It is time again ladies and gents for more stories from the mail bag. These range from helpful customers with a sucky supervisor to the just plain old SC's that we all love to talk about on here.
First off a bit of back story, on Monday I slipped and whacked my head on the truck step. It resulted me on crying on the ground till I was able to get up again. Finally able to get to my feet I made my way to where I KNEW there would be people and so....
Upon getting to that place I was ushered in and their manager was called who came down to feel the back of my head where he felt a large bump growing. So after a bit I was able to give them my carrier emergency number to call the office. My supervisors response... "So you want me to do what now?"
They did come to pick me up, split the route up among my coworkers, and take me to the ER where I was given the prognosis of a mild concussion. Fun...a lot of the last four months is kinda...lacking. But that same supervisor for the past few days has asked if it's time to buy me a helmet and generally raze me on falling. It was funny when I was doped up on pain however he is becoming sucky.
Walking up towards my small apartment building a little kid rushed out.
Kid: My package, do you have my package?
Me: Sorry kiddo, no packages today. (I had picked up a couple from a earlier house so I had some on me that he could see.
Kid: Oh...okay. *runs back inside and I go to the house before the apartments*
Kid: *catches up with me as I'm turning to walk down the steps* MOMMA says you need to give me MY package.
Me: I don't have a package for you. Sorry.
Me: Kid, go back inside. I don't have a package for you.
Kid: *miniature cat butt face and he runs inside*
Me: *grumbling and finally gets to delivering the mail to the apartment building where here comes Momma*
Mom: My baby says you won't give him his package. How dare you!
Me: *raises an eyebrow with a
look* Mam, I don't have a package for him.
Mom: Well whats that then? *gesturing to my bag* I KNOW you have his package.
*UPS is driving up during this and the guy watches for a second before getting the package he has*
Me: Mam, this isn't his package. Thats it, end of story.
Mom: Well don't you know your ruining his Christmas? My Sister said that it would be delivered today cause she looked it up on the site. Cause she has a computer for the internets. (Yea she said internets.)
Me: I don't know what to tell you but I do NOT have a package for him.
UPS: I need to interrupt for a second.
Mom: Can't you see I'm busy?! I swear no respect for anyone today.
Me: We're done Mam. *I'm putting mail away to take it back to the office since she is blocking my way to the boxes* You needed something?
UPS: Yea I'm looking for *apartment number*
Me: That's MINE!
UPS: *glances at me* you have id?
Mom: *whips out her work id with picture and full name* RIGHT HERE.
UPS: Well um...if you could sign for this then... *blinking and trying to maybe not run*
The Mom signs quickly and rips the package out of his hand while storming back inside and muttering under her breath that we need to get things under control.
UPS: So uh...did we get confused again?
Me: Yea...I think so.
Puppy Play
I have this CUTE puppy on my route who loves to get his ears scritched. He came running off his porch and towards me when he saw me. His owner called for him to stop and he did. Plopped right down on his butt and started to look between him and me before deciding he really wanted to see me and came running so fast he slipped on his over sized paws on some black ice, crashing into a snow pile. He quickly picked himself up, shook, and then continued for me.
He then walked with me as I delivered two houses before we got back to his. With him watching me like "Well come on slow poke" just cute.
His owner got to laugh at him for a few second and when I started off again had to scoop up the puppy who appeared to want to finish the loop with him. Perhaps we have a new official mail dog?
((More will be added in a separate post later. Must finish yummy dinner first. Puppies are giving it the look.))
First off a bit of back story, on Monday I slipped and whacked my head on the truck step. It resulted me on crying on the ground till I was able to get up again. Finally able to get to my feet I made my way to where I KNEW there would be people and so....
Upon getting to that place I was ushered in and their manager was called who came down to feel the back of my head where he felt a large bump growing. So after a bit I was able to give them my carrier emergency number to call the office. My supervisors response... "So you want me to do what now?"
They did come to pick me up, split the route up among my coworkers, and take me to the ER where I was given the prognosis of a mild concussion. Fun...a lot of the last four months is kinda...lacking. But that same supervisor for the past few days has asked if it's time to buy me a helmet and generally raze me on falling. It was funny when I was doped up on pain however he is becoming sucky.
Walking up towards my small apartment building a little kid rushed out.
Kid: My package, do you have my package?
Me: Sorry kiddo, no packages today. (I had picked up a couple from a earlier house so I had some on me that he could see.
Kid: Oh...okay. *runs back inside and I go to the house before the apartments*
Kid: *catches up with me as I'm turning to walk down the steps* MOMMA says you need to give me MY package.
Me: I don't have a package for you. Sorry.
Me: Kid, go back inside. I don't have a package for you.
Kid: *miniature cat butt face and he runs inside*
Me: *grumbling and finally gets to delivering the mail to the apartment building where here comes Momma*
Mom: My baby says you won't give him his package. How dare you!
Me: *raises an eyebrow with a

Mom: Well whats that then? *gesturing to my bag* I KNOW you have his package.
*UPS is driving up during this and the guy watches for a second before getting the package he has*
Me: Mam, this isn't his package. Thats it, end of story.
Mom: Well don't you know your ruining his Christmas? My Sister said that it would be delivered today cause she looked it up on the site. Cause she has a computer for the internets. (Yea she said internets.)
Me: I don't know what to tell you but I do NOT have a package for him.
UPS: I need to interrupt for a second.
Mom: Can't you see I'm busy?! I swear no respect for anyone today.
Me: We're done Mam. *I'm putting mail away to take it back to the office since she is blocking my way to the boxes* You needed something?
UPS: Yea I'm looking for *apartment number*
Me: That's MINE!
UPS: *glances at me* you have id?
Mom: *whips out her work id with picture and full name* RIGHT HERE.
UPS: Well um...if you could sign for this then... *blinking and trying to maybe not run*
The Mom signs quickly and rips the package out of his hand while storming back inside and muttering under her breath that we need to get things under control.
UPS: So uh...did we get confused again?
Me: Yea...I think so.
Puppy Play
I have this CUTE puppy on my route who loves to get his ears scritched. He came running off his porch and towards me when he saw me. His owner called for him to stop and he did. Plopped right down on his butt and started to look between him and me before deciding he really wanted to see me and came running so fast he slipped on his over sized paws on some black ice, crashing into a snow pile. He quickly picked himself up, shook, and then continued for me.
He then walked with me as I delivered two houses before we got back to his. With him watching me like "Well come on slow poke" just cute.
His owner got to laugh at him for a few second and when I started off again had to scoop up the puppy who appeared to want to finish the loop with him. Perhaps we have a new official mail dog?
((More will be added in a separate post later. Must finish yummy dinner first. Puppies are giving it the look.))