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Yeah, you do have to wait

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  • Yeah, you do have to wait

    Had this guy a few weeks ago. I went out to the garden center to give the girl out there her 15 minute break. She had a line maybe 4-5 people deep(because people who aren't even buying anything in the garden center still check out back there).
    I had a guy come up to me as I was waiting for her to finish with her current customer to switch. He held out a gift card and said something like "When she gets a chance, I'm getting X amount of Y mulch." He wanted to load up his truck or whatever before paying for it.
    I was just looking straight ahead because he was really close to me, and it would've been way too close for comfort if I turned to face him. I said "Oh...You'd have to wait in line to buy them.." And he stared at me for a second, then huffed and sighed, and went to the back of the line.
    -And good thing too, because I couldn't even find the mulch he wanted in the book they have back there to scan, so he had to bring one in.

    Also, the other day I had a line of people. Maybe 2-3 people. A guy comes up at the end of the line, and holds up some notebook and said "Can I pay for this in the garden center? I wanted to get some things from there as well."
    I told him yes, he could go back there to pay for it, and went back to my scanning.
    A few seconds later I looked up, and saw him walking out the front door with his unpaid for item
    Umm...who goes out the front door with an unpaid item to go to the garden center? It's connected to the store! Sure, maybe for some reason that didn't click with him, but why not ask, or set it down? He did go back there, but it still startled me.

  • #2
    Well maybe notebook dude was just having an off day. I know I do that sometimes.

    As for mulch guy, well sorry dude but maybe you`re just having a brain burp too.
    Last edited by Kirkygirl; 01-03-2009, 04:46 PM. Reason: Grammatical errors
    "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
      "Oh...You'd have to wait in line to buy them.."
      SC *whiney voice* But whyyyyyy???? Why should I have to wait???? Didn't you know that I'm special, so the rules don't apply to meeeee???????
      "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
      ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


      • #4
        We sell seasonal plants on for of our store, wreaths in winter, pumpkins in the fall, etc. We have caught so many people loading stuff in their car. When LP confronts them they say they were really going in to pay next.

        But who tries to steal a flower form a supermarket? I think I just answered my own question.


        • #5
          i personally hate the displays that are outside the store...
          it's great if you get them on the way in but... on the way out it's inconvienent O_o


          • #6
            Quoth mattm04 View Post
            But who tries to steal a flower form a supermarket? I think I just answered my own question.
            Anyone who thinks they can get away with it, which will be quite a few people.

            Seen this happen both at the WD and the Litter Box. And it's not just flowers they'll steal from outside the store.

            Christmas trees too. Bags of mulch and fertilizer (which WD carried almost every spring.) Potted plants, bedding plants, hanging baskets.

            In short, anything and everything that's not bolted down is fair game. Unless shoplifters start carrying bolt cutters in their vehicles.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

