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And todays suck counter reads...

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  • And todays suck counter reads...


    A light day if you will, mainly because it was raining and we all know how the entitlement kings and queens melt in the rain. It has to be said, I'm currently running low on suck-tolerance too due to a six day week and not having any cover or breaks, so, ya know, I'm getting narky quicker than normal too, which I find always helps when dealing with SC's

    So, SC1 :

    Him :"Have you got my book in yet?" (note the lack of hello, please, thank you...MANNERS)
    Me : "What's your name sir, I'll check for you."
    Him: "You don't need to know my ****** name, have you got my ***** book or not woman!"
    Me : "Without knowing your name sir, I have absolutely no idea and I really don't find myself disposed to answer to anyone calling me 'woman' and swearing at me."

    he was actually stunned enough to mutter an apology and leave. I believe that's one to me!

    SC2 :

    Woman hands me a kids book, watches me ring it in, bag it, place it on the counter, looks in her wallet and produces some kind of discount voucher. Brandishes it in my face practically touching my nose and mutters "Take that off the cost."

    I remove voucher from my sinus canal and examine. Explain to the woman that we're not a participating outlet in the scheme (of which I'd never heard by the by).

    Woman huffs and sighs, then just walks out. Leaving me with the book, still in it's bag and my till now needing an over-ring done on it completely knackering my perfect week of paperwork. The cost of the book she wouldn't spring for without the voucher ? £1.50.

    SC3 :

    Her : "do you have X's new one?"
    Me : "Oh yes, I had them come in this morning! *leads her to them on shelf, takes one down and hands her it with a smile, pleased that I had a customer I could help*
    Her : "How much is it?"
    Me : *points to price label that is apparently invisible without prompting from a staff member* "The price is on the front there. *smile*"
    Her : "OH that's much too much, I'll go and get it at Smith's, it's half price there you know!"
    Me : *shrugging and taking it back from her offered hand* "Fair enough Ma'am, thanks anyway."
    Her : *looks shocked* "Aren't you going to price match it?"
    Me : *still smiling* "No."
    Her : "Well that's ridiculous! EVERYWHERE price matches!"
    Me : "If you'd like us to price match smith's ma'am, I suggest you write to the publishers who offer the huge companies massive price cuts that we as independants don't have the option of obtaining."
    Her : *blustering* "WELL! that's ridiculous! Why don't you just go over there and buy the box set from them, then break it up and sell it here!"
    Me : "Because that's illegal and I have no wish to go to prison purely so that your child can read a book."

    She stormed out in high dugeon and sulked over to Smiths. Lucky them!

    SC4 :

    Me : "That's £16.97 please."
    Her : *really fast and all in one stream* "Oh right you don't mind all my change do you no good of course you don't cos shops always need change here you are..." *tips out purse of shrapnel onto the counter and proceeds to count out £16.97 exactly. In nothing over a 10p piece.


  • #2
    LuLu, you can give my store all that change
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Wow. For some people, four would be a month's worth of SCs.

      Poor Lulu...
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        When I say, "Don't worry about it, we needed the change anyway," I am lying. We've got one register and a bank right next door. We never need the change.
        You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


        • #5
          Damn, I wish you worked for Smith's...then we could cry on eahothers shoulders!

 work in a bookstore.....that is hell on it's own. You know who's bio everyone and their grandma is looking for at the moment.....CHANTELL!!!!!! WTF? This annoys me so much, she is a NOBODY! What could she possibly write a bio about that would make people care to read it? Some sad creature even told me yesterday that she was buying the Chantell book cause "Chantell is my idol". Wow!

          Sorry, I hate the Chantell book...oh, and Whitethorn Woods, by Binchy...all the old bags wanted that one, and are still coming in droves to get it.

          Smiths is expensive as all hell anyway.....I buy all my books at Tesco or an INDIE bookshop next door to
          "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


          • #6
            Oh see, now I've learnt, whilst we're not actually allowed to say "NO!! NO I don't want your manky hideous shrapnel that your kids pick up off the street!" I am allowed to "actively discourage" if I have a till full...course those words are open to a great deal of personal interpretation And please, Powerboy, take it...take it all!! I had £80 in coins last night, and I only have a £100 total float in the till!!

            Sadly, four is a light day for's the area we're in I think, on the edge of London, smack in the commuter belt, close to some very affluent little villages, it draws in the eccentric and weird.

            WH...I feel your best mate worked in Smith's for years and swore never to go back there! And what IS the deal with Chantell?! But it's not just her, they all want Jodie Marsh too! WTF?! I fear for the female youth of today if their idols are a woman famous for being thick and a page 3 girl! As it happens down here, the top sellers are the new "Series of Unfortunate Events"...*see story above * and, inexplicably, star sign books ?!

            Bless you for buying INDIE!!


            • #7
              Who price matches in the UK? Seriously, who? I have never seen any shops advertising price matching. Seedy double-glazing forms do price matching, not real shops.
              A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
              - Dave Barry


              • #8
                I've known a few electronic firms do it, though I've not seen the signs and they had clauses about not matching prices found on the Internet.



                • #9
                  Quoth WHShit View Post
         work in a bookstore.....that is hell on it's own. You know who's bio everyone and their grandma is looking for at the moment.....CHANTELL!!!!!! WTF? This annoys me so much, she is a NOBODY! What could she possibly write a bio about that would make people care to read it? Some sad creature even told me yesterday that she was buying the Chantell book cause "Chantell is my idol". Wow!
                  *to quote the Animaniacs*
                  "Bravo, encore."
                  "It's just like Ricky Fierstein."
                  *end quote*
                  Who's Chantell?
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lulu View Post
                    Him: "You don't need to know my ****** name, have you got my ***** book or not woman!"
                    "Sir, there are about 300 books behind my counter. Each one is identified by the name of the person who ordered it. If you don't tell me your name I'm going to start at one end off the shelf and read off the title book by book until I find yours. Or I can get your name and get your book in under 30 seconds. The choice is yours, I get paid by the hour either way."

                    The cost of the book she wouldn't spring for without the voucher ? £1.50.
                    "If £1.50 is too expensive for you then perhaps you should consider buying food and going to the Library."

                    Her : "do you have X's new one?"
                    Lemme guess...Harry Potter?

                    Her : *blustering* "WELL! that's ridiculous! Why don't you just go over there and buy the box set from them, then break it up and sell it here!"
                    "Because it's illegal, the police would come for me and I'd testify to the fact that I felt threatened by you and had no choice to do this heinous act and that I'm more than willing to testify against you in a desperate attempt to keep myself out of PMITA Prison."

                    *tips out purse of shrapnel onto the counter and proceeds to count out £16.97 exactly. In nothing over a 10p piece.
                    This is why I think every store should have a coin counting machine...just so we can tell these time wasters to bother the machine rather than us with the change purse fo doom.

                    Jesus! Don't these people understand that bills are MUCH lighter and easier on the back to carry?

                    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                    • #11
                      I think her problem was that of "everywhere else" price matching...all sane individuals know perfectly well that no one in the UK but two of the larger electrical stores price match

                      Juwl, Chantell is a pointless z list celebrity famous for being on big brother and being the girlfriend/wife of a half famous pop star. Not exactly rolemodel material unless you happen to be of the opinion that taking your clothes off on national TV and then sleeping with someone famous are great ways to earn a living.

                      Mongo... no, wasn't HP, was Series of Unforunate Events and YAY for Office Space references!!! Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to take the photocopier out back to a field and beat the crap out of it with a baseball bat to the stirring sounds of Geto Boys...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                        This is why I think every store should have a coin counting machine...just so we can tell these time wasters to bother the machine rather than us with the change purse fo doom.

                        Jesus! Don't these people understand that bills are MUCH lighter and easier on the back to carry?

                        I love those things. Usually, I take the voucher they print off and apply it to whatever I need to purchase.


                        • #13
                          I'm betting the next big bio will be "Colleen." You know, she's famous for being Rooney's girlf and not dumping him even tho he slept with a granny.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Lulu View Post
                            Not exactly rolemodel material unless you happen to be of the opinion that taking your clothes off on national TV and then sleeping with someone famous are great ways to earn a living.
                            Actually, that is a time-honored success formula in Hollywood.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                              I'm betting the next big bio will be "Colleen." You know, she's famous for being Rooney's girlf and not dumping him even tho he slept with a granny.
                              Rooney is more or less an idiot, the guy has a temper problem beyond reason. Seriously, why on earth would he sleep with a granny? He is one of the best footballers and he can get anyone he wants and he chooses her!?!?!
                              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

