This one is from my wife. She didn't want to create her own account since I share all the good stories with her anyway. BTW, she works at Michael's Arts and Crafts in the framing department.
I was at the frame counter with a customer when I hear a loud crash in one of the nearby aisles (the telltale sound of sombody dropping a frame). I hate when this happens because I don't know if sombody got hurt and since I'm the only one there I have to leave the customer stranded waiting for me while I deal with sombody else's dumbassity. Anyway, I excuse myself from the customer and go into the aisle where I heard the crash to find a couple trying to walk away from a broken frame and shards of glass all over. I tell them "Ok, Don't touch any of the glass, Just stay there while I go get a broom and a glass can." They turned around and looked at me like a deer in headlights.
I went to go get the broom and the can we put broken glass in, I wasn't gone 2 minutes. When I returned to the aisle the woman has dissapeared and the man was in the next aisle looking at other frames. I just shook my head and mumbled somthing about being rude. As I'm sweeping up the glass the guy comes back and has the balls to say a very sing songy "Here she is!" then tell me about how it wasn't his fault and he didn't do it and all that. I tell him "I'm not concerned about who did it, I'm concerned about the fact that sombody could've cut themself on unattended broken glass."
Serioiusly, All I did was ask them to stand there an guard it so nobody would hurt themselves. How freaking rude is that, to leave busted glass lying all over an aisle?
I was at the frame counter with a customer when I hear a loud crash in one of the nearby aisles (the telltale sound of sombody dropping a frame). I hate when this happens because I don't know if sombody got hurt and since I'm the only one there I have to leave the customer stranded waiting for me while I deal with sombody else's dumbassity. Anyway, I excuse myself from the customer and go into the aisle where I heard the crash to find a couple trying to walk away from a broken frame and shards of glass all over. I tell them "Ok, Don't touch any of the glass, Just stay there while I go get a broom and a glass can." They turned around and looked at me like a deer in headlights.
I went to go get the broom and the can we put broken glass in, I wasn't gone 2 minutes. When I returned to the aisle the woman has dissapeared and the man was in the next aisle looking at other frames. I just shook my head and mumbled somthing about being rude. As I'm sweeping up the glass the guy comes back and has the balls to say a very sing songy "Here she is!" then tell me about how it wasn't his fault and he didn't do it and all that. I tell him "I'm not concerned about who did it, I'm concerned about the fact that sombody could've cut themself on unattended broken glass."
Serioiusly, All I did was ask them to stand there an guard it so nobody would hurt themselves. How freaking rude is that, to leave busted glass lying all over an aisle?