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Really. It's not hard.

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  • Really. It's not hard.

    Oh God. To think of the innuendos any of my CWs would pull from that. Not just ordinary innuendos. MEGA-innuendos.

    There are certain stupidities (is that a word?) that seem to recur nearly EVERY DAY... Wordings may vary slightly from time to time but the gist remains.

    Dear Mum, VISA.

    Me: And the card message?
    SC: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
    Me: ............. and the expiry?
    SC: xx/xx
    Me: And the CCV [insert explanation here, NO ONE IN AUSTRALIA grasps the concept of the CCV]
    SC: .............................. xxx
    Me: And the card message?
    SC: .....
    Me: .....
    SC: .....
    Me: What message would you like attached to the flowers?

    I now have visions of the look of utter bewilderment on someone's face as they opened a card attached to a bouquet:

    Dear Mum,

    VISA xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx xx/xx xxx

    Billy-Bob *hyuk*

    The customer is always ri- waitaminnit.

    Enter the screaming madwoman. She received an EXTREMELY expensive, and EXQUISITE bouquet of spray roses, in pastel pink. There were about five bunches of them in there. FIVE bunches. Her claim? "They would NEVER dare to send me something like this, it's horrible, and they're dead!" A one-sided argument ensued. She brought in her sister, and I brought in my mother (whom I introduced as my manager because, well, in this case she is just that. lol). She then came out with:
    "But I'm the customer!"

    Some tips:

    1) Firstly, they did send you that. Well actually something similar, but the item of <relay service>'s website actually has a type of rose that you can't get in WA. Well, you can get it, but by the time it comes via Melbourne, gets fumigated on the way in to Melbourne AND again on the way to Perth, and gets sufficiently mishandled... They're crappy and die quickly like good SCs should do. Nonetheless, that is what was ordered, and we substituted the closest possible flower of greater quality. We even printed off a picture of what was ordered and showed it to the dragon.

    2) You are not the customer. You did not pay for these flowers. You are just some ungrateful sow who someone was foolish enough to send their thoughts to. <She did kinda back off when the instant reply to her "I'm the customer" crap was "Actually, you're not. The person who paid for the flowers is.">

    3) roses have protective petals on the outside of each bloom. They are green and wrinkled, sometimes they're even brown. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE FLOWERS ARE DEAD. Peel the goddamn protective petals off.

    4) Don't call me a liar when I'm explaining something in my own field of expertise.

    5) Go die in a hole.

    6) By the way, don't bother asking me for all the details of the order. We do have an obligation to the privacy of the customer. No, we won't waver from it.

    Ahh, CBF finishing this post yet. I'll come back to it later.
    Tell me if you've had one of these kinds of people.
    Tell me ALL about it. Muahahahahahahahahaha
    Last edited by Epic FRAIL; 01-19-2009, 07:50 AM. Reason: Add details

  • #2
    Quoth Epic FRAIL View Post
    Oh God. To think of the innuendos any of my CWs would pull from that. Not just ordinary innuendos. MEGA-innuendos.
    Board admins as well

    2) You are not the customer. You did not pay for these flowers. You are just some ungrateful sow who someone was foolish enough to send their thoughts to. <She did kinda back off when the instant reply to her "I'm the customer" crap was "Actually, you're not. The person who paid for the flowers is."
    Takes me back to my time in retail when a worker along the parade bought some pre-prepared flowers for her parents. Her mother brought them back demanding a refund because some of the flowers were dead.

    They were statis (spelling?), and for those not in the know they're dried flowers intended to improve the look of a display.

    They got their daughter's money back, and their daughter didn't talk to them for a month.



    • #3
      I think it's spelled "statice".


      • #4
        Haha yeah.

        One thing I didn't mention and will edit in when I can be stuffed is that the spray roses, which she thought were dead, weren't actually dead. Roses have protective petals on the outside of the bloom which are usually green and wrinkled. These petals are usually just picked off when putting the bouquet together, though this was impractical with so many blooms in one bouquet. SC and her sister/minion failed to grasp this.


        • #5
          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
          Board admins as well

          They were statis (spelling?), and for those not in the know they're dried flowers intended to improve the look of a display.
          Agreed! I had an arrangement sit on a desk for about a year, and it still looked lovely.

          They got their daughter's money back, and their daughter didn't talk to them for a month.
          Isn't that illegal? Getting money back for something you didn't buy? Unless she had a gift receipt or something, but I didn't think people got gift receipts for flowers.
          Confirmed altoholic.


          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            They were statis (spelling?), and for those not in the know they're dried flowers intended to improve the look of a display.
            The only thing I can think of is Statice... But they aren't always dried. lol
            That said, even fresh, they look dead anyhow. lol

            This the one?


            Quoth ShadedWings View Post
            Isn't that illegal? Getting money back for something you didn't buy? Unless she had a gift receipt or something, but I didn't think people got gift receipts for flowers.
            Nope. You don't get gift receipts for flowers. EVER.

            So in theory that would be highly illegal unless they took the actual receipt with them. Ore the person who ordered it...
            Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-19-2009, 06:56 PM. Reason: consecutive posts


            • #7
              I know what a CCV is.
              If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


              • #8
                Quoth Epic FRAIL View Post
                Dear Mum,

                VISA xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx xx/xx xxx

                Billy-Bob *hyuk*

                Aww, how nice. He's letting me use his credit card.


                • #9
                  On Sat I got a call from a florist making sure I would be home for a delivery.
                  I spent the next 45 min trying to figure out whom sent me flowers. (I knew the way it was my b-day Sunday)
                  They arrived from the first person I guessed.
                  They are lovely.
                  Green is my favorite color . . .they put green mini mums in to add some green for me . . .I adore it. (vs just adding leaves to add green)

                  So on behalf of a "customer" Thank you to those in the floral industry for helping spread joy. (My friend who ordered the flowers is happy based on my being happy . . .I took photos to show them to her)


                  • #10
                    Quoth corporateslave View Post

                    Aww, how nice. He's letting me use his credit card.
                    That's what I was thinking. I'm not a big fan of flowers (being male and generally allergic to the pollen and such in most of them), but I'd be thrilled to get a bouquet with that message! Go turn those flowers into a steak dinner... with a drink and a dessert... and a couple new video games... and a new TV to play them on while I'm at it.
                    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                    - Bill Watterson

                    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                    - IPF


                    • #11
                      Quoth Nyoibo View Post
                      I know what a CCV is.
                      OH THANK GOD!!!!! PLEASE MULTIPLY!!!!!! AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!!



                      • #12
                        Quoth Epic FRAIL View Post
                        OH THANK GOD!!!!! PLEASE MULTIPLY!!!!!! AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!!

                        I think we have actually found a good way to test if someone is smart enough to be a parent
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

