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Scamming the Scammers

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  • Scamming the Scammers

    This happened a while back, but it's one of my favorite stories, and I've got to share it.

    I had a pair of teenagers, both showing signs of meth addiction, and they try to return two $50 boxes of Mucinex. There was no receipt, but the young man assured me that his mother purchased the products at my store, and he just didn't need them. Oh, and best of all, our clever scammer did not seem to notice that the price stickers on both boxes came from another store.

    Really? Come on now.

    I called my manager down from his office, and he realized that it was very, very questionable. He said he would look up the purchase so he could verify it and then do the refund; they seemed pleased by this. Oh, but he did not look up a purchase for that reason; he confirmed that no customer had purchased those products for months. He came out to explain that no one had bought those products at our location, which befuddled our young scammers. My manager and I both hit upon the same idea at that point, and explained to the pair that his mother may have "purchased" those packages at another location nearby. They decided to try their luck there, and left without a problem.

    Now here's the catch - the stores in our area are quite close, and my manager has friends who work at the other location, and one of them was on duty that day. He called her and told her about the pair, and what they were trying to do. He told them that we were sending them her way, and to just keep the cycle going, giving them the runaround. They actually showed up, got the same deal, and seemed to give up after that.

    Ah, I may not always like my manager, but I love the way he handles scammers. On another occasion, we had someone picking up discarded receipts and trying to do phony refunds. My boss actually caught him in the dumpster once, digging for receipts. He didn't notice my manager, who went back in the store, grabbed a hammer, and sent the scammer scurrying after he banged on the side of the dumpster, startling the bum.

  • #2
    Quoth Shamus View Post
    my manager, who went back in the store, grabbed a hammer, and sent the scammer scurrying after he banged on the side of the dumpster, startling the bum.

    That's funny as hell.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post

      That's funny as hell.
      Yes it is. I'd actually love to see a video of that

      As far as being able to tell if we have sold any of a paritcular item, that's pretty easy for us to be able to do.

      All we need to do is to get hold of a Pocket PC, go into the inventory mode and, after logging in, go into a feature we call "Item Inquiry."

      This will tell me, upon scanning an item, how much I'm supposed to have on hand, as well as the last date the item was received into the store and the last date sold. I do this weekly with a list I complied of certain high theft HBC items (including a list sent by corporate of 50 that we don't keep behind the counter but are flagged as theft prone.)

      Even though we don't use price stickers as a general rule, we can still tell if we've sold any of an item since we started carrying it in our inventory.

      As far as phony receipts go: we busted a scammer back at the WD store near my house back when I was a Pricing Manager.

      Guy came up one evening with some item and a receipt - CSR did a refund with no problem.

      A little bit later, same guy returns with another item and a receipt - again CSR did another refund.

      The MOD and myself (as well as the CSR) grew suspicious and decided if he came back one more time, we'd refuse the refund.

      Sure enough a few minutes later, he came back into the store. MOD was in the cash ofice, which stood on a platform and was raised so you could look out over the wall and see the aisles. Guy walked over to the coffee aisle, got a jar of instant coffee and showed up again at the desk with a receipt and asked for a refund.

      MOD busted him on the spot and sent him out the door, minus his refund after telling him what he'd seen. Guy also got told not to come back or the police would be called.

      We found out also that what he was doing was picking up receipts out of the parking lot, coming into the store and picking up the item(s) listed on the receipt to get money.

      What a dumbass.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Sadly as part of our "no hassle" return policy this quy would most likely get away with it.
        Last edited by MadMike; 01-05-2009, 02:07 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting

