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One from the Wife

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  • One from the Wife

    This one is from my wife. She didn't want to create her own account since I share all the good stories with her anyway. BTW, she works at Michael's Arts and Crafts in the framing department.

    I was at the frame counter with a customer when I hear a loud crash in one of the nearby aisles (the telltale sound of sombody dropping a frame). I hate when this happens because I don't know if sombody got hurt and since I'm the only one there I have to leave the customer stranded waiting for me while I deal with sombody else's dumbassity. Anyway, I excuse myself from the customer and go into the aisle where I heard the crash to find a couple trying to walk away from a broken frame and shards of glass all over. I tell them "Ok, Don't touch any of the glass, Just stay there while I go get a broom and a glass can." They turned around and looked at me like a deer in headlights.

    I went to go get the broom and the can we put broken glass in, I wasn't gone 2 minutes. When I returned to the aisle the woman has dissapeared and the man was in the next aisle looking at other frames. I just shook my head and mumbled somthing about being rude. As I'm sweeping up the glass the guy comes back and has the balls to say a very sing songy "Here she is!" then tell me about how it wasn't his fault and he didn't do it and all that. I tell him "I'm not concerned about who did it, I'm concerned about the fact that sombody could've cut themself on unattended broken glass."

    Serioiusly, All I did was ask them to stand there an guard it so nobody would hurt themselves. How freaking rude is that, to leave busted glass lying all over an aisle?

  • #2
    Happens a lot where I work...jerks.

    Also, hello Mara-chan's wife


    • #3
      Quoth Hobbs View Post
      Also, hello Mara-chan's wife

      *wife waves back*

      There's just no common courtesy from people anymore. When me and the Mrs were in Linens and Things and she broke a candle jar, we stood there helping block the aisle until they came to pick it up. She felt so bad she wanted to help. You just can't expect people to be as courteous as you were raised.


      • #4
        I was at Wally World when I broke a large castle for a fish tank. I called over a smocker and showed him the accident. He cleaned it up, and I scurried off to do other shopping.

        I have also stood guard when I've dropped a carton of milk. I didn't want anyone to fall, and the grocer was shocked that I wanted to pay for the milk. He looked so very confused. He didn't make me pay.

        But yeah, I think a lot of people think more "I broke, but I don't want to buy it. I MUST RUN AWAY!" instead of the "Oh crap! Danger! I must protect others from it until the nice lady comes back with a broom"

        Hi nice lady!
        Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

        Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
        Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


        • #5
          Mara-Chan has a wife! Hi, Mara's Wife! Dudette, Mara's one of my favourite people! Probably because of the -chan suffix, but hey.
          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.

