And today, by 'snow', I mean temperatures so farking cold your skin BURNS when you step outside. So, henceforth, most administrators at local schools decided to call off school today ('snow' day) as to ensure the safety of all little ones headed to school so that they wouldn't turn into little popsicles. I understand - 'it takes a village...blather, blather, blather'.
So, imagine your a Midwestern Entitled Mom. You're stuck with the little darlings at home today rather than shipping them off to have tantrums for their underpaid, underappreciated teachers. What ever shall you do?
#1 Plan a day of fun inside - making crafts, cooking, watching movies, playing games?
#2 Load up the little kids and dump them off unattended without proper outerwear (say coats and mittens) at my mall?
If you guessed number 2 - you win and all expense paid trip to the third level of hell - My work today where we were expected to babysit these little hellions as young as 10(!) WITHOUT PARENTAL UNIT ANYWHERE IN ATTENDANCE!
To all those entitled mom's - a big EFFFFFFFFFF YOUUUUUUUU! And if it weren't for the fact that in your amazing act of parental neglect of insisting on proper clothes - one little girl about 13 was in a tank top and flip flops when it was NEGATIVE 11 DEGREES FARENHEIT! - we would have kicked the rotten little beggars out!
Some people are just ignorant turds.
So, imagine your a Midwestern Entitled Mom. You're stuck with the little darlings at home today rather than shipping them off to have tantrums for their underpaid, underappreciated teachers. What ever shall you do?
#1 Plan a day of fun inside - making crafts, cooking, watching movies, playing games?
#2 Load up the little kids and dump them off unattended without proper outerwear (say coats and mittens) at my mall?
If you guessed number 2 - you win and all expense paid trip to the third level of hell - My work today where we were expected to babysit these little hellions as young as 10(!) WITHOUT PARENTAL UNIT ANYWHERE IN ATTENDANCE!
To all those entitled mom's - a big EFFFFFFFFFF YOUUUUUUUU! And if it weren't for the fact that in your amazing act of parental neglect of insisting on proper clothes - one little girl about 13 was in a tank top and flip flops when it was NEGATIVE 11 DEGREES FARENHEIT! - we would have kicked the rotten little beggars out!
Some people are just ignorant turds.