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I loathe this day

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  • I loathe this day

    I really hate the day after Christmas, or as some of you call it, "Boxing Day". You know that?

    For one thing, it's hellishly busy in the store, since our customers are notoriously cheap as I have told you. Half the store goes on clearance and all the scavengers come out. But corporate goes right into January/February mode when allocating payroll for today and we go back to a skeleton crew.

    Result: call boxes go off 3,4 or even 5 times before being responded to, because all the salesfloor people are either busy with other customers or they're backup cashiering, and managers get antsy and Irv runs his little hinder off trying to get to everybody.

    On to today's stories.

    An hour (or so) in the life of Numbnuts:

    (Numbnuts managed to be even more useless today than he normally is. I swear he didn't answer any carryout call until it was repeated 3 times, at least. Times given aren't exact probably, but are as close as I can recall)

    10:57 am--Get paged outside to bring in carts. Do not respond.
    11:00 am--Go on lunch because the blond girl in electronics you like is going up on her break. Do not tell anybody.
    11:03 am--Carryout is paged over the PA.
    11:04 am--Carryout page is repeated.
    11:06 am--Carryout page repeated again.
    11:07 am--And again. Irv is asked by a salesfloor person why he hasn't answered carryout page. When Irv asks were Numbnuts is, he's told Numbnuts took his lunch. Irv is angry.
    11:08 am--Carryout page repeated. Irv answers.
    11:10 am--Irv delivers a card table set to customer. Customer isn't very happy she had to wait, but doesn't get overly sucky about it.
    11:12 am--Irv returns to backroom to resume doing autopulls.
    11:35 am--Irv is paged by name to bring in shopping carts from outside. Y'know, the same ones Numbnuts was paged to bring in but did not.
    11:36 am--Irv puts on jacket and spends a while bringing in shopping carts, which generally are not returned to the corrals and left loose in the parking lot. Irv must also turn around one of the cart corrals because the snowplow people must've pushed it against another corral so that carts can't be returned inside it. It is a warmish day and snow is melting rapidly, creating a wet slushy mess. The bottoms of Irv's pants, along with his socks and shoes, get soaked.
    11:54 am--Irv returns inside store.
    11:57 am--Another carryout paged. Irv paged by name to get it. Irv asks salesfloor people if Numbnuts ever returned form lunch. Answer is negative.
    11:59 am--A certain co-worker of Numbnuts and CS poster with talent for sarcasm calls the breakroom, asks for Numbnuts to be put on the line, and inquires about Numbnuts' future plans to return to work, if any.

    Yes dear friends, Numbnuts took an hour for lunch today. This didn't go unreported to his direct manager.

    Another Christmas ruined!

    After Christmas has come and gone, to boot!

    Fucktard asks Irv for this heated, massaging car seat cushion we had as a seasonal, gift-y item. Irv finds no such cushions anyplace in Hardware, which is where they were located. After all, these cushions were a fairly popular item this year. Irv tells fucktard no more cushions are available, and no raincheck will be issued. Fucktard huffs "I wanted it for Christmas! Now it's ruined!"

    Irv would do the Ickey Shuffle or some such celebratory dance, but that would be highly insensitive.

    Irv thinks people who get mad because they get a seasonal item after the season has passed are really really stupid.

    What's the difference?

    Customer: (motioning to two display racks of mostly wall calendars) Are these all the calendars you have?
    Me: If you turn the corner here, on the end of the aisle we have some more desk calendars.
    Customer: What's the difference? I want a calendar!

    Right. We established that already. Do you want one to hang on your wall or one to put on your desk, table, or similarly horizontal surface? Help me help you. Help. Me. Help. You.

    Then why are you playing with it?

    Background: We have power poles that can be set up and taken down and moved, that are used to provide power for the lighted Christmas trees during Christmas, or anything lighted for the patio furniture in spring. They're kinda jury-rigged. There are a couple holes cut into the ceiling tiles to accommodate the poles, and the bottoms are taped to the floor. I guess this is how they were installed by the electrical company, and the store manager and the fire department don't seem to have any trouble with this arrangement.

    Salesfloor kid: You know about this pole here? It doesn't look too safe.
    Me...I dunno, that's just the way they were put in. If you're that worried talk to the store manager about it.
    Salesfloor kid: (shaking the pole) Look at it! Look how I can shake it! I'm worried.
    Me: Then quit playing with it.

    I mean seriously, if you're that afraid something can fall, why shake it around? You've committed an extremely extreme logic fail. Please go home, insert brain, come back to work, and try again.

    How not to do returns:

    Push the full shopping carts to the backroom and put "Autopull" signs on them.


    Like hell they're autopulls. When we pull things, we don't put HBA, housewares, hardware, domestics,, basically stuff from the entire store into one cart.

    This is the busiest day of the year for returns. Deal with it.

    Also, no backstocking Christmas candy and food from endstands because you need to put different items on those endstands. Find someplace for it on the floor.

    Yeah, guess who came across two full shelves full of Christmas candy in the backroom, on the day it all went to clearance? Little of it was located either, so it might have sat back there a while until somebody stumbled upon it.

    In summation: The Jamesons is in the cola and it's helping a little, but not a whole lot.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    And the bastard gets to take an hour lunch on top of everything else, and he STILL does not get in any type of trouble whatsoever?

    I think I'm moving and getting a job where you work.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      How does this guy still have a job? Does he do *ahem* "favors" for someone higher up?
      Check out my cosplay social group!


      • #4
        We have one utility worker (L) who is the most useless, most annoying, most argumentitive person on the planet. He has been with the store since the beginning, and one of our former Lines Leaders, in her infinite wisdom, decided to make him full time so he could have more hours (he is around 40 and has a wife and kids, so they felt sorry for him).
        Here are a few highlights:
        1. L spent the whole of Black Friday sweeping non-existent dust in front of the store. He was told serveral times to go out and help push carts and he just said, "You have other guys out here...they can do it!" Since we were slammed the cart bays were emptying faster than they could fill them.

        2. L was unhappy about something and came up to the Service Desk and started talking about the disgruntled employee who went into his place of business and shot his boss and coworkers. He then said something about being so mad he could "go off like that" and acted like his was pointing a gun at each person at the Service Desk and shooting them. Of course, when he was pulled into the office he denied it...he was told if it was true it was terroristic threatening and he would be fired. Why they didn't just pull the security tape and play it back in front of him I don't know.
        3. L gets mad when he comes in at 6am and there are carts on the lot. He thinks the 3rd shift cashiers should come out and have the lot cleared for him.
        4. He will come up on his break and lunches and stand at the Service Desk and insert himself into any conversation that is taking place....and he has an opinion on EVERYTHING! He will even break into conversations taking place between the SD and other employees or customers.
        5. He will quit working and just stand around the desk at least 15 minutes before the end of his shift. One day we had a spill on one of the lanes and he was just standing there. I told him to go get then mop and clean it up.
        L: "I can't do it...I get off in 15 minutes."
        Me: That is plenty of time to get it cleaned up. Please go get the mop and clean it up!"
        L: "No! It is almost time for me to get off and I won't do it!"
        Me: "You can either clean up the spill or go ahead and clock out for the day. The store is not paying you to stand around and wait for time to leave. make your choice."
        He went and got the bucket, but he was growling and givin' me the evil eye the whole time.

        6. He thinks he should be able to decide what jobs to do and which ones should be done by someone else. He doesn't want to push carts if there is another utility workers there, he doesn't want to clean the bathrooms, he doesn't want to clean up spills. The only jobs he likes are powerwashing the sidewalks and sweeping.

        Frankly I don't know why he is still employed there. They did make it harder to get rid of him when they made him FT, but he has enough writeups that they would be justified in canning him. I don't know if they are afraid of him pulling "the race card" ("you fired me because I am BLACK!!") or what. I am just glad that I mainly work 2nd shift now, so I don't have to deal with his lazy obnoxious ass (he leaves at 2:30, I come in at 3).


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          And the bastard gets to take an hour lunch on top of everything else, and he STILL does not get in any type of trouble whatsoever?
          I can relate to that. The switchboard operator where I work is ALWAYS pulling crap like that. She's never been an hour late getting back from lunch, but she's know for taking an extra 5 to 10 minutes, while the whole time her relief is understandably getting upset because whoever it is has work to do. I'm often in that position. And if you call her on it, she acts like YOU'RE the bad guy.
          Last edited by Tito; 12-27-2008, 07:20 PM.
          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


          • #6
            Quoth Gabrielle Proctor View Post
            How does this guy still have a job? Does he do *ahem* "favors" for someone higher up?
            Ewwwwwww . . . that would require either a) no sense of smell or b) a gas mask.

            Some things your mother really should have warned you about . . .
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

