on Earth makes them think that gives them priority over people who are actually *spending* money?
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

