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Ah, memories...

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  • Ah, memories...

    I was just thinking back to the days when I worked in a mall.
    Wow. How I escaped with my sanity, I'll never know.

    I lived in a small town at the time so you can imagine that we pretty much saw the same people quite often.
    There was this one creepy guy who hung out a LOT. He 'cornered' me one day when I worked for that now-defunct toy store and proceeded to tell me about his adventures with model rocket engines. He would assemble plastic car models (for example, the Batmobile), fit it with a rocket engine and set it off.
    If he'd been a teenager, I probably wouldn't have batted an eye, but he was in his thirties at least. He also had an affinity for these nasty chocolate Twizzler knock-offs we sold. He'd buy 5 bags at a time. Honestly, I tried one and it was like someone had solidified a YooHoo. Oh, those were nasty.
    I mentally refer to him as Young Frankenstein because he had this thick, unruly head of hair that he somehow managed to get into a squarish kind of shape.

    Then there was the one kid who constantly called us about Nintendo cartridges. We knew it was the same kid because he always spoke in the same monotone. He'd call and ask if we had something like, oh, Super Mario 3.
    Us: "No, I'm sorry we don't."
    Him: "When will you get it?"
    US: "We really don't know. Maybe in a few days."
    Him: CLICK
    30 minutes later (literally)...
    Phone rings.
    Him: "Got Super Mario 3 in yet?"
    Us: "No, we don't."
    Him: "When will you get it?"
    Us: "Didn't you just call us a few minutes ago?"
    Him: (and he actually said this) "No, that was my friend."

    Then there was the tacky lady with bad breath and too much make-up who worked around the corner at one of the few places to eat in the mall. She smelled like corndogs. Anyway, she was always trying to hit us up for deals on our toys (she apparently had quite the brood) and in return she'd hook us up with cheap or free food.
    Uh, thank you NO. You aren't worth me losing my job over and you smell like fried battered weiners. Go. Away.

    There were so many other freaks, weirdos, and downright loons, and thank goodness I can just look back on all that and laugh.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY

  • #2
    The mall caters to all kinds of "interesting" people too, so I'm sure you've probably had a lifetime's helping of the characters!

    We used to do that whole trading thing with a cinema down the street (I worked at a pizza place). We did it for awhile, but then the cinema totally screwed us over by giving us some weird tickets (instead of the complimentary ones that we usually got). After that, we stopped doing 'business' with them . . .
    This area is left blank for a reason.


    • #3
      Well, when I worked at the store in the mall, there was this one loser who came in one day and asked me to give a note to a co-worker...who happened to be female and rather attractive, the kind of person this dork would have no chance with.

      So I gave her the note. I figured she might as well know this ass clown is after her before he tries to hit on her out of the blue.

      We got a pretty good laugh out of it. He came in the store a lot after that looking for her and it took everything I had to keep from busting out laughing at him.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Demonoid, if you'll permit me, I think this is the perfect thread for a story from my pizza delivery days.

        It was early autumn, and I took a delivery out on a long-distance trip (about 7 miles out into the rural areas of our delivery zone). Two pizzas and some sides, totalling $47.75. It was in a trailer park. So I find the trailer and knock on the door. A guy in shorts and a wife-beater top opens the door. This man's stomach made him look like he had swallowed a beach ball, and he had scraggly hair on every inch of exposed skin. He smelled of beer, and I could see several empty cans on his coffee table.

        Guy: (Looking me over suspiciously) What?
        Me: You ordered the pizza, sir?
        Guy: (thinks)... Oh, yeah! How much?
        Me: $47.75, sir.
        Guy: K. (closes door)

        So now I'm thinking that he's gone to get the money. Maybe he closed the door because it's kinda chilly outside and he doesn't want to let the heat out. A minute passes. Two. Three. He's forgotten about me. I knock again.

        Guy: (Opens the door and gives me the suspicious look again) What?
        Me: (deja vu) You ordered the pizza?
        Guy: (looks at the wallet in his hand and thinks)... Oh, yeah! That's what I got this for! How much.
        Me: $47.75
        Guy: K. (Rummages through wallet, pulls out a fifty, and stares at it. For quite some time. Then looks at me.) How much?
        Me: $47.75
        Guy: (Almost proudly) Here's a twenty. Keep the change.

        So I thank him, thinking that it's close enough, and he probably meant to say "fifty" anyway. I take his fifty and start putting it into the change envelope I carried. And he closes the door. The door stays closed. He's forgotten me again. At this point the little voice in my head starts suggesting that I take the pizza and run. But I don't. I knock again.

        Guy: (Opens door. Now he's suspicious and almost angry.) What!
        Me: Did you want your pizza?
        Guy: (Thinks about it)... Oh, yeah!
        Me: (I hand him his pizza) There you are. Enjoy your dinner. (I turn to leave)
        Guy: Hey!
        Me: Yeah?
        Guy: Did I pay you for this?
        **Little Voice says "Say no! Say NO! Big tip!"**
        Me: Yes, you did.
        Guy: Are you sure?
        **Little Voice says "FIFTY DOLLAR TIP! SAY NO!"**
        Me: Yes, I'm sure.
        Guy: K. (Takes his pizza to the couch and coffee table, turns on the TV, and starts eating, leaving the door wide open)

        Crazy? Maybe. Drunk? Definitely.

        True story. Not my strangest encounter, but it's a fun one to tell.
        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
        - Bill Watterson

        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
        - IPF


        • #5
          Those of us with the weaker character would be 50 dollars richer now :P
          I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


          • #6
            HawaiianShirts, I have to ask, how much damn pizza did the guy order? I'm just curious, because I'd figure a large 1 or 2 topping would be between $10-15 or so depending on the deal. (That's what the Godfather's and Domino's coupons on my fridge door say more or less.) $47.75 for a pizza delivery order should, in theory, feed one person unhealthily for a solid week at least.

            Of course, it'd almost make sense that Beachball Gut would order that much pizza and have no idea what he's doing as he's doing it.

            As far as my nutty-ass customers, one that comes to mind was a guy who was upset that we didn't have his particular smokes. I'd told him that we didn't carry the kind (Vantage or Liggetts or something like that) and he insisted I'd sold him a pack of the same three days ago. Even though I knew it would do no good, I tried to explain that a.) I wasn't at work three days ago, and b.) I'd been at the store (at that time) eighteen months and had never in that time sold whatever kind of cheapies he wanted. He called me a f*cking liar (said the kettle to the pot,) said he was going to tell the local TV station, and stormed out the door.

            Never saw the guy again, although one of the TV weather guys came in the next night to get a 12-pack. I did ask, and although he didn't know if the nut had gone to the station he did say that kind of thing has happened before. Personally, if the TV stations actually would put some of these nutjobs on air, I'd buy a TiVo just for that.
            "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


            • #7
              Quoth counterjockey View Post
              HawaiianShirts, I have to ask, how much damn pizza did the guy order?
              The shop I worked for was the only pizza place in a rather small town, so we almost had a monopoly. He got two large (16") Combos (7-toppings), which were around $16 each. And several sides, like hot wings and breadsticks and cinnamon twists and stuff like that. At that time, the boss also added a delivery charge (for any delivery over two miles away, he tacked on 50 cents per mile above the two). Plus tax.

              Good food. Not cheap. Now they've got some competition, though. The town is growing. A Domino's just moved in, and a Little Caesar's is being built. Some of the prices are dropping.
              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
              - Bill Watterson

              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
              - IPF


              • #8
                Quoth counterjockey View Post
                He called me a f*cking liar (said the kettle to the pot,) said he was going to tell the local TV station, and stormed out the door.

                Never saw the guy again, although one of the TV weather guys came in the next night to get a 12-pack.
                Impeccable timing!!!!!!!
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                  Crazy? Maybe. Drunk? Definitely.
                  I'm guessing stoned.

                  A buddy of mine decided to try that for the first time, right before we went bowling. It made him really stupid.

                  Before we started bowling, we went up to the snack counter. He bought a soda, and I bought some food. He ordered his soda, paid for it, and then walked away without it. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed his soda, walked over, and handed it to him. He gave me this blank look, and asked, "What's this for?" And then, "Oh!" as the realization suddenly sunk in.

                  Normally, he could beat me two out of three games, but I kicked his ass that night.
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #10
                    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                    Guy: (Looking me over suspiciously) What?
                    Me: You ordered the pizza, sir?
                    Guy: (thinks)... Oh, yeah! How much?
                    Me: $47.75, sir.
                    Guy: K. (closes door)
                    A long run indeed, at least he paid for it though and it wasn't a prank. And you did get a tip out of the deal, although not a very large one for the distance. And a great memory/story to go with it!
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MadMike View Post
                      I'm guessing stoned.

                      A buddy of mine decided to try that for the first time, right before we went bowling. It made him really stupid.

                      Before we started bowling, we went up to the snack counter. He bought a soda, and I bought some food. He ordered his soda, paid for it, and then walked away without it. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed his soda, walked over, and handed it to him. He gave me this blank look, and asked, "What's this for?" And then, "Oh!" as the realization suddenly sunk in.
                      My god.. I've delivered to some seriously stoned stoners that would make Chong look straightedge. And they've never ordered that much.. for.. themselves. Nor have they forgotten why I was there or that I was there at all, they're usually acting like I'm their best friend when I show up for some reason (munchies much?). The biggest stoner order I've had was 2 large thin crusts and some chicken wings for 1 person - and I suspect he was doing what I normally do when getting delivery, take advantage of a good "2 for $$" deal and toss the extra in the fridge for the next day.

                      I can't say I've ever forgotten (for long) items on a counter when on a munchie run myself - occasionally I'll leave one, then walk right back up to the counter before hitting the door and grab it (and I'm usually not stoned when I do this!). I may have wiped out my entire pantry while stoned a couple of times though.

                      I also tend to bowl much better while stoned, but I've been smoking the stuff regularly for the past 9 years too (can't figure out why my memory is so bad...)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        Well, when I worked at the store in the mall, there was this one loser who came in one day and asked me to give a note to a co-worker...who happened to be female and rather attractive, the kind of person this dork would have no chance with.

                        So I gave her the note. I figured she might as well know this ass clown is after her before he tries to hit on her out of the blue.

                        We got a pretty good laugh out of it. He came in the store a lot after that looking for her and it took everything I had to keep from busting out laughing at him.
                        Damn, that was one sucky customer, huh?
                        You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.

