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Was this an SC or my fault?

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  • Was this an SC or my fault?

    Hello, first a little bit about me - I was diagnosed with depression and social phobia (due to bullying), and am currently being assessed for Asperger's Syndrome and possibly ADD. I've received treatment for the SP to the point where I can serve customers with almost zero anxiety, but I still find rude ones difficult to deal with.

    Today, this woman came up and wanted a refund on some items, so I got to the point just before rufunding her money...

    SC: I got discount on these goods using promotional vouchers.
    Me: Oh, sorry, I didn't realise that (I thought she had used gift vouchers to pay, which looks similar to promotional vouchers, in which case the transaction would go as normal)

    I wasn't sure what to do since we didn't have the promotional vouchers to scan, and I'd never come across this before.

    Me: I'll have to go and check with the manager, I'm not sure how this will work.
    SC, irritated: Well hurry up, I have to pick my children up!

    At this point I thought "uh oh" and rushed off to find the manager. I couldn't find her, but managed to find someone else who told me what to do. On my way back to SC another customer pulled me over and asked me for help, I said I would get someone for them and went off to try and find someone to help this customer. I found someone and headed back to SC. At this point I was beginning to panic a little because I'd kept the SC waiting because of the other customer.

    I had to cancel the previous transaction and start again, although it went faster the second time round because i had all the info from the cancelled receipt. While I was inputting the transaction...

    SC, angrily: For god sake, I can't believe this! I'm forced to wait for being honest! This is ridiculous!

    At this point I started shaking a little and started to panic even more, which lead to me hitting the wrong button

    Me: Oh no, I'm sorry i hit the wrong button
    SC, super-angry: Oh my god, this is ridiculous! I have to pick my kids up and you're keeping be back!

    So I keyed in the transaction again, shaking even more and panicing even more....which lead to me forgetting to take off the discount

    SC: <yelling in front of everyone to coworker> Will you come down here and do this for me, because this guy obviously doesn't know what he's doing!
    SC: Four times!?!
    Me: I said i was sorry.

    I did the transaction again, this time correctly. The customer went off.

    I couldn't stop shaking, went upstairs and cried like a girl. I felt so stupid that I couldn't get it right, but after talking to a few people they said that when you panic you lose control and your mind goes blank, you can't think properly. I still felt stupid and really depressed afterwards though.

  • #2
    Welcome to CS!

    No one has the right to scream at you. Period.

    I can understand her being a bit frustrated but it's quite obvious she was taking her life/problems out on you.

    You must master the art of Jedi Apathy young Padawan.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      Quoth NightAngel View Post
      You must master the art of Jedi Apathy young Padawan.
      And the art of walking away. You can do that, too.
      "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Silent but deadly farts as you go are rather good fun.

        Take your intestinal revenge when you can



        • #5
          i know the feeling
          i was bullied and have social anxiety now although i can function in some situations some make me panic and flee
          no one should make someone else get to that point, especially for something so trivial
          hope she never comes back


          • #6
            I still wonder why people feel the need to do last second shopping, then scream about how they're in a hurry...
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              i would have ***continued*** to hit the wrong key 6 or 7 more times.



              • #8
                Quoth wblastyn View Post
                SC, super-angry: Oh my god, this is ridiculous! I have to pick my kids up and you're keeping be back!
                Time for the CS Mantra:

                A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9

                  she was cs all the way; her 'last second' trip before picking up her children was her decision, so what lordlunar chants truly applies.

                  she should have done the opposite, if it was such a big deal, rather than do the shopping first.

                  as for her yelling, well, the sc says it all!

                  sorry about the social phobia; i was also bullied when young-mine is similar, but it translated into a general dislike/mistrust of most people, instead of social phobia (or maybe that is a form of social phobia, i don't really know). i'm glad to hear that you're working through it all.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Poor you. And it wasn't your fault, that woman was a grade A bitch.

                    I was bullied as a child, which to me ended up as a feeling of superiority to other people, as well as a feeling of mistrust of people's motives. I once feared I was sociopathic, so it was almost a relief when someone suggested I might have Aspergers.
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #11
                      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                      sorry about the social phobia; i was also bullied when young-mine is similar, but it translated into a general dislike/mistrust of most people, instead of social phobia (or maybe that is a form of social phobia, i don't really know).
                      I aggree with you all the way, and I have the samethingas you. I have a general distrust of most people. I get the vibes off people. I like everyone else, got picked on, when I was younger.
                      Last edited by Ree; 10-23-2006, 11:47 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Thanks all for the kind replies. The last time i mentioned my social phobia I got mocked badly. The irony is it was on a forum for prospective medical students... they said that didn't need people like me in medicine and that I should try McDonalds instead.

                        Does anyone know if there's a law in place that allows you to refuse service to abusive customers?

                        SC: I demand you serve me!
                        Me: Well I was going to but then I remembered, I have free will. :P


                        • #13
                          I forgot to say that when I snapped back at the customer it felt so surreal! I was thinking about saying "I'm only human", then suddenly it just flew out, it felt like it wasn't really happening. I realise I didn't say anything particularly nasty, but it was new for me - actually showing my anger towards a customer. Usually I'm super-nice to everyone, so it was pretty weird for me.

                          Needless to say I was pleased with myself that i said something back, although I wish I had've said something super-witty, but I can never think of anything when I'm panicing.

                          I would love something like this to happen....

                          SC, having been nasty: I'm reporting you to your manager!
                          Me: Yeah, well, I'm reporting you to "The Online Community(TM)!" (ie. you guys lol) *Dun dun dunnnnn...*
                          SC: NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!


                          • #14
                            Oh, I soo wish that. I have fantasies like that too. Feel free to PM me any time, and don't worry. ^^
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #15
                              Quoth wblastyn View Post
                              Does anyone know if there's a law in place that allows you to refuse service to abusive customers?
                              Repeat with me the following magical words:

                              "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

